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Crossing Over Into Unconditional Love

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIs my mom okay? Is my dad still in pain? Is my friend trying to speak to me? Is my grandmother proud or ashamed of me? Does my husband forgive me?

These are just a few of the many questions that I am asked by bereaved family members and friend, when they lose someone dear to them.

Firstly, it is important to understand that we are all spirit with a temporary physical body. And we have free will in how we choose to live our lives. Some of us choose to be kind and giving, while some are abusive and filled with anger. It is not our place to judge each other, simply to know that free will was a gift given to us before we came into this current physical body.

When I am asked these questions, the initial part of the answer is always going to be the same. The person that you lost simply left their physical body behind; their spirit never faltered.  When someone crosses over, no matter who, or how, the moment of crossing is always met with pure love. Their angel reaches out a hand and when they touch the light shows them that there is nothing to be afraid of. They instantly know that the place where they are returning to is a place of light and harmony. It is a place of pure, unconditional love. Hate disappears, hurt or pain disappears. There is no shame, not disrespect. And there is only unconditional love for those that remain here on earth waiting for our turn to join them. Continue reading

Reunited With Crochet Friend In Spirit

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI like to frequent a well-known, local bookstore. It is my way of having peaceful fellowship indirectly with others. I don’t have to talk to anyone, but the feeling of others around while I’m reading is a pleasant feeling. I always sit on the same chair, which is almost like a comfy love seat with others sitting nearby.

One day, while sitting there and reading, I noticed in my peripheral vision a lady to my left. She sat down on the sofa next to me.

She then looked at me and said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t want to disturb you, but I think you may have known my grandmother. She attended the same church you went to.”

I asked her which church she was speaking of and then confirmed that I had indeed gone there for a few years, but no longer attend. Continue reading

The Powerful Wisdom Of The Major Arcana

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are 78 cards in a traditional Tarot deck. The first 22 are called the Major Arcana. The word ‘arcana’ comes from a Latin word arcanum, which means ‘ancient secrets’ or ‘mysteries.’

The 22 Major Arcana cards, starting with The Fool and leading all the way to The World, are all archetypes that represent hidden knowledge that many centuries ago were privy to those who worked closely with spirit.

When we consult a Tarot deck, the Major Arcana cards take us on a journey into another world, accessing ancient truths and divine law.  In psychic Tarot readings the Major Arcana cards can describe attributes of people and their character traits, but most often represent the spiritual lessons we go through in life. Continue reading

How To Listen To Your Higher Self

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWant to be at your very best most of the time, if not all of the time? I thought you might! To achieve this, you need to become connected to your Higher Self. Think of it as your internal navigation system that will guide you, providing you listen to it, in the right direction at all times!

The Higher Self is connected to the Universal Collective Consciousness. In fact, there are some schools of thought who are of the opinion that our very soul contract (our life plan which we decided upon prior to being born) is possessed by our Higher Self. By listening to its guidance, it is said we can achieve our highest aims in life. But how do we do so, and what signs does it send us? Look out for these vital signs of contact with your Higher Self. Continue reading

Dream Postcards From The Other Side

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I had the most intense dreams and they were connected to a friend of mine who lives five thousand miles away across the globe. The dreams were random. I hadn’t been thinking of her prior to going to sleep, nor of her deceased loved ones, whom I had never met, or had only met a couple of times.

I once read an article that suggested such dreams are ‘asking for something’ and that there is a request in there somewhere for the dreamer to do something, or deliver something.

Quite frankly, I have passed on a few spirit messages to this particular friend over the years, and I always seem to do so with a little trepidation. Although it was never said, I always felt she possibly thought of me as being odd… and not very bright. The problem is, when I refrain from passing on any kind of message, a nagging sensation will haunt me until I deliver. So I did. Continue reading

My Psychic Family

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAre psychic gifts passed on in certain families? In my family it would certainly appear so.

My maternal grandmother was married at the tender age of 14, had her first child at the age of 16, and just carried on from there. Her life was not a particular happy one. My grandfather worked a steady job with good pay, however he was a alcoholic, as well as a womanizer so money was not always prevalent in the home.

Although she was christened Flora Mae, she was always called ‘Mumma’ by everyone who knew her, because she was a mother figure to many beside her own family. As we grew to know and appreciate Mumma, we had a sense there was something unusual about her. Continue reading

Crystals Can Revive Your Spiritual Brilliance!

Click photo for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comLife these days can be very demanding and it is often a challenge to successfully balance all aspects of mind, body and soul. Busy work days, financial responsibilities, and the demands of our social and family life, can make it so easy to allow our spiritual practice to slip. Fortunately, the metaphysical power of crystals can help us keep our spiritual motivation going. Here’s how.

Ask For Support

Should you feel the need for support from a particular crystal, then all you need to do is simply ask for it. For example, do you think you need to increase your self-discipline, or that your resolve should be strengthened? If so, gently hold some malachite in one hand and request that it helps and supports you to this end. In fact, you could carry it with you at all times whenever you sense the need of its help. Continue reading

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