Transform Your Life With Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is a powerful energy that can have a profound effect on our life. It is that feeling of excitement and passion for something, and a great motivator. It inspires us to achieve our goals, stay focused and make the most of every day. Without something exciting to look forward to, life tends to become dull and dreary, and also very challenging.
The energy of enthusiasm is a key aspect of future manifestation. Our emotions predict what we can expect to attract into our life, or not. When we lack enthusiasm it is usually a warning sign that we are unlikely to manifest much to look forward to anytime soon.
To invite new possibilities, opportunities and blessings in life, we must think about it, set an intention for it, imagine it, visualize it, pray for it, meditate on it, and consistently work towards it mind, body and soul. The moment we start to do this, our emotional energy frequency shifts to feeling inspired, hopeful and enthusiastic. Then you know you are on track to making some of your dreams come true.
Enthusiasm also keeps us motivated and determined to keep going, even when things get tough. It gives us an energy boost and drive to keep going and push through any obstacles that may arise. It helps us to stay positive and look on the bright side of things. It also keeps us focused to stay on track with our goals.
Without enthusiasm we become less productive. When we are truly enthusiastic about something, we are more likely to put in the necessary effort to get things done. This empowers us to achieve more in our life and make the most of our time.
How To Manifest Financial Prosperity
Manifesting more financial prosperity is something we all strive for, but at times it can seem somewhat out of reach, even impossible.
The truth is that with some adjustment and a renewed focus it is possible to make a positive energy shift in your life to attract more abundance. Financial prosperity is a divine blessing available to us all, but it requires a change in our beliefs and mindset regarding wealth and money.
The following strategies can help you manifest greater prosperity.
The first step to claiming true prosperity is believing that you can achieve it. Believe in your own abilities and your potential to manifest. Accept that you too deserve to live a prosperous life. Even if your current circumstances are not ideal, take time to reflect on what you already have and what you have accomplished thus far in your life.
Instead of focusing on what you do not have, focus on what is already good or abundant in your life. Find ways to be grateful for what you do have and recognize how far you have come. There are always many things in our life we should be more grateful for. Gratitude and an appreciative mindset is a powerful energy frequency for manifesting more prosperity.
How To Stay Focused On Your Goals
Staying focused on our personal goals can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world. With constant demands on our time and energy, including many distractions and obstacles, it is easy to lose sight of our dreams and become overwhelmed. Commitments to employers, family, friends, and community sometimes leave us little time to reflect on how changing our lives can serve our highest good. The answer to this is to cultivate the right mindset and lifestyle strategies.
To begin with it is possible to remain focused and achieve success by developing a positive mindset. Positive thoughts and self-empowering beliefs build our mental resilience and help us overcome challenges more easily. It’s also beneficial to cultivate a growth mindset that enables us to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than setbacks.
Another critical aspect of remaining focused on our personal goals is having a clear vision of what we want to achieve. Taking the time to set goals that are specific, achievable and measurable creates a clear roadmap for success and staying on track. It’s also essential to break larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, which can help us stay motivated and focused.
Most of all it is vital to prioritize both spiritual and personal self-care. Just taking a few minutes daily to realign and renew our energy can reduce stress, improve health and vitality, and enhance our ability to think creatively. Taking care of our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs can help us stay grounded and focused, even in the face of personal challenges. Make some time for regular exercise, prayer, meditation, journaling, outdoor recreation, or whatever endeavor is a source of joy and renewal for you.
Hope Is A Spiritual Superpower
My oldest granddaughter told me on New Years’ Eve that one of her favorite things in life is hope. I then asked her what the word really means to her? She explained that it was very comforting to imagine the new year being better than the past year.
She said hope is what motivates her to try new things and be the best she can be. With every bit of motivation there is always an underlying sense of hope. Hope that things will indeed work out for the better and that it is possible to achieve your goals.
I agreed with her that hope gives people the incentive to really go for what they want in life and strive towards goals that they might not otherwise believe possible to achieve. It gives people the courage to take chances in life that may catapult them into a better life.
But I also introduced her the wisdom of Dusty Springfield’s popular song, Wishing and Hoping.
Wishin’ and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin’
Plannin’ and dreamin’ each night of his charms
That won’t get you into his arms
So, if you’re lookin’ to find love you can share
All you gotta do is hold him, and kiss him and love him
And show him that you care.
Dusty understood that wishing and hoping is all good and nice – but without real action to set things in motion we may be wishing and hoping for a very, very long time! Don’t get me wrong, hope is a feeling that as a professional psychic medium I want every client to leave my office with in their heart and mind. Knowing that they have much to look forward to and that anything is possible in their life.
Stay Spiritually Uplifted This Winter Holiday Season
For some people, the approach of winter is a fantastic time of the year. They love to walk amongst the golden autumn leaves, breathing in the crisp air that enlivens the soul, while looking forward to the festive holiday season.
For others, the holiday season is a time of fear and dread. It is for some that time of the year when they feel more bored, lonely, depressed and lacking in enthusiasm. I used to be one of those people. I could not wait for it all to be over, so the brighter days of spring could arrive. But these days I have a very different outlook. I have learned ways to lift my spirits during this time of the year. Yes, winter holiday period does not have to be a ‘dark night of the soul!’
If you are currently also dreading the fast-approaching holiday season, the following self-care strategies can help you turn this time of the year into a period of true joy and upliftment. It will assist you in navigating the winter through to the spring effectively and happily, while maintaining emotional well-being and keeping your spirits high.
Intentions & Goalsetting
It is always great to have something uplifting to look forward to, especially when the nights are cold, long, and lonely. This time of the year is the perfect opportunity to set new goals or personal targets that will add value and excitement to your life. No need to for New Year’s Eve to make your resolutions. Start setting those intentions
Once you have set your goals, begin to meditate on and visualize those intentions. Once you get your intentional energy rolling, the Universe will assist you in manifesting your endeavours by cosmically aligning you to the desired end result.