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The Calling Cards Of Spirit Whispers

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I was a teenager, my father said in a very serious tone, “I want to talk to you about something important.

My immediate thought was, I hope this is not going to be a cringe-worthy talk about the birds and the bees. Please let it not be!

But fortunately it was not about the facts of life. Instead, it was an enlightening conversation about spiritualism and the afterlife.

My father told me about his conversion from atheist to spiritualist about a decade earlier. Apparently, my mother had made a bet with him about something that he had lost. According to their agreement, if he lost, he had to accompany her to a spiritualist church to attend a service.

So they went to the Spiritualist church in London one Sunday night when Joseph Benjamin, a well-known medium at the time, was scheduled to demonstrate on the platform. Benjamin was a prominent Spiritualist medium whose mediumship was highly regarded in those days.

Although my father sat all they way in the back during the service, that didn’t stop Benjamin from locating my father in the assembled crowd and delivering a profound message from my late paternal grandfather.

The message stunned my father, especially when Benjamin told him how disappointed my grandfather was that the tools he’d left him were neglected and “rusting away in the shed. And so it was that my father became an avid believer.

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My Mystical Encounter With A Music Box

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I go through my house at least once a year to get rid of some of the clutter. I even have a large bin labeled “donate,” and when stuff has outlived its usefulness, it goes in there.

Recently, I took some of these unwanted items to the charity thrift store they were intended for.

Whenever I go into an antique or thrift store, I immediately lower my psychic awareness and energetically shield myself as a precaution. I have to, or the energy residue and imprints in those places will wreak havoc on my auric well-being and state of mind.

Not protecting my energy and not blocking out incoming psychic impressions in such an energetically dense environment would be like hanging out at a funeral home, absorbing everyone’s sadness and grief and then taking it home with me. It is basically the psychic empath equivalent of sunbathing on the beach for hours without sunscreen!

Before I learned how to “unplug” and “shield up,” I would feel so unbalanced and completely drained afterwards that I would lie in bed for days to recharge my batteries. I would feel overwhelmed with emotional and psychic overload, which is both mentally and physically toxic. Fortunately, over the years I have learned how to protect my auric energy and “turn off” my psychic abilities to use at my discretion only when needed.

After dropping off my bags at the store, the man behind the counter went into sales mode and excitedly informed me that he had just received a ton of cool new items. His sales pitch was charming, and I decided to poke around the store for a few minutes to see what I could find. I had no intention of buying anything, and thankfully I didn’t. I didn’t need any more clutter!

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Raise Your Vibration With Humor, Fun And Laughter!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I recently completed the first of two months of practice in a year-long advanced psychic development course that I am currently taking. The practical tests were quite challenging, even for an experienced psychic, but overall I am happy to say that it went quite well.

One of the tests required us to do a psychic reading for a stranger via video call, with the goal of perceiving details about the person at different stages of their life. In other words, we had to sense significant details about them when they were children, teenagers, in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and so on.

Before my test reading, I prepared by mentally focusing on the lady I was to read for and I did this while walking my dogs. I have found over the years that this daily time outdoors with my beloved pets is great time to receive psychic information.

It also helped that we were sent a photo of our randomly assigned subjects in advance, so I could also visualize her in my mind’s eye, which makes the process easier.

So, by the time I called her on FaceTime for the reading, I had already written down a lot of information about her younger years before the session began. For example, I had seen that she had a fairly happy childhood and even had a vision of her blowing on daisies to make a wish.

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The Art Of Aura Reading Made Easy

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!All living beings have not only a physical body but also a metaphysical body. This energetic body is most commonly known as our aura or light body and emanates from and surrounds our physical body.

The aura is a subtle energy field made up of luminous colored layers of energy that radiate from a few inches to a few feet around us.

It is known by various names in different spiritual and esoteric traditions, such as psychic atmosphere, biofield, odic force or etheric body.

Our aura reflects our health, emotions and mental state. Its energetic colors change according to our mood or well-being. Some traditions describe the auric layers with specific meanings, while others focus more on the different colors and their interpretations.

The aura is made up of subtle energy, also known as prana, chi or qi, or life force energy. This energy flows through the body through channels or pathways that correspond to the energy meridian system in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the chakra system in Hindu, Buddhist and Yogic traditions.

The aura has several layers or fields of energy, each with its own qualities and significance. These layers include the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person. However, different traditions interpret the number and composition of these layers differently.

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An Empath’s Intervention Can Save A Life

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!This morning after I finished meditating, instead of logging on to work as usual, I felt intuitively guided to visit a local coffee shop that I had visited a few days before.

While I was there I had noticed a girl working there who seemed extremely sad. Her aura clearly showed me this. I also intuitively saw that she had probably been crying before she came in that day.

While waiting for my order, I tuned into her energy field to see what information I could get to help her, even indirectly. Normally I would not do this in public, but this poor girl really tugged at my heartstrings for some reason.

I immediately had more intuitive flashes about her and her boyfriend. I saw him being very mean, controlling and abusive to her, and also cheating on her with numerous women.

I also realised that she was living with him instead of him. I had a strong feeling that if she stayed there with him, things would get really bad in the long run – to the point where she might even have to go to a refuge for victims of domestic violence.

But as we did not know each other, I did not feel it was my place to interfere by giving her unsolicited advice. Nor did I want to embarrass her or myself! So I just prayed for her in silence and sent her some healing energy, but kept my premonitions and insights to myself.

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The Phenomenon Of Spirit Apparitions

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever felt a presence in the room and then caught a glimpse of a recognisable shadow or a fleetingly familiar face, only to realise that they are no longer among the living?

You are not alone, and it is more common than you might think. It is known as a spirit apparition and most people prefer not to talk about it for obvious reasons.

Lately, I’ve noticed an increase in such experiences with my clients, perhaps due to the other side’s increased efforts these days to communicate with us. I’ve also found myself to be a prime example of this phenomenon.

Increasingly I am seeing familiar faces of deceased people I have known in my life, manifesting in the form of brief spirit apparitions. There is never any doubt as to who they are, as they always have the same appearance as when they lived their existence here.

What exactly are spirit apparitions? They are visual energy manifestations of people who have passed on, appearing to the living in various forms. The word ‘apparition’ simply means an ‘appearance,’ often of something surprising or unexpected. In the context of afterlife phenomena and the spirit realm, it refers to the manifestation of the spirit of a deceased person as a visible image or figure.

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The Difference Between Ghosts And Spirits

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The terms “ghost” and “spirit” are often used interchangeably, but there are significant differences in how they’re traditionally understood.

Over the years, I have found that it is quite common for people to sometimes confuse ghosts with the spirits of their deceased loved ones, primarily because both concepts involve entities that are no longer living in the physical world.

However, understanding the distinction between these two types of entities is important for those seeking comfort, closure, or communication with the afterlife, especially in the context of mediumship readings and spiritualism.

Our emotional connection to the deceased often influences how we interpret paranormal experiences. Grief, longing, and love can make us more receptive to signs and spiritual energies that we believe are from our deceased loved ones.

Without a clear understanding of the differences between ghosts and spirits, any unusual paranormal activity may be misinterpreted as evidence of a loved one’s presence.

While both ghosts and spirits are spiritual phenomena related to the survival of human consciousness beyond the death of the physical body, there are distinct differences in these two types of entities’ connection to the physical world and their level of progression or transition into the afterlife.

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