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Seeking Spirituality

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDuring the years of private study with my teacher, Adyashanti, he used to speak a lot about belief systems and spiritual practices. I learned from him, among other things, that to believe something, as opposed to having a direct experience of it, are two entirely different things. If you believe something because you’ve been made to feel guilty for being a non-believer, or merely because you think it’s the ‘right’ thing to do, it’s likely that this belief will be challenged throughout your life.

However, if you have a direct experience that is of a spiritual nature, you’re more likely to remember it and the impact it had on you, and you are more likely to truly believe as a result.  The direct spiritual experiences we have, whether through meditation, dreams, or psychic and paranormal phenomena, are the ones that help us grow as an individual and bring us into alignment with our soul.

Why is this? If you think about it, we are bombarded with information every day that our minds must either believe, memorize, and somehow apply. Our authentic state, soul or higher self, has a direct, intuitive knowing that doesn’t come from this information or thoughts triggered by the external world. This kind of ‘knowing’ comes from within. When we have moments where our ‘everyday mind’ is out of the way, either through a psychic vision, spiritual experience, dream, or simply a quiet, meditative state, we come back in touch with this original ‘inner knowing’ or ‘beingness.’

Some call this ‘enlightenment.’ According to my teacher, Adyashanti, and from my own direct experiences, true enlightenment is not something that can be learned, rather it’s the ‘unlearning’ of all thoughts we’ve taken in.

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Unconditional Love Is Heaven On Earth

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I was a little girl, I remember going to my grandparents’ home during the summers. I couldn’t wait for the summer to arrive, to get to spend time with them. It was always magical. The months leading up to those wonderful stays were always filled with anticipation and excitement.

Always having something to look forward to adds to the enjoyment and contentment of life. Whether it’s an upcoming event or something we are looking forward to, such trying an adventurous activity, or reading that new book you’re excited to dive into. Books have always been for me a bit of a mental vacation, because you can relax, while going places to imaginative places in your mind.

I believe the magic and enjoyment of getting to spend time with my grandparents came from it being filled with love and attention. Thinking back now, they were the only adults, when I was younger, who gave me their full attention and truly unconditional love. They were never too busy to sit and talk with me, or share stories from their childhood, which I found very fascinating.

Not all Grandparents are alike though. Some can be all about gossip, judgment, neglect, even abuse, and not the best role models. I was lucky that on my mother’s side of the family this was not the case. My maternal grandparents had all the traits and attributes one would imagine a truly loving grandparent to have.

I have memories of being in tears when having to leave and go back home. There I just spent my days alone in my room, as my parents were often too busy with church and other social groups they were involved in. I suspect all that time I was forced to spend on my own, helped me to expand and open my mind, to tap into those deeper areas of the psyche that are often left dormant.

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The Haunting That Still Haunts

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever experienced something that was so scary you just couldn’t forget about it? No matter how many years have passed you still can’t get it out of your mind? I have had several such terrifying experiences in my life. Try as I might, I just simply can’t forget about those occurrences.

I can’t forget for example, about the time I experienced severe sleep paralysis. It was frightening beyond measure. I also can’t forget the feeling I got one time that I had to leave the place where I was living, and that I had to leave now. Later that week I discovered that the person I was sharing living space with, had been murdered. So, if your intuition tells to get out of an environment, listen to it!

Another experience that I will never forget had to do with a Ouija board. It was several decades ago. My friends and I were dabbling with one. We asked for a spirit entity to come through and we did make contact with someone… or something. It made the people I was with very scared, so they all left. But I continued to play with the board on my own, and when I asked what the spirit’s name was, and it spelled out the name Ralph.

I asked Ralph what he did in life and he said that he had owned a farm, which was on the land where I was living at the time. He also revealed that many animals had died on that land, because there had been a terrible plague and a shortage of medicine that could save them. After he lost his cattle, he built a home which ended up burning down to the ground. So, there had been a lot of suffering occurring on that piece of land.

I later did some research and found out that there had in fact been a farm on that property long ago. I also did a ritual to help the spirits of the farmer and his animals find peace. I blessed the land and burned lots of sage.

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Memorialize Loved Ones With A Remembrance Table

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have a remembrance table in my home where I display framed pictures of my grandparents, as well as some of the possessions they passed on to me. My eclectic collection also includes a few candles, angel figurines, some essential oils, Grandma’s favorite perfume, grandpa’s favorite cologne, as well as two trees on either side of the table, which I always decorate for the holidays.

