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Cosmic Coach

Cosmic Coach (James) is a Christian Minister, a teacher and an Energy Guide. He has been seeing and talking with Angels and Guides since he was 7. As a teen, it dawned on him the unique connection he had. He prayed for others at his family’s Christian church, and received direct messages and healing energy from Spirit. As a young adult, he became ordained and is still attached to the Christian Church today. After mentoring with a remarkable psychic woman, he developed his own tools and began his full-time psychic practice. James has mastered many techniques in his psychic practice to connect with the unique heart center of each of his clients. He is a Reiki Master of many traditions, who is adept at crystal healing, card readings, and delivering detailed messages from Angels and Guides. James is always expanding the base of his knowledge to broaden his reach and serve as many clients as possible. To experience a unique reading personally designed for you, you can find Cosmic Coach at

Are You A Victim, Observer, Or Empowered Creator?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for many years now, and I learn something new almost every day. Many of the personal and spiritual insights I have attained in my sessions with clients, have been very beneficial to me in both my professional and personal life.

One of these spiritual messages revealed to me a powerful concept regarding the mindset we choose as our overriding outlook on life and the impact it has on our joy, happiness and fulfillment. How we view the world and interact with others depends on whether we choose to go through life as a Victim, Observer, or a Creator.

Most people shift between these three mindsets at different times and in different areas of their life, but we tend to revert to one of these positions as our predominant outlook on life. Spirit has shown me that the ideal for all spiritually conscious people must be to empower ourselves in such a way as to achieve the Creator level in all areas of our life. This has become my hope and aim for all of my clients.

Consider which of these three mindsets tends to define your outlook on life most of the time:

Victim – A victim allows the external to influence the internal and experience things such as constant financial hardship and debt, chronic discontent in relationships, co-dependency in relationships, boredom and frustration, chronic exhaustion, fear and confusion, and dissatisfaction in career and business. The victim‘s emotions are dictated by the ebb and flow of life and allows external events and other people to determine their daily state of mind.

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Learning To Accept Yourself (Warts And All)

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA consistent trend I have noticed doing psychic readings and metaphysical counseling for many years. This trend relates to rejection, and our reaction to being rejected by our human family. It is not natural to abandon or reject loved ones, but in my experience as a pastoral counselor and psychic healer, I have noticed that it is a challenge that many have faced in this life.

Recently, as I was doing a channeling session with one of my clients, this came up and we both had a revelation about our own experiences of rejection. The discussion we had was not only about rejection and how we as humans experience it, but also about how we perceive acceptance. Our experience of rejection comes from only one source, namely our expectation, and also how we resonate with the acceptance we receive from others.

When we are children it is natural for us to allow our parents to be our source. They were the picture of God in our lives, and in ideal situations they were our source of acceptance, providing nurture and stability. Many times, when you see a religious group adopting a vengeful and cruel depiction of the Divine, it stems from a refusal to remove the archetypal depiction from God they experienced with their parents.

Many times, the search for source extends itself outward, and the responsibility of our fulfillment is put on other people or organizations. In some cases, fulfillment is found in substances and can also lead to addictive behaviors. We look to these external ‘sources’ to provide us comfort and satisfaction.

It is natural for us to live in community and relationships, so our endeavors toward fulfillment are often projected outward in our relationships. Unfortunately, since we all have an intrinsic need to identify with and live from Source, we find ourselves continually reaching for fulfillment that we rarely find. This leads to heartache, loss, and broken relationships within the human family.

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The Powerful Magic Inside

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery human being has powerful magic inside, and part of my job is to teach people how to use that magical energy. I understand the term ‘magic’ is somewhat of a loaded word, so let me re-frame it. Jesus called if faith and told us that with a small amount of faith we can move mountains. Buddha called it thought manifestation and explained that our conscious thought produces our reality.

How we focus our energy will eventually manifest in one way or another in our lives. For some people this implies ‘darkness’ or ‘evil.’ Darkness does exist, but I believe that it exists only as a catalyst to increase our vibrational frequency if we are ready to do so.

My personal belief is that darkness cannot ‘stick’ if there is nothing for it to stick to. This is why, when discussing lower vibrational frequencies, the best action is to increase your vibration. In my view there is really no war of light versus dark, or good versus evil. We can turn on the lights and then if there is something that needs to be cleaned up, we can clean it up. The darkness does not struggle when the lights come on. It just goes away.

For nearly all problematic circumstances our primary goal should be to change our consciousness and increase our vibrational frequency. It is quite rare that we are we taught to use this magic in everyday life.

There have been many spiritual teachers that have talked about it in the past, as I stated above. Jesus had enough magic (faith) to walk on water and Buddha could exert his magic (consciousness) to tame a wild elephant.

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The Divine Source Of Psychic Awareness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of my favorite Vedic hymns is the Absolute mantra which can be translated this way:

That is Absolute (Divine), this is Absolute (Divine),

Absolute (Divine) rises out of Absolute (Divine). 

If Absolute (Divine) is taken out of Absolute (Divine),

Absolute (Divine) remains.

