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The Burning Love Of Twin Flames

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Many of us hope to find a ‘soulmate,’ a person who was meant for us, but the Universe may have something else in store for some of us. A twin flame is someone who plays a different role in our lives than a soulmate, but has a similar, deep spiritual connection.

However, you may have a hard time finding a twin flame until you have encountered a soulmate. A soulmate highlights our individual soul purpose, while a twin flame helps us express our deeper karmic purpose.

A twin flame may or may not be a romantic connection. Even if they are not, you will always feel like you’ve known the person forever. You can easily talk with them about anything, especially if you shared one or more past life together.

A twin flame is a mirror to your deeper self, the authentic part of you. This person will challenge you, inspire you to engage in serious soul-searching, and ask the difficult questions.

It’s even possible you might intensely dislike them at times, but you’ll also find yourself drawn back to their aura. Having an open mind and spirit is key to not only meeting your twin flame, but also to successfully walking your path together.

Why do twin flames come into our lives? It’s all about timing. If you are stuck in a rut, not sure what your next step should be, often you’ll encounter one of these special soul connections. And you are just as important to their spiritual growth and soul evolution as they are to yours.

A twin flame meeting may seem coincidental or random, but it is definitely not. You are meant to learn and grow together on a spiritual, psychic level, and accomplish something together for the greater good.

This is the main difference between a soulmate and a twin flame. If you do meet your soulmate, it will be a personal connection, while a twin flame provides a universal bond.

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New Hope And Appreciation For The Future

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have all been suffering some form of hardship during the Covid-19 pandemic, including restrictions on our lifestyle, financial losses, unemployment, bankruptcy, physical and mental illness, as well as the tragic death of loved ones. Yet, despite all the adversity and chaos, our planet has continued to turn on her axis.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we are finally starting to enjoy milder weather as the days once again get longer. The sunshine and gradual warmth feels so remarkably good after such a isolating, traumatic winter. It is a time of renewal and rebirth. Life continues to spring eternal and there is a feeling of new hope and anticipation in the air.

Although we are not completely out of the woods yet, we can be thankful that our scientific experts and medical heroes are in the process of gradually resolving the many challenges we still face. There is finally a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

The extended isolation of the past year has afforded many people the time to reflect on what is truly important in life and to make the necessary adjustments to live a more balanced life of joy and fulfillment.

For many of us the importance of family and friendship has emerged front and center. For others, the privilege of gainful employment or a healthy mind and body has become their focus.

Regardless, the impact over the past year has been so great that most of us are less likely to take anything in life for granted the way we might have in the past.

These days, even the most mundane tasks and events have taken on a much greater significance. The flexibility of simply going out for no particular reason, or attending school in person, or going to a shopping mall, feels exciting and different. Just having the option of eating in a restaurant or getting a decent haircut is now a luxury that is greatly appreciated.

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The Cosmic Dance Of Life’s Challenges

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNo matter where in the world you live, the seasons always change, albeit some may present with changes that are more subtle than in other places. While there may be an unexplained blizzard in Florida in March, the windswept islands of the Greater Antilles may be balmy year-round with few dramatic changes in weather.

Wherever we live in the world, nature is a force all unto itself. It is sometimes predictable, while at other times intensely climatic, with extreme highs and lows.

As we all live on this big, green planet we call Earth, our human species is also subject to changes in our natural environment. We are all impacted by the seasons in some way, as well as climate unpredictability. It is an eternal cycle that impacts our crops, livestock and food supplies.

With nearly every turn we make, there is always an interconnectedness that is ever present – a reminder that our vast world is host to a greater macrocosm that supports each and every microcosm. In other words, Spirit, God, the Universe has our back!

The microcosm-macrocosm analogy is a reminder that there is a fundamental similarity that can be seen between the expression of life as we perceive it on this glorious planet, and the wider, infinite cosmos. Some philosophers have posited that a higher understanding of the cosmos may even be more closely inferred from the lessons of human nature, and vice versa.

Without expounding further on these mysteries, I believe we are bound on this plane by a natural ebb and flow that ushers in various degrees of change during many of life’s intervals. One lesson taught by life is that there is no growth without change. We see this in the natural world, as well as our personal lives. To move through various life stages requires fluid thinking, adaptability and purposeful actions.

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True Love Has No Time Limit Or Deadline

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comWe live in a busy world where most of us have gotten used to a very hurried life. Everything is on a strict schedule and time limit, because we now judge everything this way. We have become a restless society demanding instant solutions and immediate gratification in all things.

If the line is too long at the supermarket or fast food restaurant, some of us get upset. If we have to wait for our doctor when we have an appointment, we become annoyed. Some cut in front of others, or even cross streets while the light is still red, because they hate to wait.

Similarly, if we do not get an immediate reaction from our latest love interest, some of us do not become just a little restless or anxious. No, they get really upset!

If this kind of hurried, rushed way of life plagues you, then you may definitely need an major attitude adjustment. Because your naturally loving heart and your capacity for love and romance may be in serious trouble.

