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The Paradigm Shift Of An Awakening World

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost people respond more strongly to negative than they do to positive news or events. No matter how hard some of us may try to live with grace and gratitude by looking at the brighter side of life, a piece of bad news, malignant gossip, or fear-inducing information is a lot easier to run with than good news. We also react to someone else’s bad behavior much more strongly than their good conduct. We seldom praise or sincerely compliment, but we are quick to judge and criticize.

Case in point is my own experience working as the curator at fine art galleries some years ago. Ten clients would be nice and easy to please, but if the eleventh person was having a bad day they would be the one to get most of my attention. I’ve since gotten a lot better at being able to tune out the negativity and drama resulting from low vibrational frequencies, but it still remains impossible for me not to be affected by it from time to time.

Due to our innate survival instinct as humans beings we are simply incapable of ignoring negativity – or in a more enlightened scope, not give energy to it. This is understandable, as our first instinct is usually to protect ourselves by knowing if bad things may be happening.

But, so many people seem to absolutely thrive on every possible fragment of negativity, fear or drama they can find. From messy family quarrels, feuds with neighbors, and rude, unkind behavior in public places, to the brutal, senseless wars that continue to be fought since time immemorial. Every bit of it is and has been based on human reactions to slights, hurts and trespasses – some of it petty and even imagined.

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Today’s Reality Is Not Tomorrow’s Certainty

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMuch of our lives are too often built on the unknown, the future, our tomorrow. We forget that the moment of living is right here, right now, in the present. We are living today, in this moment.

People don’t need to question what’s happening right now, because that’s usually already evident in their lives. However, they do need to ‘see’ ahead, so they can be prepared for what is to come, or reassured that they are going in the right direction. This is where my responsibility begins as a psychic reader and future forecaster.

However, sometimes when I share with people the divine messages and spiritual guidance meant for them, their response is confused or doubtful. “Uhm, I don’t see that happening,” they might say. Or, “I cannot imagine how such an outcome could be possible.”

Well, of course, you won’t see it right now! The future hasn’t happened yet. One cannot see a distant curve in the path ahead, until you actually reach it.

Psychic predictions often make less sense in the present than it ultimately will in the future. If we wish to probe the future, we must also be open to trusting the process and have the necessary faith that Spirit, God, Source, Universe, the Divine always has our best interest at heart. All will unfold as it must in divine time for our highest good.

It is also insightful to understand and heal the past, and be fully aware of what influences are happening right now, in this moment, so we can figure out how to proceed into the future, better comprehend the changes coming, to get there more easily, and to be steady and ready.

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Make It Happen Every Day

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have the ultimate ability to forge our own spiritual path in this lifetime, regardless of perceived limitations. As life is lived, important karmic lessons are learned and it is always your free will choice as to how fully you embrace your surroundings and opportunities.

Your experiences will depend on the lessons you choose to learn, the people with whom you interact and the ultimate goals you envision achieving.

To make the most of this incredible journey, spirit invites us to implement the following strategies:

Learn from all your experiences. Rejoice in the ability to create your reality and celebrate your successes, but do not judge your mistakes, nor your supposed failings. Reframe it instead into lessons.

Rejoice in all accomplishments. Even the smallest achievements lead to much greater opportunities. Never criticize your lack of visible success.

Lead by example. Be your best self today and encourage others to do the same for themselves.

Be kind to yourself. Aim for personal balance so that you can give more freely to others.

Be of service. Give so that your heart becomes truly free. Take giant strides in life and make your mark with love and integrity. Don’t let life pass you by.

Evaluate carefully. Think and make wise choices. Step back from the precipice of judgment long enough to gain solid insight before making a definitive move. You are much stronger than you realize. When confusion reigns, ask spirit for support and guidance.

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Healing Your Inner Dialogue

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMost of us talk to ourselves when we are alone, In fact, research findings on this phenomenon dates back as far as the 1880’s, concluding it is a common, normal behavior. However, doing it when others are around is probably less common, but if it makes you happy…go for it!

As spirit beings we all have an inner dialogue going on, pretty much at all times. At times we are highly conscious of it, but mostly it is like a white noise that punctuates the rest of our never-ending thoughts.

But what is this inner dialogue about? What is it saying to you? And what do you believe about the things you hear in this internal conversation? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself these questions? Do you ever pay proper attention to how you’re engaging in this most intimate conversation?

Our thoughts are energy signals that ultimately become our reality. Therefore, our internal dialogue creates the lens through which we are manifesting our daily reality experience. How we think about and interpret our experiences and emotions, what we believe and pay attention to, determines what we are busy creating for our tomorrow.

So, ask yourself right now: are you mostly kind to yourself? Are you optimistic about your life and the future? I often work with clients who are struggling with a negative view of themselves or a deeply pessimistic view of their reality. If this is you, then it is vital that you make some change to self-talk habits and self-sabotaging thought patterns.

