Can A Christian Be Psychic?
I am often asked if I personally have a problem being a professional psychic, as well as a Christian. Some people seem to feel that working as a psychic is against the teachings of the Bible.
Growing up in a Christian, church-going family I was never taught that being a psychic was something considered as being wrong in the Bible.
Not only were we brought up in the Christian faith, but I also come from a long line of psychics in my family. Being both psychic and Christian is something that was never considered strange in my family; to us it was normal.
The Bible has accounts of many great prophets that did amazing things. Not only did some of them contribute to the actual writing of the Bible, but they were also a part of many miracles and wonders. They made a difference in the outcome of important Biblical events. They were the messengers of God.
The calling of a psychic is very similar to the work of a prophet. I guess it is just on a smaller scale? When a psychic does a reading they see many things from the past, the present and the future, the same way the prophets did in the Bible. The prophets were there to help, guide, advise and warn of coming danger, the same way modern psychics read for their clients.
Being born a psychic or medium is a God-given talent and calling. Did you know that one of the world’s most well-known psychics, Edgar Cayce, was also a devout Christian who read through the whole Bible once every year. Why should a psychic, who received his gifts from God, be persecuted as someone who is doing evil?
Astrology Forecast March 14 – 20, 2022
We’ll be closing out this final week of the astrological year with some self-focus and organization, by bringing some things to completion and attending to things we’ve been neglecting over the past few months.
The Moon will cruise through Leo on today and tomorrow, reminding us to practice more generosity to others, as well as ourselves. This is a good cycle for forgiveness and preparing to release anything that holds us back, before Friday’s Virgo Full Moon.
It may be necessary to take a deep breath and count to ten this afternoon, as the Leo Moon square Uranus in Taurus can cause people to be irritable, stubborn, moody, and even act a little outrageous.
During this time, people can be eccentric, headstrong, fanatic, over-the-top, irritable. It will not be a good time for getting into arguments with your significant other, as it could cause damage to the future of your relationship. Stay centered and grounded, and keep calm.
Wednesday and Thursday’s energies are ideal for regrouping, organizing our lives, and eliminating clutter on a physical level, as the Moon moves through Virgo. We’ll also be reminded that while having high ideals to move us forward, we need to also be more gentle and understanding of ourselves and others.
Once the Moon peaks full on Friday, we’ll enter a phase of release during which we can truly let go of the past and the hold it has on us. We’ll also take a breather later in the day, as the Moon moves into Libra and spends the weekend calling for a return to balance.
On Sunday the astrological new year is upon us, as the Sun moves into Aries, calling for a fresh start and a creative approach to life over the next four weeks.
Believing In Miracles
The most amazing miracle I have ever witnessed was the birth of my daughter and my three granddaughters. Life itself is a miracle, and a mystery. But while some of us feel even the smallest thing is a miracle, others take everything for granted and do not give much thought at all to the unexplained.
Some people refuse to believe anything is a miracle. They only trust in the natural laws of physics. For them only seeing is believing, and nothing else is possible. Natural law has no tolerance for mysteries, much less miracles.
It is natural for people to be suspicious of what they do not understand. But people used to think the world is flat, because that is what they saw when they looked at the horizon.
So, my granddaughters finally talked me into getting a smart phone. Believe me, for a person my age, this gadget is indeed a miracle, and a mystery!
When I was a teenager, my boyfriend lived a few towns away. The only communication device we had in those days was a rotary dial wall phone. I had to sit on the kitchen floor to talk to him for only ten minutes at a time, because our household shared the line with two othertechamilies!
I remember I used to think: if only I could see him while we talk. Imagine that! In 1970 that certainly would have been a miracle. Well, what seemed an impossible fantasy back then is now the modern miracle of video chat and messenger apps.
The fact that my young granddaughters are so proficient with all the new digital technology is also a miracle to me. For them, this is just the way it is – it’s nothing miraculous in their minds. Continue reading
Visualizing Your Soul’s Path
If you are currently struggling with feelings of emptiness, loneliness, boredom or a lack of meaning and purpose in your life, it may be that you are not connected to your soul purpose.
