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Find Your Balance With Rest And Relaxation

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs I made my way into 2020, with great intentions and resolutions, I found that my life was full of busyness, obligations and a calendar quickly filling up. My 2020 vision board was filled with new goals and dreams, and my employer was eager to roll out new duties and processes to an already demanding workload.

I felt hopeful for all the things I wanted to accomplish, ready to take on all of the manifesting and challenges with gusto. Determined to find balance. But, as I look back over the past few weeks, I realize that I was reluctant to get going.

I began to cut corners in my new workout regime, and my meditation practice was not as frequent and strong as I knew it could be. I was not focused on my goals and felt myself burning out quickly in all tasks. My plate was full and the harder I tried, I had to admit, I was just not into it.

I have been feeling absolutely overwhelmed by the huge amount of work I needed to catch up on. My workout goal has only been making me more tired. As I procrastinated on the items on my ‘to do list’ and the commitments piled up, I actually felt more paralyzed than motivated.

Instead of trudging further through the process in a reluctant mood, I then chose to make an abrupt halt for a few days and simply rest. Just rest. Took a break. Time out. I cleared all of my commitments and turned off connection to all work items. I had no need to get out of my pajamas for a few days. I ordered takeout and let any dishes and laundry wait for a while.

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The Miracle Healing Power Of Prayer

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery month, I host a healing prayer circle. All those who show up are invited to share what has been going on in their lives. Whoever may need a listening ear or a prayer, we go to work and pray for them.

Sometimes just listening to someone else’s problems can also be very healing. Many people don’t have anyone in their lives who will listen, and sometimes people say they will pray for us, but don’t.

There is much power in prayer. I once again witnessed this with a lady who, while attending one of our prayer circles, experienced a instant healing miracle.

She is a mature woman who lives on her own and doesn’t do much else but attend a knitting group and our monthly prayer circle. During one of our gatherings she shared how grateful she was for the group and that she urgently needed a prayer for herself this time. She had never before asked that we pray for her.

She had been experiencing severe pain in her spine and painful rashes. Her doctor had examined her two weeks prior and told her she had the viral infection known as shingles. She showed us some of the rashes on her body and it was clear that this was a severe case.

We then laid our hands on her, everyone present that day, and we prayed for her. She started to vibrate. I could feel it clearly in my hands. Her entire body was subtly vibrating and two of the other women said they could feel it too. I could also perceive white energy going through her entire body, and she said she could feel it too.

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Keep Your Intuitive Energy Flowing

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive, or a pure empath, then chances are you find yourself periodically, or even frequently flipping the ‘off switch’ on your gifts in daily life. You certainly can’t process, neither share with everyone, the energetic information that is streaming 24/7. Sometimes it is also not understood, welcomed or trusted by others.

But, as you have no doubt noticed, this does not prevent the energy information or spiritual messages from showing up. For the gifted person this can feel like a concrete wall, especially when they are first utilizing their gifts and abilities. Many overly eager psychic mediums, intuitives and empaths have been met with a harsh rebuff, when they were starting out, from those they were genuinely trying to help, or wished to share an important message with.

Over time, if you are in an social environment that is less than open or supportive, this can cause you to doubt your own abilities, or force you to try and shut them down completely, in order to fit in, or avoid ridicule and criticism. But here’s the thing: you really can’t shut your gifts down completely.

You can ignore, rationalize, temporarily mute your gifted nature, but the bottom line is that it is here to stay. You were born with your extra-sensory abilities and healing gifts. They may have just recently surfaced for you, or you may have been aware of them from an early age. Whatever your circumstance, your gifts are a part of you, just as your eyes, arms and legs are a part of your body.

So, you might as well learn to deal with it more effectively. You will become much more comfortable with your gifts and abilities if you know how to keep yourself safe, healthy and strong, so that your energy can be powerful and free flowing.

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Soul Group Zen Connections

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love when you meet a new friend and they are on the same wavelength. It usually feels like you have known them forever and you can just talk for hours, completely losing track of time. Time does fly when we connect with those who are in the same soul group.

I recently had the rare experience of talking with someone who, like me, is also intuitive, emphatic, sensitive, and loves the Tarot and crystals. It was a blessing and rare opportunity to talk to someone with whom I have so much in common on a spiritual level.

We soon discovered that we have both learned to set up healthy boundaries in our lives, including with our in-laws. We also lived in the same city for the first five years of our lives. There are also many other personal things we have in common.