Shifting from a negative mindset and pessimistic self-talk, to a place of empowerment requires determination and focused attention. Doing so can supercharge your ability to manifest a state of flow with Universal abundance.

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Balance, Flow And Your Perception

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo much of our lives seems to be about balance. We spend so much time and energy trying to become more balanced. We are taught that if we balance our life things will be easier. If we are balanced we will be more in tune with nature. Balance your checkbook. Balance your weight. Balance your spiritual life and lifestyle. So many people feel as though they have failed themselves by never achieving this balance.

Well, maybe we are going about it all wrong. There was a time when I believed all things in this universe were balanced. But, when you really stop to think about it. Nothing in this universe is balanced. It is continually flowing.

If we think about our solar system. It isn’t balanced at all. It continuously flows. The planets move in a procession through space. Harmonizing gracefully with one another. Rivers flow. Water flows. Our bodies, comprised mostly of water, flow. The blood in our veins, flows.

Our minds are never still, our thoughts are constantly flowing. Glass, may appear to be solid, but in reality, it is forever flowing. Look at a  piece of glass that has been in the same position for 75 or 100 years. The bottom is thicker and the top is thinner. As, gravity has pulled it. It has flowed.

So, again maybe we can learn something from nature. Instead of trying to balance everything, which by the way is impossible. Maybe, we should focus more on finding ways to flow harmoniously through our life. If we are forever trying to do the impossible, we are forever defeated. The world isn’t going to stop and allow us to balance it. So, instead of working against it, we should figure out where we fit into it, and just go with it.

If you don’t know where you fit in the bigger scheme of things, look at it like this: the universe and nature aren’t concerned with the material things. And, maybe we shouldn’t be so consumed by them either. Maybe we should step away from our computers, television sets and phones and try to learn a little bit more about who we really are, as well as about each other.

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Dancing In The Multiverse

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA movie I recently watched gave new feels to my feelings. Viewing the new sci-fi action adventure Everything Everywhere All at Once was for me like an Olympic event! The film dances in the multiverse and feels like an acid trip fueled by bizarre scenarios from the most imaginative cinematic minds. And yet, it reveals so simply and clearly what’s fundamental about life.

Certain pre-destined events happen in our lives over which we have no control (fate), but there are also many things that happen to us that we absolutely do control through our free will decision-making process.

This movie portrays the power of our free will eloquently. Every choice the lead character, Evelynn (Michelle Yeoh), makesaffords her a different life in another universe.

Evelynn is a worn-out, disappointed immigrant who operates a laundromat with her highly dysfunctional family that includes: a grumpy, narrow-minded grandfather, a geeky but highly lovable husband (Ke Huy Quan), and a distant, rebellious daughter who desperately desires her mom’s support in coming out to her grandfather. On top of all that, the family faces financial ruin when they can’t pay their taxes.

Just when Evelynn’s world is about to entirely collapse, the multiverse steps in to transform her into an antihero of incredulous proportions. Who’d have ever thought that downtrodden Evelyn could be the one to save the multiverse from ruin!

When a way cooler, Kung Fu fighting husband from another universe enters the milk-toast body of her husband, and places the heavy mantle of saving the world on her shoulders, Evelyn’s response is that she’s nobody, nothing. She can’t be the hero of this mission. But Mr. Cool delightfully replies, “You’re capable of everything, because you’re so bad at everything!”

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New Beliefs To Live Your Best Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe stress and challenges of late and the negative energies in our world in recent times have brought many of us to a point of feeling anxious, frustrated, worried and confused. Some people have even become fearful of leaving their homes. But the time has come to move beyond the negativity and fear and start living our best life again.

Fear is powerful. Fear can keep us trapped in a mental prison of our own making and can prevent us from moving forward. More often than not our worst fears are unfounded and not based in reality or truth.

Belief is also powerful. Beliefs can be negative or positive, true or false. Beliefs originate from within and, again, it is up to each of us to decide if our beliefs are true, or if merely keeps us stuck.

Look deeply at your fears and beliefs. Consider all the fears and beliefs that you sense may be holding you back. Make a list and leave some spaces between each line. When you are done, carefully review your list. Read each line carefully. Once you have done this, think of a truth or positive belief to counteract each of the items on your list and write it underneath each one. Now read the new list out loud to yourself. For example:

False belief: I have no money to do anything.

Counter belief: I do have some money. I have food on my table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and I a few extra nickels in my wallet. I do have money to do things. And if I set my mind to it, I can earn some more money.

It is that simple to come up with new beliefs. However, the difficult part is programming each positive statement in your psyche. Therefore, it is important to keep it simple, realistic and truthful.

For example, ‘having a few nickels’ is a simple truth that counters the false belief that you ‘have no money.’ it is simply not true that you have no money. You do have a few extra nickels…and that is indeed money.  In other words, you have now erased the lie that you believed and changed it to the truth that is. That is the simplicity of this exercise.

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