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Actions Speak Louder Than Words!

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Actions are key in a relationship of any kind, whether it be with family, friends, co-workers, romantic partners, or spouses. Actions indeed speak louder than words! Our behavior and deeds reveal who we truly are. If I was only allowed to offer my clients one piece of relationship advice for the rest of my life, then this would be it: trust what they do, not what they say.

Here is how to look at it. Let’s say you have arranged to go on a date with someone, but they do not show up, and they have all kinds of excuses later.  Okay, life happens. So, they did not notify you of their no-show, and they did not care about your feelings in contacting you. Not good. I am not saying dump them right away, but carefully consider how they handled the situation with you.  Do they at least appear to care?

This may be a pattern of theirs, so here is where you already need to start watching their actions more carefully. This event may have been due to a random set of unfortunate circumstances beyond their control, or it is an early ‘red flag’ of who they really are. If someone is okay with disappointing or hurting you with the little things, they will have no problem doing the same someday when it truly matters.

Here is another example that I often find in readings: cheating. Let’s say your boyfriend cheated once, and you caught them. He is all upset with himself, and you guys talk it out. He promises he will never do it again. Now, it is one thing for him to say it, but quite another for him to actually keep his word! His future actions will ultimately reveal the truth. If he repeats the same behavior, then his cheating is not just a mistake or a red flag – it is a dealbreaker!

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The Sacred Energy Cord Of Everlasting Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere is one power far greater than any power in the universe and that is the power of love. No one can break that cord between you and that someone special. Once a love that deep is established, no matter what happens in life, there will always be those feelings tugging at your heart strings and you will always and forever be connected to that person.

We all experience many incarnations, but we don’t keep reincarnating into the same world. We go to different worlds to perfect our Love. It cannot be accomplished in just one lifetime.

When we gravitate to a certain individual it is because we have a sacred energy cord connecting us to that person. It’s like the poles of two magnets – we either repel each other, or we attract each other instantly.

The people that we do not feel a connection with are those that really cannot do much for us by way of our soul growth. They may be great for someone else, but if we do not feel that connection the odds are they will probably waste our time, drain our energy, and even break our heart.

You will not always understand why this happens, but after reading this I hope that clarifies why we have a lack of interest or get negative feelings around certain people. It doesn’t mean they are negative people. They are just not going to help you evolve spiritually. They may be on a lower or a higher frequency than what you need to be around.

Love is the ultimate goal and through perfect, unconditional love between two individuals we experience a true connection with the Light. Through that we can ultimately achieve greatness.

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The Key To Finding True Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow do I find true, long-lasting love? This is a question I get in many readings, almost every day. True love is indeed a very special, rare miracle. Most people try to find it, but many fail.

I believe the solution is already within all of us, we just need to look inside to find it. Yes, the answer to finding true love is already inside you!

What you need to consider carefully is how much do you love yourself?  If the answer is ‘not so much’ or ‘not enough,’ then you need to ask yourself why?

You see, many people do not love themselves enough to feel they actually deserve love. And if we do not believe we deserve love, then we will also not find it.  We can only manifest in our life what we resonate with.

Believing that you deserve love simply begins with loving yourself first. When we finally put out of our mind all the self-doubt and lack of self-worth, it changes our mind set to believing we deserve to be happy and to be wholeheartedly loved by others. Then we can move forward by becoming an energy frequency match to finally attracting that someone special.

It all starts is with you. Anyone can achieve and find love, but unconditional self-love is the only viable beginning of that journey. Without self-love and self-acceptance, not other love can survive, much less succeed.

An important byproduct of authentic self-love is that it clarifies your actual wants and needs, and your personal strengths and shortcomings. These are important to know for yourself, as it sets the scene for all your other relationships. Is the person I am dating right for me? You will not know that if you do not know yourself.

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Making The Most Of Dream Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love dreaming, because it’s like a mini-vacation! I lucid dream all of the time. Many times I will dream of someone who will come to me the next day, always in the same manner in which I had dreamt they would.

I record all of my dreams, because I find it helps me to remember my dreams and not miss the very smallest details. I think it’s so vitally important for everyone to record their dreams, because it opens up one’s psychic awareness.

Dreamtime is the most alive we will ever feel while we are alive. The only other time we feel more alive is when we die and leave our earthly shells; when we depart from this weighed-down realm.

