Never Judge A Book By Its Cover
Many people like the idea of being psychic, but sadly do not have the gift. I know this because I have a friend who is a great astrologer, but she herself is not psychic. I know this because she has confided in me. She does not have any psychic ability; she does readings by looking up people’s birthday information in astrology books. She doesn’t pick up on other people’s emotions when around them. This was confirmed when she was invited to join me and a friend, who had just recently lost her mother and was deeply saddened, she couldn’t feel what this women was going through and didn’t pick up on her feelings.
But my astrologer friend does look like someone who could be psychic. Is there a psychic look? Do psychics look differently than people who don’t have the psychic gift? I don’t think so. I have learned over the years that you can never tell who is psychic, or who is not. I think we tend to judge people based on their appearances way to much.
Chiron Retrograde Can Heal The Empath
There is much talk lately regarding astrological retrogrades and the seven planets involved, including Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. The fact that some of this energy will be around until next year, led me to reading up on the potential negative effects, but also the metaphysical power of the retrogrades.
As an empath, I am particularly drawn to Chiron, a planet about which I was woefully uniformed in the past. If you are an empath (even if you are usually not paying close attention) it is worthwhile looking in into the role of this planet in your everyday life.
Apparently Chiron was named after a centaur Chiron from Greek mythology. Chiron is known as the wounded healer in astrology or metaphysics. He was the god of healing… but was unable to heal himself. He is epitomized by the concept of ‘healer heal thyself.’
Releasing Toxic People In Your Life
Every person has at some point in their life had a person in their life whom they believed had their best interests at heart. Yet, that person blind-sided them by doing or saying something to knock them off kilter. This happens to the best of us.
Often we continue to believe that this person will change, that they are our true friend. But they might just be using us, and we allow it. They might take from us, and we allow it. They might advance themselves because of something we did, and then when the roles or positions are reversed, they will let greed and ego take over and knock us to our knees.
This kind of thing happens in life and in relationships all the time. I do not feel any of us is totally exempt from this – whether we were the one being used, or the one using someone else.
Do You Also Remember Atlantis?
Are you an Atlantean? Since I was quite young, I have been able to remember some of my past lives. I was raised by atheist parents, so I didn’t call them past lives, since I had never heard that phrase before. I called them ‘the other times.’
In one such other time, I was an Atlantean. I have met many Atlanteans on my path in this life. Are you one of them? I remember being always dressed in white, like everyone else there (just like I do now as Kundalini Yoga instructor). White is cleansing and represents purity. More importantly, white deflects negative energy. Black absorbs it.
I have noticed, as technology began to evolve more in recent years, especially since 2000, that I became more nervous, because I remember how technology destroyed Atlantis. Technology is meant to be a good thing, but how it used is a potential danger.
Finding Your Life Calling
I have found that as ‘trends’ shift, so do the type of questions asked by clients during psychic readings. For example, lately many people have been asking about their life calling, and what they need to do to get there?
More people these days seem to feel they have not yet found their real ‘niche’ in life, whatever their age may be. I have been consulting especially with young people, in the final years of their studies, who call because they feel agitated about not having yet identified the direction of their career. I offer them guidance and suggestions, based on what vocations are given to me in their reading.
Sometimes though, it can simply be part of their life path to pursue various things before they are able to identify their calling. This I personally understand, because as much as I always felt the strong calling to work for Spirit, doing healing and readings, I now realize that everything else I ever did in-between, has given me a synergy of experience. This even includes my former ‘career’ as an alcoholic! Such experience has helped me to understand just what others might be going through.