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life lessons

The Soul Purpose Of Your Life Lessons

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach one of us arrived on the planet with a hand-picked bundle of life lessons we signed up for before birth. These challenges serve as the corner stones our life journey and spiritual path.

Some of our karmic lessons are fun and exciting, while some can be shockingly difficult, even traumatic. How you will ultimately manage to handle them is a lesson within itself.

Our lessons are what will bring us to our highest good in this lifetime, but only if we manage to truly learn from them. Unfortunately, we sometimes tend to hold on to denial and simply refuse to learn. If learning your lessons have slowed you down, rise up and seek the purpose. Begin your move forward to achieve all that has been laid on your life plate.

Life lessons must be dealt with in a manner that will help you gain insight, and possibly even humble you, to seeing life and the world in a different light. Our lessons are however never meant to devastate or destroy us. In the extreme it might bring us to a dangerous edge of realization, but in the end it will always bring forth our most hidden qualities and profound gifts and blessings.

If we take our lessons head on, one by one, and learn each one of them fully, we will never have to learn that same lesson again. But if we choose to block the process and refuse to see the truth, we will experience it over and over, until we have learned.

Over the many years of doing psychic readings, I have found people with benevolent hearts often have many more life lessons to learn. Often these people are spiritual lightworkers or serve in the helping and caring professions And because of their empathy, loving kindness and compassionate generosity towards humanity, nature and all the sentient creatures of the earth, they bear a heavy responsibility in the world. They are the anchors of goodwill toward mankind. They are the keepers of joy, truth, peace, and hope; the Universal healers and earth angels.

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Spiritual Awareness Belongs To Everyone

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe other day, while eating breakfast with my family, my son teased me by calling me a ‘boomer.’ Annoyed, I looked up from my phone and asked him why he said that? Apparently, I was holding my phone ‘incorrectly’ and I had the nerve to gingerly scroll the menu with my pinky finger in the air!

“Mom, you are holding the phone like an old lady, squinting your eyes to see the screen, because you’re a boomer.”

“Well excuse me, Mr. Gen Z,” I replied, trying not to laugh. “You have it all wrong, as I happen to be a proud member of Generation X. I was not born during the time of the ‘baby boomers.’

This brought up a family discussion about younger generations acting as if they are so ‘woke,’ and automatically assuming their parents and grandparents are ignorant or behind the times. Meanwhile it seems most younger people are not necessarily as aware and informed as they’d like to believe they are.

I remember when I was young adult, thinking that my parents and grandparents were ‘square’ and did not possess all the wisdom they seemed to claim they had. So, to be fair, I displayed the same youthful arrogance or pomposity back then that my son did at the breakfast table.

While I was doing the breakfast dishes, the conversation got me thinking about humanity and how we have evolved as a species. When does change in behavior really occur and what is it that makes a person spiritually aware and truly wise? What is spiritual awakening and what does the term mean to most people?

Many spiritual seekers use the term ‘awakening’ loosely to refer to an inner epiphany or a change in personal consciousness that makes one ‘more special’ or ‘superior to others,’ but I don’t think true awakening is anything like that.

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The Gift Of Kindness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was thinking today of the many beautiful acts of kindness people have shown me since my husband passed away last year. And then, some song lyrics from the movie, The Sound of Music, came to mind:

Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good.

Yes, perhaps I did some good somewhere in my life, and now I am getting some of it back, tenfold, or more!

There was a period of time, after his sudden death, when it felt as if I was carried by the locals here in Spain. I was pretty much told what to do and not just offered help. For example, when I got the news of his passing from the policeman who answered his phone at the car crash scene, I immediately went on ‘autopilot’ and attempted to cancel a coffee date I had with one of my best friends. But she simply said, “I am coming, you aren’t going alone to the scene. I am going with you!” And then she saw to everything. I was unable to speak in any language at that point, and fortunately she took over.

Christmas and New Year followed, and again my friend told me, in no uncertain terms: you are going to be with me and my family during this period. I began finding reasons and excuses as to why I might not be able to get to their home, including a possibility of snow, which had us housebound for a few days a couple of years prior. But, they were having none of that. My friend’s husband said, “My tractor will reach you whatever the weather!”

Post-death paperwork is messy in a foreign country. Red tape and bureaucracy can be a nightmare in Spain, if there is no last will and testament! Once again, I was given months of unconditional help by friends and neighbors, as we went from one government department to another to sort out complications. Even the lawyers assisting with the car insurance policy, which went above and beyond their pro bono role in the arrangements. They would accept no further payment, but were delighted when I gifted them each some Doreen Virtue angel cards in Spanish.

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Sometimes It’s Okay To Keep Your Distance!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us have that one relative we do get along with. In every family there is a ‘Cousin John’ or an ‘Aunt Lydia’ who we simply cannot stand. Try as we might, we just cannot find it in our hearts to love them unconditionally.

In my case it is an uncle who’s views and opinions I just cannot tolerate. I despise all forms of racism, misogyny, and bigotry, and I am also an avid supporter of the LGBTQ community. I have no patience with people who criticize or belittle others for who they were born to be. It is unacceptable and despicable.

For many years now I have been consciously practicing healthy boundaries with relatives and people in general. I preach it! Healthy boundaries are vital for one’s mental health, personal growth and emotional well-being.

My Grandmother and I got along so well when she was in this life. We were like two peas in a pod. When she eventually came to live with us later in her life, there was however one issue that caused tension between us – her son.