It is my personal belief that this mantra is a key to understanding our existence, and also gives us insight into where psychic phenomena come from. We are all interconnected through a Divine matrix, but the daily perception of our experience is that of duality or separateness. We do not consciously share our awareness with trees or other people, but the Divine matrix is still present whether we recognize it or not.

So, how does this explain psychic phenomena? These are my theories, but that being said, they are theories that have their roots in various spiritual traditions. We may never fully understand psychic phenomena, but it is my personal conviction that it happens when a level of the Divine consciousness seeps through into the consciousness of an individual.

Some psychics experience intense empathic impressions, where they  experience the emotions of another individual, while others communicate with spirits or ultra-terrestrial beings, such as the angels and guides that observe and influence our everyday lives.

The veil of duality is slightly removed for people who have these abilities and they can therefore interact with these beings on a higher plane of consciousness. Gifted psychics can also see into the past and the future, because they are able to transcend the duality of time. This is also a manifestation of the Absolute, since the Absolute transcends even time itself.

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Two Pitfalls To Manifesting Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing energy healing work in many capacities for several years now. If you are reading this it is likely that you have manifested on this Earth to bring healing energy to many situations.

From what I have seen most people have a natural desire to bring healing and restoration though many different mediums. But there are two specific pitfalls that keep individuals from fully manifesting their healing gift. The first is a need for perfection before manifestation, and the second is elitism. My mentor once said that we are all wounded healers. I have yet to meet a master or student who has reached the pinnacle of intuitive insight and energy flow. This does not make us broken and should certainly not keep us from fulfilling our destinies as healers and intuitives.

If I met someone who claims to have achieved full enlightenment, I would steer clear of that person. When we are not living in a flow of personal insight and development we become stagnant. When water lacks movement or flow it loses its vital energy. Our vital energy or personal rei-ki comes from the ebbs and flows of our personal human experience.

Rei (divine love and wisdom) Ki (vital energy) comes from two sources. This flow can be attained through both attunements. The second source is the energy flow that is channeled through our journey and experience. It is important to remember that even Usui Reiki had a source and was channeled in a time and place of great need. This is also why Reiki cannot be contained in a single tradition. There is Vedic Karuna Reiki, Kagami Reiki, and Egyptian Seichim Reiki, as well as your reiki, my reiki, and on and on. It can be expressed and experienced in symbols, words, pictures, archetypes, and so forth. True mastery is achieved by understanding that Spirit is not limited, and by entering into the limitless possibilities of love.

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The Wisdom Of The Trees

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe annual seasons profoundly affect perennial trees. Each year many species of perennial change color, release their leaves, go dormant, and then come back to life in the spring with new growth.

As humans we could learn a lot from these trees. Firstly, they are naturally in tune with the seasons. They can ebb and flow with the natural order of things.  For a season their leaves will gather up energy from the sun for growth.  They bask in the light and find nourishment. And they can do this because of their ability to release the old when the time comes.

There are times in our lives when we also need to release the old things from the past.  All our life experiences have natural course and expiry date to them.  All our relationships in this physical life are also temporary experiences. Knowing this allows us to be in the flow with the cycles of life and the afterlife.

Too often we resolutely cling to the past, which causes us to feel stuck or keeps us from developing the types of relationships and experiences we truly want.  If the trees were to hold on to their old dead leaves, there would be no room nor energy for further growth. It would be impossible for them to thrive and be nourished by the sun.

There is also no way for trees to perpetually grow. One time I planted a tree late in the season. I gave it lots of nourishment, but over the winter it died off. By fertilizing the tree, I was creating a condition that would not allow it to survive. The fall is when trees release their leaves so the wood can harden off.

Too often people want to run to the next experience, and the next experience. Or they they try to make an experience last indefinitely. They want to make the ‘summer’ of their peak human experiences last forever. They never give themselves the opportunity to let go and properly grieve what has been, in order to recenter and become stable and energized for the next spring.

It is important for us to acknowledge our actual life experiences and move through the winter seasons in a way that prepares us for the next season. There is a temptation to just keep running to the next experience or next relationship to satiate a previous painful experience. However, in doing so we create situations that are toxic and unsustainable.

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The World Is A Metaphor For Human Consciousness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe natural world around us reflects the internal evolutionary patterns of human consciousness. Seasons are a good reflection of how we as humans evolve and grow at the level of consciousness. The closer you get to the poles the climates are often cold and rigid. These climates do not support a large variety of life.

We see something similar taking place within the human mind. The more polarized and rigid someone becomes in their thinking patterns the less variety and the less diversity of life experiences take place. We can have very rigid patterns of thinking, which tend to leave us cold and static in our experiences.

As we move more toward the center of our globe, we see more diversity of life. We also begin to see seasonal changes taking place on a more regular basis. There are seasons where trees lose their leaves, animals hibernate, and activity slows down. In consciousness this could symbolize a person that is beginning to expand their consciousness. Someone willing to change and grow.

This level of consciousness that northern and southern regions represent easier it is for someone to accept the ebb and flow of life. An acceptance of both the light and the dark can emerge at this stage and people become more aware of their emotions.

The closer to the center someone gets within consciousness the more diversity and love they experience. They are not focused on polarity at all, but instead accept life as it comes. This often includes acceptance of the storms in life that are produced by the overall polarized climate.

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