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The Spirit Rituals Of Life – Part 2

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI had just finished making the bonfire for the evening. The sun was setting and I had had a good day walking in the woods on what looked like a well-worn path. I was contemplating the day and reflecting on some things that came to me.

I was not remembering what my ancestor had said about an angel coming to visit me. I had just let it go, and felt if it was meant to be it would happen in the right timing. I was not going to obsess over it. I just wished to enjoy each precious moment and was looking forward to deep meditation after the sun when down.

When I went into meditation, I did as I normally do, connecting with the earth and doing my visualizations. In my mind’s eye my feet began to grow roots to the middle of the earth, and I was filling up with earth energy and light. I meditated for what seemed like an hour. Upon coming out of the deep meditation, I was feeling warmth, from the fire… but also from something else.

I looked straight ahead and on all sides of me was pure white light. It was the whitest light I have ever seen. It was so white that I think there had to be a different name for it. It evoked a serene feeling that was beyond anything I had ever experienced. The best way to describe this light was that it was that of a very powerful angel.

The angel was very tall, with huge wings. They were enveloping me while they stretched out what seemed to be very wide. It felt so healing and comforting.

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Strange Connections

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA few years ago, one of my daughters and I discovered the intricate and intriguing world of the meditative state. As it turned out, my daughter had an inherent ability to bring anyone who was interested in participating to a complete and extremely fruitful outcome. This could mean meeting a spirit guide, animal guide, finding and understanding of one’s own soul color, or a plethora of other magnificent occurrences that can help to enhance an individual’s life.

It soon became known in our area that we were offering a free and viable service, and it was not long before our little workshop was at its full capacity.

One particular day, as we were getting ready for our next workshop, my little three-year-old granddaughter informed us that a deaf man would be arriving that day. We never thought to question the validity of her statement or even questioned how she would know this for a fact. She said it, we believed her, and simply waited for him to arrive. That’s how we do things in my family.

Well, the next thing we know, one of our regular participants pulls up in his vehicle and out comes another older gentleman, who we find out fairly quickly is completely deaf in one ear. As we became more familiar with him, he was more inclined to share with us his life’s story.

He was born and raised in South Africa, came to North America as a teenager with his family. Although the medical community could not determine a real cause for his hearing impediment, they did conclude that he was indeed legally deaf.

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Developing Your Spirit Communication Skills

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit communication is the process of sending and receiving information to and from the spirit realm. This process can sometimes be overwhelming for individuals. The spirit realm and nature sends us inspiration, messages, comfort and guidance. In every moment of every day we receive information. Are we deciphering that information correctly? Are we also clear in our requests to Spirit?

There are many ways spirit communicates with us. For example, a synchronistic song playing on the radio, which we associate with a loved one in Spirit; unusual behaviors, or unexpected appearances of animals, birds or insects; seeing so-called ‘angel numbers’ or synchronistic clock times like 11:11 or 12:12; Ouija board messages, as well as Tarot and oracle card signs; pendulum dowsing; and dreams.

Then there are messages relayed by intuitives, psychics and mediums during professional readings, using the clair senses, channeling, divination and mediumship. These modes of communication can be natural for some, but also a developed skill for others.

Were you a child that had imaginary friends or saw relatives who were dead? If so, then you have the innate capability pre-developed, but you may need to enhance and strengthen your communication ability. Not to become a professional psychic reader, but to be better connected in life. Strengthening comes through discipline, commitment and a passion to be of service.

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Star Children

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comStar children are very old souls who have returned to this planet to assist humanity during these challenging times. They are spiritually evolved and therefore wise beyond their years. Star Children is the umbrella term used to describe Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children, as well as adults. Star Children are also known as ‘Starseeds’ or the ‘New Children.’

Star children are typically able to communicate with loved ones on the Other Side, and they are constantly in communication with their spirit guides. They can often be heard talking to someone ‘invisible’ while they are playing alone in their crib or room.

They often remember past lives and speak openly about them. Most star children have also lived in other dimensions or realms of existence. They may have left Earth’s reincarnation cycle for a long time and have now returned to help save this planet.

Star children are unusually compassionate. They are very connected to animals and Mother Nature. They become especially upset about anything mankind does that is harmful to the planet. They have a deep connection, perhaps even an obsession with animals. They are usually empaths and highly sensitive, and they should be allowed to express their emotions freely, and as much as they wish.

They are usually not competitive, as they have a view of unity and oneness and have evolved beyond rivalry and competition. They are generous and tend not to be interested in material possessions.

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Apologies From The Other Side

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDeparted loved ones have come through to me many times over the years with a message of apology for how they treated me, or one of my clients. There is typically a common thread in these spirit messages: they didn’t know better at the time, but they do now, and they now see things differently. With the apology usually also comes great regret and remorse, acknowledging the pain they caused us.

For anyone who has been on the receiving end of abuse, I have come to believe that there is also a lesson in this. For me, the lesson has been learning to love myself. I was a people-pleaser for most of my life, and to some extent this is probably still the case, but there is a lesson in this too, in learning about self-love and learning to put my own needs first. My experience has been instrumental in enabling me to identify with others, and, in turn, I have become more able to help others the best I can.

I love the teachings of the spirit guide Emmanuel, as channeled by the late Pat Rhodegast. Emmanuel says, “If we were not meant to have done something, we would not have, but that it was all appropriate at the time.” I seem to recall his teachings stating that this does not mean that we should condone the harsh treatment of others.

As adults, we have more choices, but when family and loved ones treat us harshly, we often hope that things would get better, or that perhaps they were just having a bad day. I personally would do just about anything to please them, desperate to get their approval. Others often commented on and in hindsight they were right, but I would continue to hope.

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Interplanetary Beings

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people say we are naive to believe that we are the only intelligent species in the Universe. There are now even declassified government documents that relate to UFO’s, the United States Air Force facility known as Area 51, as well as possible extraterrestrial activity. Sightings continue around the world and Hollywood has created many a blockbuster movie in this genre, including War of the Worlds, ET, Star Trek, Star Wars and Avatar, to name just a few.

Those films all deal with one form of interplanetary being: entities travelling through the Universe. The other type of interplanetary being that Hollywood and conspiracy theorists rarely focus on, are those interplanetary beings whose soul contract is to incarnate in this world and further humanity. This is apparently done through their higher functional skills and technology, and their desire to support our soul’s evolution. These interplanetary beings are spiritually more evolved and connected to higher vibration frequencies.

There is a premise that for the rest of us earthbound souls, this Earth reality is our school of education. We are here to fulfill our karma (missteps of our path) or dharma (behaviors synchronized with the Universe) and we return here to evolve. Being earthbound does not mean that we are stuck, just that our future lives are part of our Earth karmic evolution.

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When Spiritual Leaders Let Us Down

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is a hard lesson for some of us to learn that people are just people. We are all capable of good and evil. The difference is the choices that are made on how to handle our emotions and feelings.

When you put faith and trust in an individual and are let down, you start to second guess your decisions and lose some faith in yourself to make wise decisions. It can leave a big hole in your heart and create trust issues in the future.

It seems impossible for a person who has done remarkable good deeds to also choose to do bad things. We must realize that all people have temptations in life. Some people can avoid the albatross on their back, while others simply cannot. It takes a very strong person to walk their talk.

The same applies to ‘highly spiritual’ people, because some healers, gurus and spiritual leaders certainly have had their own cross to bear.

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