I call this state of resonance with someone or something ‘to be in zen.’ When we are in zen with someone, we are connecting with a kindred spirit. It happens smoothly and easily, as our energy is in alignment with our own truth and theirs. No hang-ups, no snares, no issues, no resistance.

I also believe we are divinely guided towards those who share our soul group. Like attracts like, and this creates a positive domino effect with everything just smoothly energized and aligned. Our health, happiness, well-being benefit from it on all levels.

My Spirit Guide once put it to me like this and it makes perfect sense: “When you go through life not recharged or reenergized, you tend to not connect well spiritually.” There are many ways to recharge our spiritual batteries, including meditation, a healthy lifestyle, being charitable, and so on.

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The Energizing Power Of Quartz Crystal

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comQuartz crystal is a stone of power. Some call it the ‘universal stone’ due to its multiple uses. It enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, and balancing energy. But in particular it is used to receive universal energy.

Quartz also improves our thinking, since thoughts are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is very beneficial for manifestation, healing, meditation, protection and channeling. Due to its ability to balance energy, quartz is also excellent for harmonizing our environment, as well as energizing other crystals.

Quartz crystals, especially Amethyst, enable us to align our body with planet Earth. The quartz crystals help us to raise our vibration. So, when you feel sad, pessimistic, or abandoned and desperate due to the challenges of life, you can use amethysts or any other quartz crystal to recharge your energy and empower yourself.

Crystal attracts positive energy from planet Earth, while helping us to release out of the body the negative emotions and feelings of stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and all negative emotions of defeat or low vibration. One of the ways that quartz acts in the body is like an energetic shield that creates a bubble of spiritual light around your body.

Quartz also helps purify any negative vibration from your space, since they emanate a large amount of energy that you can use to thrive. They further help clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and disorder.

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Smudging Your Home To Clear Negative Energy

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt’s a good idea to cleanse the energy in your home once a week, in my opinion. I do this with smudging, going around the perimeters of my house asking the powers that be to bless and protect my home and those who dwell in it. It helps to keep negativity and toxic energy out.

Smudging is an ancient shamanic practice and a ceremony practiced by Indigenous peoples of the Americas, which involves the burning of sacred herbs and resins. The smoke is believed to neutralize negative energy – as it clears it takes the unwanted, toxic energy with it, releasing it into another realm where it can be regenerated into positive energy.

I have also attended Catholic church ceremonies several times in my lifetime. They always start with incense at the beginning of a service. I like to describe it as ‘cleaning the negativity and toxic cobwebs’ that have accumulated. Yes, homes collect all kinds of energy over time, just like dust on a lampshade. And it needs to be cleaned! Every home benefits from a frequent smudging.

I especially like to always smudge after any negative encounter that may have taken place in my space – literally anything negative, be it the presence of an actual person, a bad dream, or telephonic argument with a loved one, I like to clear out that energy, as it makes my home brighter and lighter. As a highly sensitive empath, I just love the feeling of fresh, peaceful energy in my home.

On smudging days, I first dust my home and clean it, always with the windows wide open. Then I smudge myself, before smudging my home. I cleanse my own aura from my feet up, then go back down in a swirling motion all around my entire body. I use both hands when doing this, to evenly move the smudging stick around me. I visualize my aura being cleansed completely.

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How To Slow Down Time

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a world today where we are constantly being challenged to get everything done as a matter of urgency. We have to check every item on our ‘to-do lists’ by a specific deadline, which leads to stress overload and energy depletion.

The pressure to constantly perform drains our energy, which ultimately leads to exhaustion, depression, irritability and even ill health. It also negatively impacts our day-to-day interactions with others. And from personal experience, you can’t truly enjoy any task or moment when you’re always in a rush, or living only for the future.

Let me remind you today that it’s okay to sometimes ‘press pause’ for a moment and allow life to just flow in its own time, without getting frustrated or stressed. Inner peace comes from surrendering time to the Universe and finding a routine that works for your unique needs. Here are some ways you can slow down time and help you live in the present:

Breathing – Get involved in a form of exercise that encourages you to breathe deeply, like Yoga, Qigong, and even strength training.

Disconnect – Logout from the internet and social media on a regular basis.

Recreation – Go for a walk in the woods, sit by water or find a beautiful landscape that you find calming. Use your hands to make something with food or art materials. Continue reading

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