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A Sign From Spirit On Laundry Day

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhenever I do laundry, I tend to think of my grandma, especially when I take out the clothes and un-wrinkle each item, before tossing it into the dryer. I then think of something she said back when I was a young girl. She said it is like a gift to do laundry, as it gives you time to relax and meditate.

She was a wise woman. Sometimes when we are doing mindless things it can be the perfect time to just think! Doing the laundry, I often think of things, deeply. And sometimes I actually receive the answers to questions I have had in the back of my mind for quite some time. Continue reading

Otherworldly Contact

Click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy husband, daughter and I have been personally involved in removing harmful spirit entities and negative energy forces from people’s homes and businesses. Although some of these had been as terrifying as you could possibly imagine, there always was an element of excitement attached to it from our perspective. Luckily for us, we were maybe too foolhardy or arrogant at the time to comprehend the real dangers involved.

We sometimes had such a vast supply of puzzles and paradoxes to solve, that we thought at one time we may have reached our limit. Fortunately, not all spirit entities are dangerous. Some are completely benign and have seem to derive an inordinate amount of pleasure from sharing a co-existence with their human counterparts. We once even found two spirits residing in the same home for many years, with no idea of each other’s existence, and they did not seem to care. Continue reading

How To Interpret Your Dreams

click picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have always found dreams to be most fascinating.  Interestingly, my guides have taught me that there are, in fact, three types of dreams.

Many dreams are just a result of some of the mundane information we take in on a daily basis. These are usually the kind of dreams which make no sense at all.

Some dreams are simply reflective of both our fears and desires. For example, swimming close to sharks would be an obvious fear for most people, whereas winning the lottery is what a lot of folks would love to happen. Continue reading

Intuitive Children – Moving Beyond Labels

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comChildren are naturally intuitive beings. They are born spiritually aware. We are all born with psychic ability, but as we grow up much of this ability tends to be lost by the time we reach adulthood.

As a parent or caregiver, it is important to nurture a child’s psychic gifts without labeling them. Labels such as “highly gifted,” or “Indigo,” or “Crystalline,” are descriptive, but may also harm the child’s psychic development.

Sometimes it’s tempting to place labels on children or guide them toward a path that may not even be right for them. Instead, adults need to take this spiritual journey along with their children. Encourage them to pursue their intuitions, and don’t try to discount or dismiss as ‘imaginary’ what they may tell you. Intuitive children are extremely sensitive to their environment, and they don’t miss a thing…even those things adults may not be able to perceive. Offering a permissive, open arena is key. Continue reading

Journey To The Isle Of Avalon

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The Isle of Avalon is a mythical place of healing, psychic learning, crafting, and the life and times of King Arthur. Figures such as Morgan Le Fay, King Arthur and Merlin the Magician are just a few legendary names associated with this Holy Isle. Though no longer here in the physical world, Avalon is still accessible through the inner worlds by way of  meditation or immrama, an Irish-Welsh word meaning ‘spiritual journey on the astral plane.’

Avalon was known as training ground for priestesses who dedicated their life to spirituality, and to the Great Mother Goddess. These women trained in the arts of clairvoyance, herbalism, weaving and devotion to the Divine feminine. Continue reading

Spiritual Guidance On Organized Religion

click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSitting at a local café, drinking my smoothie, I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation behind me. They were talking loudly and were not really going out of their way to be discreet by any means. The one girl was talking about how her mother had passed. She spoke of chemotherapy and did not want the same ordeal for her friend, who is obviously going through something similar.

She then shared a story of how her aunt called her a few weeks ago and told her about a dream she had. In this dream the aunt was visited by the girl’s departed mother, who told her that if she could do it all over again, she would do two things  differently when she was alive. She would not have taken the chemotherapy and she would not have spent so much time in church. Continue reading

The Everyday Miracle Of Everywhere Magic

Click the pic for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSeeing the world through glittering eyes is no longer a walk in the park for the spiritual optimist. There is such a lack of awe these days; so little wonder.

Our society has successfully stripped itself of most of its metaphysical marvels. Yet, magic prevails everywhere for those who still seek to find it. Despite our cynical age of scientific skepticism, techno-futurism and neo-draconian politics, the mystical and miraculous continues to endure in the hearts and minds of those who choose to believe.

I have seen evidence of this everyday magic in my work with many people all over the world, as well as upon many of my travels. I have known it in the devoted spiritual practices and manifesting projects of my clients. I have observed it in the heroic metaphysical endeavors and healing miracles of my colleagues. And I have even witnessed it at almost every birthday party I have ever attended. Yes, most of us have at some point in our lives whispered a silent wish over the candles on a cake! Continue reading

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