Honor Yourself With Unconditional Love
Dear loves, the message we bring to you today is about unconditional love. We want to help you know and understand more about this earthly concept of love, this love that you so desire and, indeed, richly deserve.
The first thing you need to know and accept about love is that love in action means freedom; freedom for you to be yourself, and freedom for the other person to be themselves. This is what true love really means. You must be able to allow that other soul to flourish, to fly, to be all that they can be.
Doing anything less than that is not love, it is entrapment. It is expectation. It is setting you up to be hurt and disappointed. We know that you are not used to this concept but some things are true, whether or not you believe them to be so.
Can anyone else be you? Can you be anybody else? The answer to both these questions is no. You were born into your body, which is your earthly vessel. Each body comes in different shapes and sizes, just as each soul inside that body has different needs and wants and dreams.
True unconditional love only comes once you accept yourself for who you are, in all your glory and your entire splendor. Another cannot honor you, if you are not honoring yourself. It may be what you have been taught throughout the years, but We are older than time itself and We tell you the way to achieve love is by setting yourself free to the Universe and the glories of that world.
Your Light, your own individual grace and purpose, can then start to glow, and the one whom is meant to enjoy that, the one whom speaks your language can then find you. For you have only just begun to live.
Making The Most Of Psychic Guidance
Sometimes you receive information in a psychic reading that you do not immediately understand or may think does not apply to you at all. Never disregard any information or message you receive. It may not make much sense at the time, but it usually will make a lot more sense later on.
When there are aspects of a reading that you do not understand, you may think the psychic is making a mistake or she does not know what she is talking about. You may even be critical or skeptical of her psychic ability. But if you are consulting a gifted, reputable reader then you can be sure she is simply relaying what spirit is communicating.
There is much we do not know or understand about the mysteries of life. The ways of God, Spirit, Source, the Universe does not always make sense to our limited human perspective. The best approach is to keep an open mind and to not be afraid to grow, change and evolve. Always remember there is a higher power that guides and protects us.
Psychics often say your guides are “giving you signs.” This means your guides are sending you messages, trying to nudge you in a certain direction, or assisting you in some way. Pay more attention and be aware.
Change is uncomfortable and the truth can be challenging. It can be extremely uncomfortable for some people. But we must never hide or be in denial. If you follow the guidance of spirit you can start to make the right choices for yourself, instead of being guided by fear or ignorance. Things will start to fall into place if you follow the signs.
The Truth Be Told
Have you ever been told you are just too honest? Well, I have, and this very statement has given me a lot of food for thought. I have been wondering why being honest does not typically win any popularity contests?
It took a lot of meditation and mulling it over in my mind for several days, for me to finally decide how I felt about people being ‘too honest.’
Truth be told, I would much rather be honest and deal with other ‘overly honest’ people, than the opposite. I prefer not to have people smile to my face, and then later stab me in the back.
A client who has been reading with me for over a decade, came for a session recently. She was very depressed and teary-eyed. Before we even started, I saw in my mind’s eye my symbol for a broken heart. I also saw that she would find healing, but not soon.
It soon unfolded that her boyfriend of two years had in fact broken up with her and moved out. Spirit then showed me that she had been too honest with him. “He doesn’t always appreciate it when you tell him the truth,” I said. “Even when he asked you for your honest opinion, he would be offended when you gave it to him.
“Yes,” she replied, “the reason he moved on was that I was too honest and direct for his liking.” Just unbelievable, I thought to myself.
Apparently, many people feel it’s okay to tell a little white lie. This is usually the case when they feel being very honest will possibly hurt the other person’s feelings. In my mind, when you ask for an honest opinion, then you are open to the truth. If not, then don’t ask. When I ask my best friend if a pair of blue jeans makes my butt look big, then I really want to know – the truth!
This is what I love about doing readings. Spirit only gives truthful and honest answers. The recipient of this guidance then knows how their choices will influence the direction or the outcome of a situation.
Miracle Moments In Mediumship Readings
Mediums are a mouthpiece for the spirit world, or the ‘telephone’ in the middle. In a mediumship reading spirit may come through with a short, simple greeting or a full hour reading. The medium is merely the messenger and does not control the process. It is a three-way conversation between the client, spirit and the medium.
It is, of course, important for the sitter or client that spirit gives validating information or evidence that the medium could not possibly know or guess. This ‘seals the deal’ so to speak. The best way to receive these validations is to allow spirit to just take the lead and let the miracle unfold. The medium or the client trying to take charge and steer the reading is never a good idea.
Some typical examples of spontaneous evidence may include their birthname or nickname, their dates of birth and passing, how they passed, their personality and physical appearance when they were in this life, their career or business, their favorite hobby or sport, and even a beloved song, a saying they may have used a lot, or a family inside joke.
