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Spirit Messages In Your Everyday Life

Click Here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany years ago, while studying with spiritual author and teacher, Doreen Virtue, I was introduced to the topic of repeat numbers, hidden messages, and symbolic patterns. You don’t have to be a psychic to notice the subtle signs being shown to you every day, or to notice that the Angels and Spirit are sending you messages.

When we are having a bad day, or worrying about something, those are the times it seems we most need a sign from above, or a comforting message from Spirit. According to many metaphysicians and spiritual teachers, Spirit and our Angels communicate with us many different ways, but one of the easiest ways to get our attention is through number sequences.

One day, driving home from the office, I came up to a stop light where I was behind a car that looked identical to my dad’s when he was alive. As I inched my way closer, I saw the license plate on the car had the number sequence 444 on it. It had been a difficult day at work for me, but I knew as soon as I saw that car, with those numbers on the plate, that I was getting a message from Spirit. It was my dad and my Angels letting me know they were with me and sending support.

According to Doreen Virtue, 444 often foretells someone getting their wish, or is a numeric message that you have 444 Angels with you at that time. You may see these repeated numbers on the clock, street signs, license plates, phone numbers, home addresses, or any random place where you may not be expecting it.

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Learning To Trust The Universe

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMaybe you have heard someone say you need to trust in the Universe. However, this is not always easy and learning to trust really is an art and a practice, particularly if you are going through a somewhat challenging time. Nevertheless, if you really work on your ability to do this, the results can be so rewarding. It can really benefit you to put your faith in the Universe, and here is how you do it

Surrender To The Flow

Believe in the power of Universal Love. Yes, the Universe really is unconditionally loving and indeed does have your back. Fully taking this on board, will help you to gently surrender to the Universal flow.

Adopt a daily mantra to affirm to yourself, such as, “The Universe totally supports and loves me unconditionally.” By doing so, you will be working with the Universe, to help you attract all that what you need in order to enjoy a full and abundant life, and also place yourself in a position where you can help others do the same.

The Universe should not be seen, however, as a mechanical dispensing system that dishes out a person’s wants and needs to satisfy their every whim. However, it is perfectly okay to work with the Universe to improve your life, as well as help other people do the same.

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Strange Connections

click here for a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA few years ago, one of my daughters and I discovered the intricate and intriguing world of the meditative state. As it turned out, my daughter had an inherent ability to bring anyone who was interested in participating to a complete and extremely fruitful outcome. This could mean meeting a spirit guide, animal guide, finding and understanding of one’s own soul color, or a plethora of other magnificent occurrences that can help to enhance an individual’s life.

It soon became known in our area that we were offering a free and viable service, and it was not long before our little workshop was at its full capacity.

One particular day, as we were getting ready for our next workshop, my little three-year-old granddaughter informed us that a deaf man would be arriving that day. We never thought to question the validity of her statement or even questioned how she would know this for a fact. She said it, we believed her, and simply waited for him to arrive. That’s how we do things in my family.

Well, the next thing we know, one of our regular participants pulls up in his vehicle and out comes another older gentleman, who we find out fairly quickly is completely deaf in one ear. As we became more familiar with him, he was more inclined to share with us his life’s story.

He was born and raised in South Africa, came to North America as a teenager with his family. Although the medical community could not determine a real cause for his hearing impediment, they did conclude that he was indeed legally deaf.

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Be Mindful Of Your Words And Thoughts

Click for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is important to consider one’s ‘vibes’ and intentions, because is an essential aspect of understanding intuition, manifesting, destiny and predicting the future. The momentum of any person’s life is consistent with the vibrations they are putting out into the Universe. So, when an intuitive or psychic is looking at your situation, it is often based not only on your existing vibration, but often Spirit will also reveal a potential that could shift the vibe within a situation or change the future outcome.

Psychics, intuitives and diviners do not create your future, but they can explore and reveal the potential and energy within a situation, in order to predict the likelihood and probability of potential outcomes. Although it does not happen very frequently, I sometimes have clients approach predictions during a reading with a cynical mentality of ‘it will never happen.’ And, I have also heard Spirit respond very bluntly to such skeptical clients: “Then it won’t.”

The mind matters when it comes to our lives and situations. I don’t believe that Spirit deals in false hope, but I do know from experience that the mind is the catalyst for our experiences. Therefore, vibes are important. Our vibes show us what we are actively engaging in and what we can expect for the future. At times it can even be best to stop, or satiate the more challenging vibes we have to a situation, by disconnecting from the story of the situation entirely.

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The Little Things That Matter Most

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comIt really is the little things in our daily lives that sometimes matter most. And we are often more likely to remember those things. One of the little things that can touch our hearts most are gestures by kind people, which I have experienced so much of these past few weeks. They can be any random act of kindness – or even an observation when we suddenly become aware of how much such little things really matter! We may pass by beautiful scenery a hundred times and never pay attention, until one day it suddenly strikes a deep cord with us.

Just yesterday, a client said something to me which moved me deeply. “I just want you to know that when you enter a room, your heart enters first,” she said. I pondered her words for quite a long time, and will now always remember how it affected me deeply. Also, I was struck by the way her words came as if from nowhere, and that during a psychic reading which should really have been all about her and her concerns. What for her might have been just a quick gesture of appreciation, mattered very much to me… and it always will be remembered.

Recently, this same lady told me about a beautiful butterfly which had appeared at her window during one of our readings. Knowing the profound transformation she had been going through, and the beautiful soul that she is, no wonder all of her helpers on the other side wanted her to be aware of their presence in her life at this challenging time.

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The Man Who Pushed Me Off A Cliff

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSince I was a child, I have had fragmented memories of my past lives. These flashbacks are all parts of those lives and lessons that pertain to my soul growth and karma in this lifetime. So far, all of my past life memories have had to do with someone I have interacted with here, in my current incarnation. In other words, I have met all of the people in my past life memories in this lifetime also.

One such memory of a past life, is of a man I was married to in Ireland. We were quite young. I would say no more than 20. We were poor and lived in a little cottage, near a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was a modest, but breathtakingly beautiful home and land. I also remember that I had long, curly red hair.

Sadly, my husband in that lifetime was physically and emotionally abusive. He was always worried that men would desire me and take me away from him. But I had never been with any man but him. I didn’t want to be with my husband, but I certainly didn’t want another man to control and own me either.

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When Will I Find My Soulmate?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe questions I get most often in psychic readings is about finding true love and meeting soulmates. Why am I still single? When will I meet the love of my life? Will I be married? To be honest, I asked myself the same kind of question for decades.

When I got divorced at the age of 28, I had no idea that I would be single until the age of 52. Yes, I had several failed relationships during those years, and even when I connected with someone who I was certain was my life partner, things always seemed to fall apart. However, many years later, when I did meet my soulmate, it was incredible! Truth be told, I would go through it all again to end up in the relationship of my dreams, no matter how long it took.

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