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Strategies For Manifesting A Successful Relationship

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOver the years I have worked with many clients who either want to improve an existing relationship or manifest a new relationship. In these readings, spirit consistently suggests three simple spiritual practices that can radically change our relationships and romantic energy.

We tend to get stuck by over-analyzing and over-thinking our love lives, to the extent that we develop a lot of emotional charge and resistance in relationship matters. With the guidance of spirit, I have found these three simple strategies to be very helpful in moving our love energy in a more healthy and happy direction, in a very short time. Try these strategies in your daily spiritual practice. It could help you finally step into the love life of your dreams!


Begin your relationship work in the dream state. Before going to bed each night, ask your angels, guides and higher self to invite your current love partner, new love interest or a future partner to join you for an ‘astral date.’ I like to think of it as ‘etheric couples counseling’ on the astral plane.

Meeting your lover in your dreams can ignite a significant energy shift in your relationship life, which will eventually translate into the emotional, mental and physical realms. In this altered state of consciousness the higher selves of you and your partner do the work with the support of spirit. The limitations, judgments and preconceptions of your ego or ‘lower self’ are all deactivated while you are asleep and in the dream state, and therefore unable to interrupt or interfere with the process.

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Have Your Guides Led You Astray?

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at“My guides must hate me! They only lead me to things that cause me pain,” one of my clients recently complained. It is also not the first time I have heard something like this.

But how can this be? If our angels, guides and ancestors are here to help us, why do they lead us to things that cause us pain, heartache, or grief? Is spirit perhaps not actually guiding us, but hurting us instead? And if that is the case, what are we to do about it?

In my years of working as a professional psychic and energy healer, as well as my personal life experiences, I have come to the following conclusion on this matter. Our guides have only one mission: to love and support us unconditionally. Any deviation from our highest good is never due to the guidance of spirit, but instead the result of one or more of the following:

Ego Interference

Often, when we believe we are ‘following our guides,’ we are actually following a wounded part of our ego that continues to create a reality of pain – because that is all that we know. Your guides will never encourage you to do anything that causes you, or another person harm. Your spirit guardians will never make you feel belittled, intimidated or frightened.

Now, it is important to note they may steer you towards life choices and experiences that may make you feel somewhat uncomfortable or challenged, because it is outside of your comfort zone and they are wanting you to grow and expand. But there is a difference between being gently nudged towards personal growth and soul expansion, and simply being frightened or emotionally crushed

Lack Of Listening

The fundamental question with spirit guidance is whether are you truly listening? Sometimes we are in so much anger or pain that our guides are actually communicating with us, and guiding us, in vain, because we are unable to hear it clearly.

Explore ways to turn off the destructive self-talk and emotional intensity, and work on tapping into your inner guidance and listening to your inner voice.

For example, ask your angels, guides or ancestors to work with you in the dream state. Once the conscious mind that is hurting so much is asleep, it is much easier for our guides to come in and do their work.

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Reconnect And Recharge Your Soul

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat a crazy place the world is right now! First wave, second wave, third wave. New virus, old virus, mutant virus. To be vaccinated, or not? Fear, chaos, anxiety. Misinformation, conflicting information, false information. What do we trust? Who do we turn to for guidance?

And the pandemic is not our only concern. Scientists are warning us that the polar ice caps are melting faster than they had anticipated, as global warming causes climate change. The oceans are drowning in our plastic waste and animal species are going extinct.

Whatever will be next? Will things ever get better, or will they get worse? Are we worse off than our ancestors? Where will it all end? How do we center ourselves in all the chaos and drama, and foster a sense of inner peace and faith amidst all the upheaval?

The one aspect of this world I completely trust is Mother Nature. The Earth Mother, Terra, Tellus. Our beloved Gaia. Like any other maternal energy, she continually finds a way to cope. She readjusts, heals and rejuvenates.

I believe the planet will find a way to heal, restore and recover. Our Earth Mother has the innate power to sustain herself, despite the assault and abuse by her thankless human offspring. Unlike us feeble humans, Mother Nature does not resort to hysterics, fear and panic.

I believe there is a divine understanding that at different times particular events and changes will unfold, as the world evolves its own destiny.

The other aspect of life that I have complete faith in is my soul, my spirit, my higher self, that remains steadfast within me regardless of what goes on in the outside world.

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Miracle Moments In Mediumship Readings

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMediums are a mouthpiece for the spirit world, or the ‘telephone’ in the middle. In a mediumship reading spirit may come through with a short, simple greeting or a full hour reading. The medium is merely the messenger and does not control the process. It is a three-way conversation between the client, spirit and the medium.

It is, of course, important for the sitter or client that spirit gives validating information or evidence that the medium could not possibly know or guess. This ‘seals the deal’ so to speak. The best way to receive these validations is to allow spirit to just take the lead and let the miracle unfold. The medium or the client trying to take charge and steer the reading is never a good idea.

Some typical examples of spontaneous evidence may include their birthname or nickname, their dates of birth and passing, how they passed, their personality and physical appearance when they were in this life, their career or business, their favorite hobby or sport, and even a beloved song, a saying they may have used a lot, or a family inside joke.

