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The Life Lesson Of Unconditional Love

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was talking to a friend one day about wedding vows. She is an articulate academic, and a really deep thinker when it comes to the breaking down of words and their more profound meaning. I asked her whether she honestly saw what was coming when her pastor recited the wedding vows ‘in sickness and in health’ and ‘for better or worse’ on the day of her wedding.

“No, I did not,” she replied. “I could never have imagined the turn our path together would take. And there were well-meaning people who warned me of what might lie ahead, and asked me if I knew what I was letting myself in for. But I loved him so much that I didn’t want to know. Besides, how would I have experienced those harsh, and lonely life lessons of living with a secret drinker if I had gone with my head instead of my heart. Not to mention the role played by ‘nature’s trap’… my hormones!” Continue reading

The Spiritual Lesson Of Depression

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAlthough I have experienced some depression, as we all do from time to time, I have never experienced the extreme depths of darkness and despair that some people do. I sincerely hope that through my psychic work I am able to alleviate some of that dark cloud of gloom and fear for them. There is usually emphasis in these psychic readings on how, one day, when they look back, they will no longer be able to imagine how awful it felt when they used to be in that black hole of depression.

Such was the situation with one of my clients, who later became a friend. She is a psychic herself, and was being severely judged when she couldn’t keep her appointments or dates with customers and family. Naturally, there were a few understanding individuals, but I felt that most were blatantly judging her as ‘flaky’ and unreliable.

We weren’t in contact every day, but when we were, I was aware of what she was going through, and I could only encourage her with the great things I saw ahead for her in her wonderful work for spirit. The Spirit world were using me as a medium to assure her that they were going to help her heal, and will then encourage her to get back to work. Continue reading

Dream Postcards From The Other Side

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I had the most intense dreams and they were connected to a friend of mine who lives five thousand miles away across the globe. The dreams were random. I hadn’t been thinking of her prior to going to sleep, nor of her deceased loved ones, whom I had never met, or had only met a couple of times.

I once read an article that suggested such dreams are ‘asking for something’ and that there is a request in there somewhere for the dreamer to do something, or deliver something.

Quite frankly, I have passed on a few spirit messages to this particular friend over the years, and I always seem to do so with a little trepidation. Although it was never said, I always felt she possibly thought of me as being odd… and not very bright. The problem is, when I refrain from passing on any kind of message, a nagging sensation will haunt me until I deliver. So I did. Continue reading

How To Not Lose Your Mind

Click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard comments like “people are losing their minds,” or “folks are sure cracking up lately!” The last one is from my sweet Grandma. She says this almost every day when she watches the news. She does have a point – it definitely does seem that way, doesn’t it?

I noticed people losing their minds on the road, at the gas pump, and in grocery stores. There was also the women at the salon, talking on the phone with someone. Many people do seem to be so quick to anger. Some even go into a mad rage over their hamburger not being cooked right (as we heard recently on the news). Continue reading

September 2017 Energy Report

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSeptember is a month of endings and beginnings. It’s the end of Summer, beginning of Fall, and the start of a new school year for many. This month is a time to clear out the old, prepare for a new cycle and improve areas of your life that may feel ‘stuck.’

In Numerology, September is a number 9 month, which is all about transmutation and transformation. Historically, in the Roman calendar, it was the 7th month.

September comes from the Latin root septem, which translates to 7. This number carries strong spiritual undertones, encouraging us to get more in tune with ourselves, and for finding more purpose in the world. Continue reading

She Called Me Mom

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt was just one little message that came through for her. It wasn’t the message she expected. “It was so much more,” she said afterwards. It defined how she felt. And, it came in the form of only four words.

It was the summer of 2017. I received a call from a lady for whom I had never read before. She was very quick to get out her question and said that she had limited time to talk. I shared with her that I felt a strong female energy around her. I saw my symbolic image for ‘mother and child,’ so I felt this was may be her mother I was connecting with.

I felt such a loving presence. In my mind’s eye I could see her mother smiling. She told me to simply give her daughter this message: “She called me Mom.” I shared this with my client, and she immediately said, repeatedly, and I will never forget it, “Thank you!” She said it over, and over, and over. There was so much joy in her words. And then her time ran out and our call was disconnected. Continue reading

Programming Your Crystal

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a recent psychic reading, the client had just visited a psychic fayre, with no intention whatsoever to purchase any more crystals for her collection. She did browse one counter with its beautiful arrangement of crystals. As much as she kept walking away from that particular display, she felt one particular smoky quartz calling her back! So yes, she bought it. Her question to me was how she could best go about programming her new purchase.

Although crystals given as gifts are said to be more powerful, it is my belief that there are also times that a crystal will call out to us, because it has a certain role to play in our lives at a given time. A quartz crystal given as a gift will often be given with loving intention, which is empowering in itself. I have spoken to students who are convinced that they feel at their academic best when wearing a quartz-crystal given to them by a loved one, not to mention the sense of safety and self-confidence a cherished crystal tends to instill in us. Continue reading

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