We are so much more than just our careers, business pursuits, relationships, family, or home. We are spiritual beings in human form, each with a unique soul path and personal destiny.
To become more aware of our innate spiritual purpose we must pay attention to our inner voice and listen carefully to our heart’s desire. We must find what truly resonates with our soul.
A fun visualization exercise I recommend to anyone looking for clues to their true soul’s path is to imagine the ideal color of your home’s front door.
Imagine coming home on any average day. Were you driving home in a car that needs to be parked in the driveway? Or maybe you took the bus, or were you walking or biking? Visualize the details your arrival.
Next, see yourself coming up your walkway or entrance facing the front door of your abode. Now, instead of its current actual color, imagine the ideal new color for your door. What color do you see? The color your spontaneously imagined reflects the interest of your soul.
For example, if you imagine your door to be painted red it may indicate that you operate with a lot of passion and excitement. A light shade of blue may be reflective of freedom of expression, or you are a soul who thinks, feels, and operates outside the box. A darker navy tone might indicate a more serious nature and a strong sense of commitment to the community. My preferred door color is a bright yellow, which is a sign of my interest in the intuitive and metaphysical realm.
Sun Salutation For Opening Your Heart Chakra
Many people have an energy blockage or imbalance with their heart chakra, because this is where we hold our emotional wounds.
The heart chakra is where we hold on to every insult or criticism from our childhood. The unbalanced heart chakra can store the energy of every rejection, anxious moment, humiliation, and fear from our teen years, as well as every break-up and every disappointment in our lifetime.
Heartbreak is a very real phenomenon. For example, sometimes when the life partner of an elderly person passes away, they will also pass from a heart attack soon after. It is tragic evidence of a disconnection of the life-long energy bond between two hearts.
Blockage in the heart chakra can also cause various health problems, including heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, breathing problems, and problems with the thyroid, back, neck and shoulders.
The sun salutation is a choreographed set of yoga exercises that can be used to open the heart chakra and move energy throughout the entire body. Lifting your heart chakra pulls energy into the center.
Stand with your feet roughly one foot part, feet parallel. Tighten your buttocks and push your pelvis forward. Contract your abdominal muscles.
Reach your arms out to the side and slowly move them upward, as if you re scooping energy upward. Keep the arms perfectly straight, with elbows locked.
Bring your hands over your head into a prayer position, with the arms as straight as you can get them. Visualize that energy you scooped up pulsing between your hands. Then, keeping the hands connected in prayer, bring your hands down to your heart and feel that energy you ‘captured’ filling your heart chakra. Do this over and over as many times as you want.
Astrology Forecast March 7 – 13, 2022
Mercury joins the Sun in Pisces this week, adding to the spiritual, somewhat ethereal energy of this week.
Today will prove our most productive day under the Taurus Moon, so get as much out of the way as you can. The Moon will dance through Gemini Tuesday through Thursday, making us more prone to socializing and chatting mid-week.
The Taurus Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces will bring us both social and financial success and have us feeling upbeat and confident, so this morning will be a good time to drum up some new business prospects.
The Pisces Sun sextile Moon in Taurus today will add to our sense of popularity and our ability to see eye-to-eye and successfully meet others halfway. This constellation lasts only a few hours, so strike the iron today while it is still hot, as the mood will shift towards insincerity, disharmony and even depression by the end of the day under the Taurus Moon square Saturn in Aquarius.
As Mercury moves into Pisces on Wednesday, most of our discussions will be centered on spirituality, the occult, and the supernatural.
Once the Moon exits Gemini and wades into Cancer, we’ll have two more days of watery energy on Friday and Saturday.
The fog will finally begin to lift on Sunday when the Moon moves into Aries and restores our energy and drive, though we may decide to channel that into restoring balance rather than charging out to run a marathon or paint the house!
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