An unusual reading I will never forget was the time spirit kept showing me a yellow kayak that had rolled over in the water, to indicate his cause of death. Someone dying in a hospital bed is generic, but there is no way anyone could have guessed such an unusual fatal event. That is what I mean by authentic evidence in a reading.

I love it when a client gets that ‘ah ha’ moment, when they know without a shadow of doubt they are talking to a loved one. It is a beautiful miracle for all involved. Most of the time it is also a deeply healing experience.

I recently had a father come through with the unusual nickname he used to call his daughter. She did not ask me at the beginning of the reading what her father used to call her. He just revealed it to me unexpectedly. This is the best way to approach mediumship readings. In my experience, skeptical ‘test questions’ seldom succeed with spirit. In fact, there is usually no response to such ‘tests.’

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A Conversation With Your Spirit Guides

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I first began to converse with Spirit, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was receiving these messages and listening to them, but I never really put much thought into it.

It wasn’t until I consciously acknowledged the conversation was happening, that the momentum really started to build. It was then that I realized my guides had been with me all along!

In my experience, the most important step you can take in opening a conversation with Spirit is to acknowledge that it is your intent. Your angels and spirit guides are always with you, but they need your permission for them to help you.

Remember to ask them often to be near you and to help you and guide you. When you need direction, ask them for a sign. Then be patient and watchful.

Spirit communicates in many ways, such as using repeating number sequences that constantly show up, for example, or a song you hear again and again wherever you go. Spirit will try to get your attention any way it can and will typically use signs, symbols and synchronicities that will be meaningful to you personally.

It’s important to be open to receiving these signs and messages, and not to dismiss any ‘coincidences’ you may encounter. Coincidence is an expression of synchronicity in the Universe. Once you start flowing with it and moving with the guidance of Spirit, you will likely start to experience many of these synchronicities. Your guides want you to be in the flow, because it is in this state that you are walking the path toward fulfilling your ultimate potential.

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Everyone Is An Artist

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comArt is a powerful form of self-expression. It allows us to communicate complex emotions and spiritual concepts through various mediums such as the visual and fine arts, music, dance, acting, creative writing, and so on.

When we are being creative we connect with the subconscious part of ourselves. This can be a powerfully healing experience to help us process and integrate our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and life experiences on a deep level.

When we are children, we don’t have any preconceived ideas about art. If you observe young children, you’ll see this very clearly. They don’t worry about how ‘good’ an artist they are. Most kids just see art as a form of play. They love to draw, or paint, or color, and are typically pretty thrilled with their creations.

So, what happens along the way that we become so self-conscious about our artistic endeavors? It seems to me that at some point most people have had ‘the artist’ within subtly discouraged or silenced. Whatever the case may be,suffice it to say that life takes over at some point and being creative artistically takes a back seat.

“I was never very good at it anyway,” or “I just did it for fun,” are common remarks I’ve heard from people. But what’s wrong with not being very good at something? Especially if it’s fun? Moreover, the benefits of spending time being creative are vast! Art Therapy is growing in popularity and more studies are being done around this modality.

One particular study focused on people with chronic illness or cancer. The researchers looked at the impact visual art activities such as painting, drawing, and pottery had on patients and found that art helped to distract them from thoughts of illness.

Art therapy improved their well-being by decreasing negative emotions and improving positive ones. Depression levels were also reduced, and medical outcomes improved overall. There were also reductions in stress, anxiety, and distress. Further there were improvements in the patients’s spontaneity, expression of their grief, positive identity and social interactions.

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The Cosmic Dance Of Life’s Challenges

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNo matter where in the world you live, the seasons always change, albeit some may present with changes that are more subtle than in other places. While there may be an unexplained blizzard in Florida in March, the windswept islands of the Greater Antilles may be balmy year-round with few dramatic changes in weather.

Wherever we live in the world, nature is a force all unto itself. It is sometimes predictable, while at other times intensely climatic, with extreme highs and lows.

As we all live on this big, green planet we call Earth, our human species is also subject to changes in our natural environment. We are all impacted by the seasons in some way, as well as climate unpredictability. It is an eternal cycle that impacts our crops, livestock and food supplies.

With nearly every turn we make, there is always an interconnectedness that is ever present – a reminder that our vast world is host to a greater macrocosm that supports each and every microcosm. In other words, Spirit, God, the Universe has our back!

The microcosm-macrocosm analogy is a reminder that there is a fundamental similarity that can be seen between the expression of life as we perceive it on this glorious planet, and the wider, infinite cosmos. Some philosophers have posited that a higher understanding of the cosmos may even be more closely inferred from the lessons of human nature, and vice versa.

Without expounding further on these mysteries, I believe we are bound on this plane by a natural ebb and flow that ushers in various degrees of change during many of life’s intervals. One lesson taught by life is that there is no growth without change. We see this in the natural world, as well as our personal lives. To move through various life stages requires fluid thinking, adaptability and purposeful actions.

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