Meditation The Key To Mental Freedom
When we allow our minds to dwell too often on our past, or obsessively contemplate our future, we rob ourselves of the enjoyment of the moment.
Being fully present is the key to happiness. Being fully awake and aware of what is going on around us, in the here and now, is true mental freedom, in my opinion.
When I meditate, and focus only on my breath, I get to a point where I am free of thought. I can then completely allow all thoughts to come and go.. observed, but not noticed. It is then when I arrive at my “happy place”. I love to arrive at this inner place I so love. It’s a place of complete awareness, serenity and bliss; there really is nothing like it.
After my morning meditation I can go about the rest of my day without any ‘blinders’. The blinds to my mind have been pulled up and I can then connect with those that are on the same frequency as myself. Continue reading
Spiritual Awakening, Now What?
A few years ago, in the time leading up to 2012, I wrote a blog post about the symptoms of spiritual awakening. Well, here we are in 2014 and some of us are wondering what to do now?
Some of us feel as though we didn’t make it. Some of us are wondering if we made it, but don’t know it? Some feel as though they have awakened, but have hit a plateau and are unsure of what to do next.
All of these examples are types of plateaus we must face in our diverse journeys. I can only offer advice on what I have personally dealt with and come to embrace in my own.
Would Turning Your Fantasy Into Reality Be Wise?
How many thoughts do we have per day? Nobody seems to know for sure and the experts don’t agree, but they all seem to concur that it is ranges somewhere in the thousands. We also have many daydreams and fantasies that cross our minds on a daily basis.
Many of these thoughts and daydreams we would never share with our mates, friends, or family. Many of us never act on our fantasies, for various obvious reasons: we want to stay married, or we want to stay in the same job, or we fear failure should we attempt something new and different. Some of us may even fear that we could end up behind bars in extreme cases. Continue reading
Simple Ways To Restore Daily Balance
Every day, I try to find balance in my life and put it into action, but sometimes it is hard to do. And sometimes it’s hard to see the whole picture of what you’re wanting to do, to have that sense of happiness and well-being in your life.
I find what works best to get me back on track is to center myself mentally first, before I take on any of the daily challenges of life. I admit that I often need a pop of the good old caffeine to get my mind and body going in the morning, but experience has taught me it is much more constructive to focus on something positive at that time. Once you start looking for alternatives to get your mind going, you will be surprised at how many things are easily available for this purpose. Continue reading
Living In A State Of Transcendence
Many people may claim to be enlightened and living in a very spiritually conscious state. What many believe to be reality is very much not. There is a veil that is in front of most people and most do not see through it, even though they want to. It is for most very hard to reach that state of bliss. Once there though it can be very liberating and this feeling of being truly free is difficult to describe in words.
Once soul has arrived at that ideal state of growth and evolution, you have arrived, or rather transitioned to a frequency that is higher than what most people are attuned to. Most people reside and live in the material realm, paying attention to the latest this, or the greatest that, and buying into the material things of the world. Trying to get happiness from this will always lead to a ‘cup half empty’ feeling. Continue reading