An unusual reading I will never forget was the time spirit kept showing me a yellow kayak that had rolled over in the water, to indicate his cause of death. Someone dying in a hospital bed is generic, but there is no way anyone could have guessed such an unusual fatal event. That is what I mean by authentic evidence in a reading.
I love it when a client gets that ‘ah ha’ moment, when they know without a shadow of doubt they are talking to a loved one. It is a beautiful miracle for all involved. Most of the time it is also a deeply healing experience.
I recently had a father come through with the unusual nickname he used to call his daughter. She did not ask me at the beginning of the reading what her father used to call her. He just revealed it to me unexpectedly. This is the best way to approach mediumship readings. In my experience, skeptical ‘test questions’ seldom succeed with spirit. In fact, there is usually no response to such ‘tests.’
A Mediumship Experience Unlike Any Other
A few nights ago I could not sleep. When I go full speed into doing readings I hold nothing back, and very often long after I am done reading for the day, Spirit often has other plans.
So it was on this night in particular, as it had been for the past several days. I tried in vain to go to sleep and I was bone-tired, but it was not to be. I drank hot milk. I took a bath, followed by a nice cool shower to bring my body into balance. I went outside, to see if I could fall asleep under the starry night. Nothing worked. No matter how much I may have wanted to fall asleep, I was wide awake!
I pondered the computer, and whether or not to log on for readings at I decided against it, because I was concerned that as tired as I was I may not be at my best. So, I decided instead to browse a popular social networking site and see what was going on… if anything. Maybe an old friend might be online for me to chat with. Maybe I could just browse. Anything to divert my mind from the 100 mile an hour warped speed it seemed to be on!
I was not online for ten minutes, when I received a message from a woman I did not know. She wrote, “You had recently posted on a mutual friend’s page. I am so sorry, I would normally never do this, but I sensed that you have a message for me. Your name just leaped out at me from the page and I just had to contact you.”
I had no idea what she was talking about, and even less of an idea who she was. But then, all of a sudden, the floodgates opened and my hands starting typing, almost faster than I could keep up. Someone desperately wanted to communicate with this woman through me.
The more I typed, and the more I made statements that I had no idea what I was referring to, the more this woman became emotional. Our conversation lasted maybe 20 minutes, with me telling her various things and asking questions about things that I had no clue about, nor the people involved. I didn’t know what all this information was, or where it came from.
The Miracle Of Automatic Handwriting
Growing up in a psychic family, I was constantly among adults who were seeing ghosts and reading people’s eyes. But I always wanted to be different than the other psychics in my family.
I guess that is one of the reasons why I began reading ordinary playing cards, instead of the Tarot. But I wanted to experiment even further, and in time I also discovered that I could open up the flood gates with automatic hand writing.
I have to be very careful, because when you use automatic writing it can be like opening a can of worms. Each time I do this I make sure beforehand that my mind is calm and clear. I also see to it that I have lots of blank paper, because you can use a lot of paper in one session.
I also have to make sure that when I did connect with a spirit it was indeed from the Light. After some of the things I have witnessed in my life, I certainly do not want to invite any evil spirit or any other dark entity that could harm my family or me.
I remember my very first time I was very skeptical of doing automatic writing; I asked, “Are you with the Light?” A simple question. The only answer I received was a straight line. I was not very happy or impressed. That was it? Just a straight line? My second time it was not bad, because the pen wrote the word yes. It kind of freaked me out at the time.
I knew I needed to practice more. So, I put more hours into it and the more often I did it, the better I became. I would even try it while playing music. Eventually, I was ready to try this together with the cards. This is not a traditional method, but like I said, I wanted to be different. The first time I placed the cards face down and then did the automatic writing first, to see what it would say. The first word that came through was “baby”. Next was the word “girl” and then “candy.”
An Angel Message Of Unconditional Love
There are angels and spirit guides that work with us daily. They change at times, depending on what we need. They are always within reach and can hear our requests, our tears, and our laughter. They feel our sadness and joy.
I have a few angels and guides that are very dominant in my life, and at times they have a lot to say! But their messages always come from a place of truth and love.
I asked my angel earlier what the message was for today, and this is the message I received:
“This is a time to see the light of highest good in everyone. Even when others are negative, mean or hurtful, look below their outer facade, and see their soul.
See beyond their abrasive personality or behavior and feel instead compassion for them – even the most challenging souls that you cross in your path. There have been many in your life, and there will be many more to come.
This is a difficult lesson to learn. It will bring confusion at times, but you will in time find a sense of calm knowing that you did all you could do to be the best person you can be to others.
Rage and resentment serve no purpose. Anger, hurt, vengeance, spite, or wishing bad karma on others, serve no purpose.
Do not judge others because they are different from you. Accept all people as they are and send them loving energy that they will find their highest good in the challenges and lessons of their life.
Once you fully understand that you are here to love, and only love, the negativity will no longer affect you as it has in the past. When you can see each soul within the outer physical person, you will see the good that has simply been buried by those who do not have faith in themselves.
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