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Creating Space Between Yourself And The Addict

click pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comEverybody needs a little time away. Some of us need much longer. I personally know people who have been together for decades, who have found the best way for them to stay together is to give each other some space.

But some of us need even more space than others, especially those of us who are with people who struggle with substance abuse in some way, shape or form. Spirit says that you can still love someone with addiction issues, but you might need some space and time away for your own well-being. I feel strongly that it is unhealthy to stay with someone if they have an addiction, because it does not contribute to peace in the body, mind, spirit, or the home in which you dwell.

Those that have to live with someone who abuses alcohol or drugs, know how hard it can be to have a meaningful conversation or healthy relationship with that person. The energy is always of a lower vibration. And children caught up in those situations have to feel it more than the adults, who may have learned to put up a shield of protection.

We must create a space between us and the addict, in order to keep peace and harmony in the home, for ourselves and those we love and care about. Keeping a peaceful home is a responsibility not only to ourselves, but to those who we are responsible for.

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An Attitude Of Gratitude

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comI find that people who don’t appreciate what they have, often have their gifts and blessings challenged, or even lose it. And obsessing about what we don’t have can lead to depression and anxiety. It certainly does not help you to attract more into your life.

So, consider shifting from thinking about what you don’t have, and what you want and goals, and instead try an ‘attitude of gratitude.’ This is a dramatic shift. Changing from thinking about what we don’t have to instead feeling grateful for what we do have, what we have been given, and what we have already achieved, changes what we attract.

This shift in thinking does not mean you can’t have goals, it just means you don’t feel an emptiness associated with those goals. Nothing is missing. There is just more to be gained. You already have the sundae… it doesn’t need that cherry on top. A cherry would just be a nice bonus!

I’ve seen people become so obsessed with a timeline for getting married, for example, that they soon did get married… but to the wrong person! The universe knows your true destiny. It knows what you need and when. Try to be patient and trust the flow.

Putting 90% of your focus on feeling grateful for what you do have and 10% on what you would still like to obtain, will completely change your outlook on life, as well as your physical and emotional health.
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Learning To Pray With Archangel Selaphiel

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comArchangel Selaphiel, also known as Zerachiel, is a motivating and compassionate angel who assists us in the very act of praying. In fact, his name actually means “one who prays to God” or “the prayer of God”.  He teaches us the importance of prayer, because it helps us to vent our feelings appropriately to God.

Furthermore, Selaphiel can assist us in the process of prayer by helping to block out any unnecessary distractions, so that we can fully concentrate on our prayers, and most importantly, recognize what the Almighty has to say when he answers.

Selaphiel’s angelic duties do not stop there. In Astrology he is referred to as “The Angel of The Sun”, since he works in conjunction with Archangel Jehudiel to control all planetary movements. He is also believed to assist people in the interpretation and understanding of their dreams, as well as help those who struggle with addiction. He also protects the younger generation, and is both the overseer of earthly exorcisms and the ruler of heavenly music.

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Healing Through Radical Self-Forgiveness

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere’s no getting around the fact that we’re our own worst critics. There has been much written on the subject of forgiving others, but what about forgiving ourselves? This is the first and most crucial step to real, lasting, healthy self-love.

The roots of the pain many of us feel are guilt and shame – the knowledge that we have wronged or hurt someone else, and the lasting fallout resulting in self-harm. Guilt is sometimes a catalyst to change behavior, but shame often comes with long-term effects, such as negative thinking patterns, self-harming behavior such as addiction, depression or anxiety, and self-sabotage.

Over long periods shame is like a poison in our bloodstream which touches every aspect of our lives. But it doesn’t have to last! There is a healthy way to overcome the legacies of shame and guilt, and it all starts with compassion.

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Tarot Cards And Toxic Relationships

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf intuition is the foundation for being a psychic, then divination tools are like putting on glasses to see the details. Tarot cards can reveal a person’s real intentions and provide a bigger picture into any situation that requires clarity.

When I use the Tarot for a love or relationship reading, I look for specific cards or combinations that show harmony or growth within the relationship or person. Here is a list of cards that typically catch my eye as major red flags, or signal that the connection between two people may be toxic.

The Magician

This card can be positive when surrounded by complimentary cards, but it can indicate that the person you’re interested may be charming… but manipulative. I often see this show up when someone only wants to do what they want, or when they want to be with multiple people. Continue reading

Finding Your Life Calling

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have found that as ‘trends’ shift, so do the type of questions asked by clients during psychic readings. For example, lately many people have been asking about their life calling, and what they need to do to get there?

More people these days seem to feel they have not yet found their real ‘niche’ in life, whatever their age may be. I have been consulting especially with young people, in the final years of their studies, who call because they feel agitated about not having yet identified the direction of their career. I offer them guidance and suggestions, based on what vocations are given to me in their reading.

Sometimes though, it can simply be part of their life path to pursue various things before they are able to identify their calling. This I personally understand, because as much as I always felt the strong calling to work for Spirit, doing healing and readings, I now realize that everything else I ever did in-between, has given me a synergy of experience. This even includes my former ‘career’ as an alcoholic! Such experience has helped me to understand just what others might be going through.

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Moon’s Mailbag # 2

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comWelcome to my monthly blog, Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I answer a variety of questions. Each month I select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access and answer them here for the benefit of all. Please remember, if your question doesn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.

Q: How does one do a house cleansing? I live alone in an apartment and for some reason I feel inundated by negative energy. Please help.

I feel that the neighbors that live above and below you, as well as to the left and right, are all part of the issue. Begin by smudging your home with sage. Start at the entrance. Close all windows except for the back bedroom window; instead open it halfway for working the negative energy out of your home.

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