Maybe your heart never got the memo that there was no need to constantly hurry up and adhere to time limits and deadlines. What happened to dating? Romantic chats? Patiently anticipated expressions of affection? Dozens of love letters, and more recently emails and test messages? The joint holidays and weekends away? The looking forward to new adventures together?

What happened? What happened to living wholeheartedly in the moment? What happened to just enjoying the ride without constantly watching the calendar or the clock?

The one joy that we all desire and cherish is being loved and feeling special in someone’s eyes. To be affirmed, to be accepted and appreciated, to belong. It gives us an inner peace and happiness that cannot be found in any other way. Love and belonging is a fundamental necessity in everyone’s life. No matter how busy you are. Continue reading

Astrology Forecast March 29 – April 4, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe astrological weather is pretty calm this week, with only one significant change in the zodiac energy: today’s Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra. The Libra Moon brings love and relationships to the forefront today, so if you’re facing any conflicts or challenges in the marriage, dating or romance arena, now is the time to get those straightened out.

Fortunately, the Libra Moon trine Mars in Gemini boosts our levels of courage and determination today. It can support you in taking action, as well as being open, resourceful and pragmatic in dealing with relationship challenges. So, today may be a good time to have that long overdue conversation with your significant other.

If you are single, today may also be a window of opportunity to get a date with that new acquaintance. The Libra Moon trine Jupiter in Aquarius later today favors increased popularity and higher levels of social success. So, what are you waiting for?

A Scorpio Moon tomorrow and Wednesday will be setting a rather intense tone. You could find yourself caught up in the details of a highly focused project, but take care not to miss the forest for the trees! Stay alert to what’s going on around you.

The workweek fortunately ends under a Sagittarius Moon, and you may finally feel like you’re all caught up! Maybe for the first time in two months. Enjoy the lull, as things will certainly pick up again next week.

Mercury moves into Aries on Saturday, and you could find yourself going down the ‘Internet rabbit hole’ with how-to-videos on YouTube or researching your family tree. There will be an eagerness to learn new things or become better informed with this Mercury placement, so it will be a goof time to surf the intellectual highway.

Saturday and Sunday unfold with a Capricorn Moon overhead, making this a most productive and satisfying weekend.

The Spiritual Power Of Sweet Solitude

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a meditation circle the other day, there were many of us who got the same message from spirit: that solitude is of vital importance for soul growth and for tapping into our spiritual well-being and psychic potential.

It reminded me of my childhood. I was expanding my psychic awareness and started tapping into my psychic abilities at a very young age. I remember vividly spending time in a tree house, meditating and feeling so free and relaxed.

As I grew older, I began recording my psychic perceptions and spiritual insights in a journal, which at the time I simply thought of as ‘my diary.’ Reading back in later years, I discovered that I had unknowingly recorded many predictions that came to pass.

I would spend a lot of time in solitude and quiet contemplation. I would focus on a certain things or persons that were important to me at the time, and I would then receive intuitive flashes about what needed to be done, as well as what would come to pass, or not.

Discovering the power of solitude and quiet contemplation at such a young age made all the difference in my psychic development and personal spiritual growth. I can hardly imagine where I would be without it today, had I not cottoned on to this in my youth.

If you can spend just a few minutes in sweet solitude every day, or even a few times a day, you will boost your mental and physical health and reduce your stress levels. You will find you will hear your body better for what it needs for healing and well-being.

Spiritual practice in solitude will also empower you to become more creatively inspired and you’ll receive more insightful messages and guidance from spirit. If you want to connect with your intuition and psychic abilities, it is vital that you spend more time in alone in meditation.

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The Karmic Fruit Of Our Past Life Seeds

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo be the architect of our own destiny is a spiritual concept that has been spoken of for thousands of years. The Vedas call it Karma. The Bible refers to it as ‘reaping what you sow.’

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action, as well as reaction. It has made its way into our everyday language to represent the good or bad we create in life that will eventually come back to us.

However, the true meaning of karma goes much deeper than that. In this life it does refer to ‘sowing and reaping’ in the short-term, but it also extends into the long-term, over thousands of years and many lifetimes.

The Padma Purana, an ancient Hindu encyclopedic text of spiritual truths, compares karma to seeds that are sown and harvested in due course of time. It explains that every activity we perform bears four kinds of effects. The first is merely a seed, the second is not yet fructified, the third is in the process of being fructified, and the fourth has blossomed and is already mature.

The karma we are experiencing today, are the sweet and sour fruits of the past seeds we have planted, – not only in this lifetime, but also from thousands of years and lifetimes before this life.

Therefore, we may not be able to recognize why certain things are happening that seem out of sync with the efforts and energies we are extending in the now. Similarly, it may sometimes be disheartening and difficult to understand why the desired results of our best endeavors do not appear to be coming to fruition.

To thoroughly resolve these misgivings, a broader scope of our soul’s journey before and beyond this one body and lifespan must be considered. Clarity can come with spiritual vision and higher consciousness.

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