The Mystical Purpose Of Daydreaming
In school, I was often reprimanded for daydreaming. My eyes would glaze over as I gazed into the distance, lost in a magical world of my own.
It amused the other children in the class and clearly frustrated my teachers, who mistook it for inattention or laziness, but even then I intuitively knew there was something valuable in my moments of mental wandering.
Little did I know that my frequent daydreaming opened doors not only to creativity and problem-solving, but also to spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and most importantly, manifestation.
Research has shown that daydreamers actually experience increased brain activity. Contrary to the common misconception that daydreaming equals a blank or stagnant mind, studies show that when we allow our minds to wander, we engage the problem-solving and creative areas of the brain.
Neurologically speaking, daydreaming activates the default mode network (DMN), a system in the brain that lights up when we are not focused on external tasks. The DMN connects us to deeper thoughts, memories, and emotions, often leading to sudden insights or realizations.
But what science describes as a purely neurological phenomenon is, in spirituality and metaphysics, a gateway to the higher self and beyond. When the mind wanders aimlessly, we enter an intermediate mental space — a threshold between the conscious and the subconscious. This is where creativity, intuition, psychic impressions, and spiritual connection are most accessible while awake.
What It Means To Align With Your Higher Self
The term “higher self” is a term often used in spirituality, metaphysics, and psychic work, but it can be very confusing. What exactly is it? Is it our subconscious, our conscience, our alter ego, our soul, our spirit?
While these aspects are all related in some way to the higher self, it’s best understood as the most enlightened and transcendent part of our being.
Our soul or spirit is the conscious, evolving part of us in this lifetime, while the higher self is our soul’s highest potential. It is our divine blueprint and our eternal spiritual essence that exists beyond our physical self in the non-physical. It’s the timeless, eternal part of us that embodies the divine essence of who we are.
While the incarnated aspect of soul is the conscious experiencer throughout our lifetime, the higher self is the permanent aspect of the soul that exists in the higher realms.
The higher self is not a separate personality or individual being, but a deeply integrated, higher foundation of our soul. It is like a spiritual archive of all the wisdom, experiences and lessons accumulated from our past lives, as well as our soul contracts and higher purpose for this lifetime, serving as a blueprint for our soul’s evolution and life journey. It reflects the highest aspects of our being.
When we connect with our higher self, we align with this elevated aspect of who we truly are and what we intend to accomplish in this life and the next. This connection gives us clarity and insight into our soul’s path. It allows us to see life from a higher perspective and guides us to make choices that promote personal and spiritual growth. Connecting with the higher self helps us navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and purpose, allowing our soul to evolve and expand.
Transform Your Life With Akashic Healing
Exploring my own Akashic record was a profoundly healing and enlightening experience. By accessing this information, I was able to uncover deep-rooted karmic patterns that spanned across lifetimes. Discovering the origins of these patterns helped me understand why certain fears and emotional blockages existed in my present life.
For example, one major discovery I made was the origin of a lingering fear of abandonment and persecution that I could not attribute to anything that had happened in my current lifetime.
By delving into my Akashic record, I uncovered past life memories of being persecuted as a witch and burned alive at the stake, which had left an indelible imprint on my soul memory. Although this discovery was painful, it gave me the clarity I needed to heal those karmic wounds.
The Akashic Records are a metaphysical “library” or energetic “database” that contains all the information about our soul’s journey across lifetimes. The Akasha holds records of every thought, action, emotion and experience our soul has ever had. It is part of the collective consciousness or universal memory that transcends time and space, and by tapping into this archived metaphysical information, one can gain insight into one’s past lives, current life situations, and potential future paths.
The term “Akasha” comes from the Sanskrit word for “ether” or “sky” and refers to the source energy or creative life force that permeates the entire universe. In Hinduism and Buddhism, Akasha is traditionally seen as the primary substance from which all things are formed and is considered the fifth element, along with earth, water, fire, and air.
Learning To Trust Your Intuition
We are all born with an innate intuitive ability. However, many of us tend to shut down this innate aspect of our inner being at a young age.
This can happen for a variety of reasons, but fear is often a major factor. Over time, many of us learn to view our intuition as our mind “playing tricks” or something to be wary of, or even as a source of discomfort that is just all in our imagination.
This misconception is unfortunate because intuition is not something to be feared or dismissed; rather, it is an integral part of our being that provides valuable insight and guidance.
Intuition is a fundamental part of living a full and complete life because it is a key part of our spiritual inner guidance. It cannot be lost or taken away. You are always in control of it and can choose to connect with it at any time.
The key to accessing and making the most of this inner wisdom is learning to trust its messages. But this can be challenging, especially when those messages are unclear or confusing. So, how do you cultivate greater trust in your intuition?
The first step in building trust with your intuition is to acknowledge and track the information it provides. Keep a journal or note-taking app handy and write down any intuitive insights you receive about your plans, goals, people, or situations. By recording these insights, you create a space for learning to understand how your intuition works and for validating your impressions over time.