My grandparents really enjoyed the holidays. They especially celebrated Halloween and Christmas, their two favorite holidays of the year. The other holidays were also a great time to be at their house, but Halloween and Christmas were always the best!

I believe having a remembrance table, or ancestor altar, really helps to connect us with our loved ones, after they’ve crossed over. I personally don’t worship my ancestors, but I do honor them. You don’t just have to make a remembrance table at a loved one’s funeral, or at weddings or family gatherings. You can make it a permanent part of your home decor, and have it there all year long.

I love the idea of the remembrance table because a funeral should not be the only time you celebrate the life of a deceased loved one. It’s a great way to honor them and the wonderful memories you have to create with them when they were alive.

I’ve put special photographs from different times in their life that were especially joyous and memorable. Family was everything to them, so many of the pictures also include other relatives, such as uncles and their other grandchildren.

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The Spirit Rituals Of Life – Part 1

click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently had the opportunity to spend time in a cabin out in the woods. The best part for me was the bonfire at night, while listening to the wisdom of my spirit guides.

I had hoped to enjoy solitude there, but it turned out there were other folks staying in cabins nearby. I was on this three day vacation in the woods to meditate. I had planned to go on this trip alone to get some deeper spiritual insight into what brings true fulfillment in life.

I also knew in my heart I did not have to go to an ashram far away in India, or some other exotic destination. I knew in my heart going into the woods that true contentment and happiness can only be found from within.

Blessings come to us when we are willing to listen to that still silent voice within. Spirit always meets us halfway. The first blessing came on my first day there, when I learned that the people in the neighboring cabins were all leaving and I would have the place to myself soon, except for the people who run the camp. But they were far enough away and I could finally enjoy some serious silence and seclusion.

The first night was simply magical! If I walked a little ways from the cabin, I could see the entire sky lit up with stars. I walked to the camp store to purchase some odds and ends, and trekked back to my quiet spot in the woods to get a bonfire going. Then I just relaxed, peacefully watching the flames. I was surrounded with the elements of fire, water, air and of course earth.

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The Phenomenon Of Out-Of-Body Experiences

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAn out-of-body experience (OBE) is a phenomenon that can happen after surgery, when we experience severe trauma, during meditation, astral travel, and so on. They are also associated with near-death-experiences (NDE). It is usually characterized by a feeling of leaving your physical body, or observing yourself from outside your body. I have experienced this phenomenon several times in my life.

Reports of OBEs vary from person to person, but they often involve the sense of floating above one’s body, or looking down on yourself. You may also see a bright light during an OBE, and sometimes colors and a warm, pleasant sensation. Some people see deceased family members.

In my experience an out-of-body experience is a unique opportunity to step outside of our physical existence into the spiritual realm. Sometimes we experience this because our soul needs to ‘restart.’ So, when you are in a state of meditation, or when you are feeling relaxed, or sedated after surgery, this may happen to realign the body and soul.

Part of the soul’s purpose is to keep the vessel (our body) alive. Our soul is connected to a silver cord, much like an umbilical cord, which keeps things intact, so that we can always come back to our body after an OBE.

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Developing Your Spirit Communication Skills

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit communication is the process of sending and receiving information to and from the spirit realm. This process can sometimes be overwhelming for individuals. The spirit realm and nature sends us inspiration, messages, comfort and guidance. In every moment of every day we receive information. Are we deciphering that information correctly? Are we also clear in our requests to Spirit?

There are many ways spirit communicates with us. For example, a synchronistic song playing on the radio, which we associate with a loved one in Spirit; unusual behaviors, or unexpected appearances of animals, birds or insects; seeing so-called ‘angel numbers’ or synchronistic clock times like 11:11 or 12:12; Ouija board messages, as well as Tarot and oracle card signs; pendulum dowsing; and dreams.

Then there are messages relayed by intuitives, psychics and mediums during professional readings, using the clair senses, channeling, divination and mediumship. These modes of communication can be natural for some, but also a developed skill for others.

Were you a child that had imaginary friends or saw relatives who were dead? If so, then you have the innate capability pre-developed, but you may need to enhance and strengthen your communication ability. Not to become a professional psychic reader, but to be better connected in life. Strengthening comes through discipline, commitment and a passion to be of service.

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