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Poco A Poco

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI thought today of how certain expressions tend to stick in our minds; thoughts which we adopt for a while, or even a lifetime. It can be the words of a famous writer we have read somewhere, an expression in a song, or even just the ideas of somebody we just had a brief conversation with.

Internationally renowned author and speaker, Wayne Dyer, once said, “You will never get everything done.” It’s a good feeling at the end of the day, to know that we’ve gotten through much on our ‘to-do list.’ But for me, I also gain some comfort from such as words of wisdom as Wayne Dyer’s, as well as the poem, Desiderata, which advises us to, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste.” Continue reading

Programming Your Crystal

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a recent psychic reading, the client had just visited a psychic fayre, with no intention whatsoever to purchase any more crystals for her collection. She did browse one counter with its beautiful arrangement of crystals. As much as she kept walking away from that particular display, she felt one particular smoky quartz calling her back! So yes, she bought it. Her question to me was how she could best go about programming her new purchase.

Although crystals given as gifts are said to be more powerful, it is my belief that there are also times that a crystal will call out to us, because it has a certain role to play in our lives at a given time. A quartz crystal given as a gift will often be given with loving intention, which is empowering in itself. I have spoken to students who are convinced that they feel at their academic best when wearing a quartz-crystal given to them by a loved one, not to mention the sense of safety and self-confidence a cherished crystal tends to instill in us. Continue reading

Letting Go After Divorce

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAccepting divorce as a reality is an important step in the healing process. One must mourn the loss of what could have been, but you don’t want to get stuck in the past, because it won’t change anything.

Acceptance is the most difficult step that one must take in releasing the past and begin a new chapter of life. Acceptance involves things like blame, resentment, and regret. We have the option to let go of negative emotions, which will give us the freedom to move forward.

So, now you are divorced, do you choose to stay bitter and hurt? No, you work through it and regain your strength, so that you can find yourself again. I know this is easier said than done, but nothing in this life is accomplished without some effort. You have one life to live, and you get to decide how you want to live it. Continue reading

Life Contentment

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEdgar Cayce (1877-1945) is recognized as the most documented psychic medium of 20th Century. Also known as “The Sleeping Prophet” he would enter a trance state of altered consciousness, to answer questions about diverse subjects, ranging from medical issues and holistic health, to past lives and philosophy. The majority of his channeled readings were recorded, numbered and archived.

Cayce’s life’s work is preserved and continued through the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) founded circa 1931. My last visit there was 20 years ago and I recall being told by a curator, “Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.”

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Soul Scribes – Writing As Soul Craft

Click on picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOut of all the creative activities we perform, perhaps none is more of a channel into our inner workings and those of the Universe, than writing. You may be saying that you’re not much of a writer? False! Everyone is a ‘soul scribe’ and everyone has a story to tell.

The real purpose of soul writing or soul journaling is not necessarily to tell a story with a beginning and end at all. It’s about the journey, and not the destination. When we write, particularly by hand, we are tapping our subconscious. The more we incorporate it into our daily routine, the more we start to see patterns and symbols emerge.

If you’re just beginning, remember that it takes at least thirty days to build a new habit. Don’t be concerned with correctness, spelling, grammar, or neatness. When you write, put down on paper anything and everything that comes to your mind. It doesn’t even have to make sense to you. It you feel so inclined, add doodles or flourishes to your work. Remember, you’re putting a part of yourself down on paper. Continue reading

When He Disappears Into His Cave

Click the pic for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHe tells you that he loves you, always wants to be with you, and can’t seem to get enough of you. He calls and texts you all the time, and you’re feeling this is it… the perfect relationship! You love the way he makes you feel. He must be ‘the one.’ Then all of a sudden he’s gone…

He is not contacting you anymore. No calls, no texts, no dates, no nothing. What happened? Where did he go? Well he went into his ‘cave.’ That is where men go when they realize they have moved to fast, or when they feel that they are getting too attached.

Men retreat into their cave to take a break and think about what comes next. They will stay in there until they find solutions. The timing always varies for each individual guy. Continue reading

Psychic Attack A Wake-Up Call

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently found myself experiencing the most intense, hectic dreams and unusual symptoms. I became very concerned about what was going on. Physically, I was feeling awful, although I had no underlying health condition. I was experiencing  headaches, and literally felt as if I had been beaten up. Any kind of concentration eluded me, but I did manage to do a reading for myself.

I don’t generally read for myself, for fear of reading too much into a situation. However, this reading revealed to me that I had been under psychic attack for several days!

It didn’t really matter to me from where such an attack might be coming from. It was also not important to me that such negativity ultimately will return to the sender with a vengeance. I just wanted to clear it. My only concern was to immediately restore powerful psychic protection around me, and to be sure that I never again forget to maintain regular psychic protection for myself. Continue reading

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