significant other
Connecting With Deceased Loved Ones
When a loved one dies, it is never easy. It is always traumatic to lose someone who we have lived with, taken care of, loved and nurtured – be it a partner, spouse, parent, sibling, relative or friend. The feeling of them suddenly no longer being here can be devastating. Even their little quirks, which sometimes annoyed you when they were alive, is forever missed. We suddenly miss everything about them!
Thankfully, the spirit of those we love remain very much alive after their passing. Despite the ‘vehicle they drove around in,’ namely their physical body, may no longer be around, their spirit is still around. They can hear and see us, and they can feel our emotions.
I can tell you that when we call our loved one’s name, they are with us. When we pray for them, they appreciate it. Greatly. The two best things you can do is pray for your loved ones and say their name out loud. Continue to talk to them. And when you talk to them, they respond through sending you thoughts and signs. They also come to us in the dream state when we are sleeping. Write them a letter and put it under your pillow, and try to remember your astral travels the next day.
Your loved ones are never far from you. Love is the energy that keeps us connected with our loved ones. Sometimes they will give you a little visit. Remember to ask and you shall receive. Knock and that door will open.
The Shining Light Of Kindred Souls
I have many unusual memories from when I was a little girl. I remember mostly that when I was around others I often felt ‘smothered.’ I felt that my energy was being depleted and I often suffered headaches when I was around large groups of people. I never really understood why that was, until I grew up and learned about energy, being an empath and the importance of keeping my Chakras clear. I learned to be careful about who I allow in my circle.
When I spent time alone, I was always learning things – things I may have once forgotten from a past life. For example, astral traveling. I would savor days in the summer. I would just lay on my bed and enjoy the birds chirping outside and fall into a wonderful dream. I would wake up and then before falling back to sleep again I would pop out of my body and just float around the room. Then I would leave through the top of the ceiling and eventually venture wherever I set my intention.
Dream Postcards From The Other Side
Recently, I had the most intense dreams and they were connected to a friend of mine who lives five thousand miles away across the globe. The dreams were random. I hadn’t been thinking of her prior to going to sleep, nor of her deceased loved ones, whom I had never met, or had only met a couple of times.
I once read an article that suggested such dreams are ‘asking for something’ and that there is a request in there somewhere for the dreamer to do something, or deliver something.
Quite frankly, I have passed on a few spirit messages to this particular friend over the years, and I always seem to do so with a little trepidation. Although it was never said, I always felt she possibly thought of me as being odd… and not very bright. The problem is, when I refrain from passing on any kind of message, a nagging sensation will haunt me until I deliver. So I did. Continue reading →
She Called Me Mom
It was just one little message that came through for her. It wasn’t the message she expected. “It was so much more,” she said afterwards. It defined how she felt. And, it came in the form of only four words.
It was the summer of 2017. I received a call from a lady for whom I had never read before. She was very quick to get out her question and said that she had limited time to talk. I shared with her that I felt a strong female energy around her. I saw my symbolic image for ‘mother and child,’ so I felt this was may be her mother I was connecting with.
I felt such a loving presence. In my mind’s eye I could see her mother smiling. She told me to simply give her daughter this message: “She called me Mom.” I shared this with my client, and she immediately said, repeatedly, and I will never forget it, “Thank you!” She said it over, and over, and over. There was so much joy in her words. And then her time ran out and our call was disconnected. Continue reading →
Care Of The Soul
One radical difference between care of the soul and a great deal of modern psychological work is that the former offers a profound appreciation for the personalities who are important in our lives, even if they are flawed people and even if the relationship is not perfect. Psychology prefers to analyze with the goal of increased understanding, yet understanding does little for the soul.
Imagine telling stories of those that have crossed over, not for insight into ourselves, but simply to establish a deep, continuing relationship with them. The soul is given eternity in that exchange, while understanding offers it little more than another fragment of logic. It has nothing to do with establishing a home for the infinite within our finite lives. Continue reading →
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