Maintain A High Vibration With Constant Awareness
Being aware is the most important component of maintaining a high vibration. We tend to revert to old patterns and habits that cause a lower vibration at times. One needs to be consciously aware and pay attention to these lower vibrations, when they happen, and do something to realign your energy frequency.
When you experience a shift in vibration, there are many great techniques to raise your vibration, such as Transcendental Meditation or Kundalini Yoga… or just something as simple as taking a salt water bath! Another quick way to shift your energy is to put sage oil in a spray bottle of water and spray it over your head, to give yourself a quick cleanse.
You can also maintain a high vibration by keeping your house clean, and asking the angels to bless you with their love and light. Do whatever it takes to shift negative energy in your life into a positive frequency. The longer you stay in a zone of negative energy, the harder it will become to get rid of it.
Your energy frequency plays a vital role in your life, as it defines your connection to both the physical and the spiritual world. Aim to keep your vibration as high as possible at all times, as lower vibrational frequencies are linked to feelings of depression, fear, doubt and anxiety. To keep your vibration high, and maintain it on high in the world we currently live in, is certainly a challenge, but it is worth the effort.
The Phenomenon Of Out-Of-Body Experiences
An out-of-body experience (OBE) is a phenomenon that can happen after surgery, when we experience severe trauma, during meditation, astral travel, and so on. They are also associated with near-death-experiences (NDE). It is usually characterized by a feeling of leaving your physical body, or observing yourself from outside your body. I have experienced this phenomenon several times in my life.
Reports of OBEs vary from person to person, but they often involve the sense of floating above one’s body, or looking down on yourself. You may also see a bright light during an OBE, and sometimes colors and a warm, pleasant sensation. Some people see deceased family members.
In my experience an out-of-body experience is a unique opportunity to step outside of our physical existence into the spiritual realm. Sometimes we experience this because our soul needs to ‘restart.’ So, when you are in a state of meditation, or when you are feeling relaxed, or sedated after surgery, this may happen to realign the body and soul.
Part of the soul’s purpose is to keep the vessel (our body) alive. Our soul is connected to a silver cord, much like an umbilical cord, which keeps things intact, so that we can always come back to our body after an OBE.
How To Live A More Spiritually Aware Life
To lead a more spiritual, and therefore a happier and more fulfilled life, you do not need to develop a passion for incense, or hire a guru to assist you in going through some form of spiritual awakening. Instead, you may be comfortable with more down to earth approach.
Firstly, it is important to recognize that religion and spirituality are not necessarily the same things. Religion is just one form of spiritual practice. Spirituality itself is something that comes from within the individual.
Spiritual awareness is a sustained belief that there is much more to life than meets the eye, something greater than yourself, even though you have no evidence for it. Hold onto this belief or feeling, as it is very, very real!
One of the best ways to get in touch with your spirituality is to spend time in nature. It does not matter whether you live, in a town, city, or rural area, connecting with nature is imperative, as it will help to bring a sense of peace to your overworked mind, and it will uplift your spirit with its rejuvenating power. By doing so, it will assist with your spiritual development.
To become more spiritually aware it is also important to learn to control your inner dialogue. Becoming a more spiritual person involves monitoring your inner voice and making sure that your self-talk is healthy. Meditation can be particularly helpful in this respect, as well as recognizing any negative thought patterns or false beliefs that you may have.
Learning To Love Yourself
Sadly, my inner-critic began speaking to me at a relatively young age and continued to do so well into my 20s and beyond. Personally, I feel this played a large part in me losing my job at the age of 24, during the 1980s recession. It was a time in which work was so hard to find, and when I finally did, even more negative self-talk began to have an effect on my life.
With no job and no money, I felt worthless, stupid, disliked, and that I had no potential whatsoever. Most fortunately, however, I proved myself to be wrong and later found, from experience, that the way to a happier, more confident and fulfilled life was by learning to slay that inner critic and start loving myself. Furthermore, you can too! Here’s how.
Firstly, remember that you do have a choice. Which one will you listen to: your inner critic or your inner guide? I remember the time when I told my family I was going to start working in the spiritual field. Yes, they laughed and said to me that it would never work out for me, and I that I could not do it.
Sadly, this boosted my inner critic once again, but at this particular time in my life, circumstances and the need for a more fulfilling job made me look at things from a different perspective.
Step Back And Let The Magic Happen
Have you been wanting something to happen in your life for so long and so strongly – like a proposal from your boyfriend or to purchase a new home – but you feel like it will never happen? You may want to consider the possibility that the Universe is throwing up blocks on these goals because it is not the right time for it to manifest. Never give up on your dreams.
If you think about your goal or wish as a puzzle, it becomes clear that the full picture cannot emerge until all of the pieces are in place. When the divine timing is right, you will be amazed at how perfectly and easily these pieces do fall into place!
Spending your energy on trying to control the process of manifesting can become very exhausting. You become stressed and anxious, wondering when you will ever be on the other side of achieving your goal. It is human nature to visualize your end result, which is a good way to continue the manifestation process, but be sure not to become too obsessive, or try to rush the process against what the Universe is delivering to you.
Slowing down and handing over control to the Universe can actually help your manifesting efforts. This not only align you better with what you are aiming to attract, but often also enables something to appear that’s even more rewarding than what you were initially hoping to manifest.
Changing Your Future
Working with my clients to co-create a future outcome is one of the aspects of doing psychic readings which I enjoy the most. Setting the right intention for a future manifestation not only helps them with the issue they initially consulted me about, but also tends to improve every area of their life.
It is likely if someone carries an imbalance in one area of life, it’s bound to show up in other areas too. For example, if you know someone who struggles in their love life, because they’re always hopping from one relationship to the next, it’s more than likely that person displays the same behavior at work and with many other decisions and choices in their life.
These habitual behavior patterns take hold in our lives for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, our childhood upbringing, society, genetics, and our astrological birth chart. However, I don’t believe these patterns fully define us, or that we are permanently bound by them. Whether one is born a saint or a sinner, rich or poor, privileged or not, when a person awakens from the myth of who they thought they were, and stops running away from their fears, they can decide to change their future and allow success into their life.
This is where the magic comes in. The simple act of ‘deciding’ something, even in the face of discouragement, is when we align with the powerful forces of the Universe to co-create the life we really want! I’ve seen this in Astrology, with even the most difficult astrological chart aspects. When someone wakes up, or realizes that they are an unlimited being, their entire world shifts. I’m a firm believer that we come here to transcend our astrological chart, not be imprisoned by it.