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Self-Care Is Health Care

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comSome of us grew up thinking that self-care is out of the norm. We were taught that it took too much time away from our families and work. But nothing can be further from the truth.

My Guide recently came to me in a dream in the form of a loving angel of light. He sat across from me at a table and poured each of us a cup of tea. I really enjoyed this dream, because I had set an intention to get a message from Spirit so that I can help people to feel more fulfilled. I asked what I can do to help people, and my Guide told me to teach people the importance of self-care. I would be doing my part to help people get along better and be more present.

Those of us who grew up with people-pleasing parents may have seen them not being very happy, even miserable. I remember many moons ago sitting in church one Sunday and watching a women, who was head of the children’s ministry, get up and address the church. Her aura was always anything but showing calm energy. She was anxious and looked like she was on the verge of tears. Her husband always looked frazzled and the kids were unkind and craved attention from anyone who would give it to them.

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Chiron Retrograde Can Heal The Empath

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is much talk lately regarding astrological retrogrades and the seven planets involved, including Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. The fact that some of this energy will be around until next year, led me to reading up on the potential negative effects, but also the metaphysical power of the retrogrades.

As an empath, I am particularly drawn to Chiron, a planet about which I was woefully uniformed in the past. If you are an empath (even if you are usually not paying close attention) it is worthwhile looking in into the role of this planet in your everyday life.

Apparently Chiron was named after a centaur Chiron from Greek mythology. Chiron is known as the wounded healer in astrology or metaphysics. He was the god of healing… but was unable to heal himself. He is epitomized by the concept of ‘healer heal thyself.’

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Lost In A Dream

Click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEven if we don’t always recall our dreams, we do have them every night. These are encoded messages from the most honored area, the higher self. There is no negative impact connected to this particular source of information. It is simply an individual guidance system that can help lead us into successful areas, or steer us away from potential danger zones. Once we acknowledge that we react from our thoughts and emotions, and understand what the end results are, we are then able to assist our own motives and create a change in the course we have set out for ourselves.

Dream interpreters can potentially evaluate, analyze and understand what all the signs, symbols, colors, and so on, may mean for us, pertaining to how we are conducting our daily lives. Dreams can hold a wealth of any type of information.

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Speak Your Piece With Archangel Gabriel

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGabriel is known as the angel of communication and God’s messenger in the Abrahamic religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Bible tells us it was he who brought the message of Christ’s birth to mankind. As the great communicator Archangel Gabriel can also help us in speaking our piece in life, and empower yourself as a result.

Very often seen with his trumpet in religious art, Gabriel brings us messages from the spirit realm during our sleeping hours. His fabulous angelic presence emanates the most intense white light, which brings about purification wherever it is required.

Gabriel is associated with the element of water. So, whenever you find yourself near a river, the sea, or a lake, you should find that his messages bring particular focus and complete clarity of thought. In fact, Gabriel uses water to its best effect by purifying one’s soul, and helping us to reflect on any matters that may be on our mind.

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Pay Attention To Your Dreams

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe that all dreams have some level of meaning and value in our lives. Dreaming is not only the way the subconscious deals with our time-space, physical reality, but they often also have psychic or spiritual significance. I am a strong advocate of paying attention to our dreams, rather than just relegating them to the sidelines of our human experience.

Even our so-called ‘pizza dreams’ can hold significant meaning in our life. Pizza dreams are highly realistic and very bizarre dreams that we often believe actually happened when we wake up, despite them being outrageously improbable. They are called pizza dreams, because of the urban myth that we tend to have these disturbing dreams after eating too much pizza before we go to bed.

In working with dreams, the best thing you can do is to keep a record. Always keep a dream journal on your nightstand, or near your bed, along with a small, soft light and a pen. Whenever you awaken from a dream, write it down as many details as you can remember. This may initially only be a few key moments from the dream, but if you make this a habit you will eventually begin to remember more and more details from your dreams. Write everything down, no matter how weird or peculiar it may seem.

There are a few key things to remember when you begin the process of interpreting dreams. Firstly, intuitive dreams use symbolic language. There are a few general archetypes within dreams that are common symbols connected to the collective unconscious, but many symbols within dreams are usually individualized symbols. Continue reading

Effects Of The Full Moon

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow will today’s full moon affect you? Many therapists and doctors will tell you they notice severely emotional, erratic and bizarre behaviors from some of their patients during a full moon. Studies also point to anecdotal evidence of higher rates of crime, emergency room admissions and surgical mistakes during a full moon.

There have even been reputable studies about the effects of the moon on human behavior. One of the more convincing studies on lunar madness showed that pets are more likely to be admitted to the vet with injuries after a full moon. One study published in the British Medical Journal stated that bites from animals were twice as frequent in a British emergency room during a full moon.

Police officers also swear crimes go up and become more bizarre during full moons. It is often the topic of conversation in precincts. I do not believe it is a coincidence that the tales of the werewolf all occur during a full moon!

The moon controls the water and tides of planet Earth. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in creeks, lakes and rivers, as well as in icecaps and glaciers, and in the ground as soil moisture. So, the fact that the moon has such a strong affect on the water of our planet, shows the deep impact she has on all of Earth and her creatures, who are also made of large amounts of water. Our bodies are made of roughly 60% water. Continue reading

Processing Deep Emotions In Your Dreams

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDisturbing, chaotic dreams or nightmares involving terror, violence or intense frustration can be extremely disturbing for the dreamer. When these dreams come around, it is not unusual to find yourself suddenly waking in the middle of the night, sitting bolt upright, shaken, and in a pool of perspiration. Some of my clients’ dreams are so hectic, they even ask me if they are possessed, or being punished!

Dream interpretation psychic readings may reveal that such a nightmare reflects a traumatic occurrence from the client’s past, which they fear may occur again. Constant fear of history repeating itself may be invading their thoughts. When we are emotionally and mentally in a place of darkness, our every thought tends to become distorted by fear.

My clients usually hope to find some enlightenment as to what their hectic dreams can possibly mean, and I do my best to interpret their nightmares the best way I know how. It can be most helpful when a psychic exposes the root cause of a frantic dream.

But I also do recall a dream expert, who gave a talk at a psychic fayre once, saying, “The very best person to interpret any type of dream is the dreamer themselves.” What a psychic can do is give their insight, but their interpretation should resonate with the client. Continue reading

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