I also love that my dreams allow me to communicate with all my loved ones from all of my past lives, as well as with my spirit guides. I also meet my friends and family in my dreams, while they are also sleeping and astral traveling at the same time as myself. I love that when we communicate in our dreams it doesn’t matter what language we speak, everything we wish to convey happens telepathically.

Like the cord of love that connects us to all of our soulmates and loved ones, the silver cord that connects us our body and soul will never separate when we astral travel and dream. We can go wherever we wish, several universes away, or we can just stick to our own dimension. I love to visit other places and existences. Many times I will remember with cell memory other lives I have had, and truly amazing experiences. I record them, so that I can reflect on them later when I am in a more awake alpha state.

I love tapping into that other 90% of the mind that we do not use. My dreams sometimes are the key that unlocks for me those places in my mind that have been dormant and unvisited for so long. I can sometimes find the answers to questions, like why I fear this or that, or why I don’ want to experience this or that. Because of my dreams I can face my fears and move forward in my life.

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Technology Does Not Make Love Any Easier

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have personally found over many years of falling in love myself and having been in both good and bad relationships, as well as doing love and relationship readings for thousands of clients all over the world, that romantic love is more about personal soul growth, spiritual evolution and enlightenment than anything else. I find that only once we have learned certain life lessons and spiritual insights, especially with regards self-love, are we truly ready and able to love others unconditionally. Only then you can truly love someone one else, and have them love you equally in return. When this finally happens it is a lovely thing indeed, but in today’s world it is becoming be a rare thing.

Having a tight-knit, loving family or a lasting romantic relationship has become almost ‘abnormal’ in our modern world. In my view technology has been hindering us more than it is helping. The many social media platforms and dating apps we use these days has made love and romance even more complicated. These social networking sites have also created many new problems in long-term relationships and marriages, and I have witnessed it destroying many good relationships.

For example, too many of folks are curious about their ex-partners, because they now have more access to ‘stalking’ others. Some even want to reunite with their ex, who has married someone else in the meantime. Social media offers them an easy way to renew contact and often leads to trouble. Don’t get me wrong, technology is a great thing if used properly, but sometimes it can be also be too convenient and intrusive in other people’s lives.

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The Soul Future Of Past Relationships

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo outward appearances, endings are a structural matter – now there is a relationship, now there is no relationship. From the soul point of view, ending is a different experience of the relationship.

Ending is not literal at all, but rather a radical shift in imagination. For example, a woman’s father passes on. In her soul the relationship may now intensify and may become the dominant myth shaping her other relationships, her career, and every other aspect of her life.

Memories of her father may now become more vivid than ever, and new feelings may surface. He may be more influential in her life now than when he was alive.

Another example might be a man who divorces his wife, thinking that now his thoughts will turn toward a new life. With the struggle of decision and separation now passed, feelings formerly nudged out of awareness now come to the forefront.

Completely unexpectedly, he now has dreams of her seducing him, suggesting that in some way ‘she’ now has renewed desired for him. Years later, he says what many people say: “I didn’t have to go through that divorce. If only I had known then what I know now…”

Apparently there is something in every relationship that is eternal, that goes on forever, and that wants to be exempted from the life-decision to cut ties. If you are experiencing this, it is not your imagination. You are simply being quite human.

Obviously, our relationships are not as simple or as limited in scope as we sometimes like to think them to be. There are only so many people we come to know in a lifetime, and an even smaller number with whom we live intimately. Continue reading

Soulmates Are A Divine Grace

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSoulmate connections are a very real and powerful phenomenon, but many people find it difficult to determine whether someone truly is a soulmate, or not.

In my experience a soulmate is someone to whom we feel deeply connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between you were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace.  This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life.

We may find a soulmate in many different forms of relationships and in all areas of our lives, including friendship, marriage, work, family and recreation. We even find it with a delightful ‘critter’ – the pets we feel that special connection with.

Many times, when a soulmate first comes into our life, we have that feeling of familiarity as if we have known them before. Often, indeed, we have known them in a past life or many previous lives.

The famous American psychic Edgar Cayce stated that a soulmate is an individual who we have an ongoing connection with. The soul picks up on this longstanding connection with that person again and again in various times and places and over many lifetimes.

Most importantly, Cayce further stated that we tend to be attracted to another person at a soul level, because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with “an impetus to become whole ourselves”. This is also known as ‘soul recognition’. We are therefore not drawn to our soulmate simply because that person is our unique complement.

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