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Why A Psychic Did Not Foresee My Father’s Illness

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2005, he seemed to be equally upset by an event that happened many years prior. A psychic medium had told him that he would never get cancer. This was the same well-known psychic medium who had helped him make the transition from atheist to spiritualist, by giving him undeniable evidence of the existence of the afterlife.

My father often mentioned that health prediction, whenever he relayed the stories of his many subsequent readings with the same medium. The prediction came along with messages from my grandfather, which confirmed specific details of his final battle with lung cancer. He had been a smoker and also worked in the coalmines in Wales during his youth. Continue reading

Clutter Bust Your Life

Click the picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comChoosing what you allow and keep in your life gives you a sense of having control of your happiness and your future. If you are hoarder, or living a cluttered existence with too many material possessions, know that it is limiting your spiritual growth and personal fulfillment. The path to enlightenment is not paved with stuff… and more stuff. Maybe it’s time to rid yourself of those things that no longer serve a purpose in your life?

Releasing clutter is a mental thing. Millions of people worldwide suffer from what professional organizers and psychologists call ‘hoarding.’ Most people that have this problem don’t recognize this pattern in themselves, until their lifestyle is really out of control. Clean out all your closets in your home and in your mind. Continue reading

Nan Lightfoot’s Words Of Wisdom

Click the pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comI was about 20 years old when I experienced an in-depth, private sitting with a wonderful spiritual medium, known to me as ‘Nan Lightfoot.’ My father had heard of her through the local spiritualist church, and it turned out that this lady lived just two blocks from our house.

A friendship soon blossomed between us. I would help her with shopping and running errands whenever I possibly could, until I finally left England for many years. During our many conversations, she would pipe up with wise advice channeled from her spirit guide. She would drop her head and rattle off in Welsh, and then suddenly stop. She would then come out of a trance-like state and, without hesitation, relay to me the English version of what her guide had just told her. Continue reading

Suicide Through The Eyes Of A Spiritualist

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSuicide. The topic that no one truly wants to discuss and even those who have had firsthand experience with the subject don’t want to hear about it for the most part.

In March of 2003, I was at the end of my rope and suicide was no longer something that only happened to other people. I had just ended another failed marriage. My husband had left me and later I found out he had been seeing another woman for many months before he left and everyone, except me, knew about it. My life was left in a state of shame. I had no self-esteem whatsoever, and I was confused and hurt. I was also afraid to show my face, as I thought everyone was laughing at how stupid I was not to know what they all knew. I felt I had no friends, as a true friend would have told me what was going on. I also realized I had been dependent on a toxic person. Continue reading

Talking To Your Unborn Child

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA decade ago, I congratulated a client on her pregnancy. She was a soon-to-be single mom. Lucy was battling her own demons, and insecurity after fighting the battle with alcohol and drugs, and had fallen head over heels for Justin during a recent stint in rehab. Naturally, she was devastated when the man she loved did not show the slightest interest in ever being a part of their son’s life.

Lucy was a beautiful, and exceptionally talented young woman, but had no idea how special she was. She was a slip of a thing and seemed so vulnerable. She only had a couple of friends, since so many others, as well as family, had given her the cold shoulder because of her substance abuse. Like myself, she’d had many slips by falling off the wagon, but I believe that to this day, she is winning the battle. Continue reading

Restlessness Is A Spiritual Growth Opportunity

Click Here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was a teenager, one of my more ‘vocal’ cousins said to me, “You don’t seem to stay in one place for very long… just five minutes and, poof, you’re off again!”

At that time of my life I could put this down to my musician father’s wanderlust. He was a Sagittarius, and we not only often moved towns and countries, but frequently continents too. Such an unsettling way of life is usually not ideal for a Cancer like myself, but I seem to have inherited my father’s restless genes.

Today, my husband and I are in a tranquil setting since our international relocation over two years ago from a more volatile environment. Still, the restlessness persists. My menagerie of pets – five dogs and three cats – at least keep me relatively at peace.

I do know that actions provoked by restlessness can involve inevitable stresses, as was the case with our most recent big move. Unlike the days when I was still doing things solo, or when I was still living with my parents, this time I had the many pets to consider. Their well-being moving from one continent to another was one of the biggest stresses I have ever experienced. Continue reading

Jealousy Steals Your Serenity

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDoing a psychic reading can sometimes trigger unpleasant memories or negative emotions for the psychic professional. But, as unpleasant as our own experiences may have been, they do help us to identify with those individuals who approach us for counsel.

One situation which has cropped up lately relates to jealous friends or family members. More often than not, my client doesn’t have the foggiest idea as to why the jealousy is there at all, especially when they feel they’ve put every effort into sustaining the relationship in question. All friendships and relationships take work, but when we feel that, in return we are getting back bad vibes, or any kind of negativity, it doesn’t feel fair. Continue reading

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