My uncle was so out of line, in so many ways that I just could not tolerate having him anywhere near me. He is an extremely hateful man who has no qualms about freely spewing his vitriolic prejudice, verbal abuse and bigoted views in front of anyone who cares to listen, including the children in the family.

My grandmother stubbornly remained loyal to her son through it all, and she could now understand why I could not accept him. She said that it was such a shame that we could not all get along, while I felt it as a shame that he is so hateful. She would make excuses for him, saying for example that he was bullied in school. But I felt he should work on himself, instead of hating on other folks for no reason. She could not see my perspective from her way of thinking. Continue reading

Today’s Journey, Not Tomorrow’s Destination

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often hear my clients say, “If only I can meet my soulmate, then I will be happy.” Then when they meet that special person, they say they will finally be happy once they propose. Once they are married, then they cannot be completely happy until they have children.

Then, if they only one child, then can only be happy if they have a second. Or if they have two boys, they will only find lasting happiness once they also have a girl. Or they can only be happy once they have built or bought the dream house, or lost the weight, or launched their new business, and on, and on.

The worst scenario is people waiting for their retirement to finally be happy.

If you ask other people you will discover that nobody has everything they want. Most people have never had ‘everything.’  The few that might seem to have it all, usually do not. There is always something still lacking or missing. Nobody’s life is perfect.

Many of us spend our fleeting time on this planet wanting more, being insatiable, and never feeling fulfilled, content, or happy. It’s wonderful to have goals. Not having goals can be extremely depressing. But enjoying the process and journey toward achieving those goals will make them have even more valued and fulfilling.

More importantly, we are seldom grateful or appreciative for what we do already have. I have also found that not being grateful will bring us karmic lessons of appreciation, often by losing the good things in our life that we so easily disregard. I have seen that time and again with clients, friends and relatives.

We are an insatiable, greedy society. This who become millionaires, then want to be multi-millionaires., and then won’t be happy or fulfilled until they’re billionaires. When is enough, enough. We can only wear one outfit at a time, drive one car at a time and live in one house at a time.

I have so many friends who spent their children’s entire childhood chasing the career dreams and business goals, constantly being stressed, frazzled and not at all present when they do spend a little time with their kids. Then they wake up one day and realize their children are grown and gone, and they missed most of it.

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Dealing With ‘Unawakened’ Friends And Family

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpiritual awakening is a profound shift in our perception that forever alters the way we experience life. But after we have made the shift it can be difficult to relate to less spiritually aware friends and relatives and leave one feeling lonely and deeply isolated.

The following strategies can be helpful in cultivating more harmony between yourself and ‘unconscious’ people without compromising your own energy vibration.


At one time you were also not awakened. Think back to what that was like. What kind of thoughts dominated your mind? How did you feel about your life? How did you feel in general? The truth is, although you’ve gone through a spiritual awakening, you can still relate to those who have not. You have a point of reference for this.

Someone who is unconscious typically doesn’t have a pleasant inner world, because they aren’t intentionally governing it. Think back to what your life and most importantly – your relationship with yourself and your mind – looked like before your awakening. What did your own resistance look like? At some point your perspective shifted. But prior to that point – how receptive were you to changing your views and ideas? Especially when a family member came to you and said, “Hey, you’re doing it wrong.”

Put yourself in their shoes. Now that you’ve awakened you have the pleasure to start putting it to use in a way that serves the highest and best good of all. Remember that every soul is a spiritual being, and just because you have awakened to this fact, does not make you ‘better than’ anyone else. This is a trap that the ego likes to throw up early, and often along the spiritual path.

The ego is something we must constantly be mindful of. You are not more spiritual because you are vegan, or because you meditate, or because you do Yoga. If you are living in judgment of others through these practices, you are trapped in ego. Be mindful of yourself and come back to a state of compassion and empathy. Allow people to awaken in their own time.

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Making The Most Of Dream Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI love dreaming, because it’s like a mini-vacation! I lucid dream all of the time. Many times I will dream of someone who will come to me the next day, always in the same manner in which I had dreamt they would.

I record all of my dreams, because I find it helps me to remember my dreams and not miss the very smallest details. I think it’s so vitally important for everyone to record their dreams, because it opens up one’s psychic awareness.

Dreamtime is the most alive we will ever feel while we are alive. The only other time we feel more alive is when we die and leave our earthly shells; when we depart from this weighed-down realm.

I also love that my dreams allow me to communicate with all my loved ones from all of my past lives, as well as with my spirit guides. I also meet my friends and family in my dreams, while they are also sleeping and astral traveling at the same time as myself. I love that when we communicate in our dreams it doesn’t matter what language we speak, everything we wish to convey happens telepathically.

Like the cord of love that connects us to all of our soulmates and loved ones, the silver cord that connects us our body and soul will never separate when we astral travel and dream. We can go wherever we wish, several universes away, or we can just stick to our own dimension. I love to visit other places and existences. Many times I will remember with cell memory other lives I have had, and truly amazing experiences. I record them, so that I can reflect on them later when I am in a more awake alpha state.

I love tapping into that other 90% of the mind that we do not use. My dreams sometimes are the key that unlocks for me those places in my mind that have been dormant and unvisited for so long. I can sometimes find the answers to questions, like why I fear this or that, or why I don’ want to experience this or that. Because of my dreams I can face my fears and move forward in my life.

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