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Enlightenment Is For Everyone

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe term ‘enlightened’ seems to be everywhere these days. But what does it really mean? From a spiritual or metaphysical perspective enlightenment simple means refers to our level of awareness. Enlightened people are deeply aware – of themselves, the world around them, of the realm of Spirit

In a world of increasingly empty noise and superficial values, true awareness has become a rare commodity. It’s easy to immerse ourselves in all the empty noise and meaningless materialism. It’s much more challenging to look at the things of this world with greater depth and see these things (and yourself) for what they really are.

When we begin to see more clearly and authentically we become more enlightened. We begin to see the light of truth. And when we do, we become more aware how our beliefs, choices, and actions all have consequences.

For example, you might be tempted to answer with harsh words to someone who has wronged you, or to swat a spider in the sink rather than take it outside. Each one of these actions, no matter how small, radiates outward and impacts the world around you.

Choosing peaceful or harmonious action is a vital step on the road towards enlightenment. Stop to think, before you act.

Another common thread in the fabric of enlightenment is lack of attachment. In many spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, unhealthy attachment is seen as the root of all human suffering. This could be an attachment to material wealth and possessions, to beliefs and ideas, to people and animals, or to our memories and our ego.

Enlightened people are able to release attachments that are not serving their best interest and highest good by letting it go gracefully. If you spend less time worrying about these earthly fixations and obsessions, your spiritual inner being will naturally start to flourish. And once it does, you’ll become more aware of the signs, synchronicities, and subtle messages the Universe sends us all the time.

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Working With Michael, Gabriel And Jophiel

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comArchangel Michael

Archangel Michael is often present in the lives of people who have ‘bitten off more than they can chew.’ He also supports those of us who have taken on a soul contract in this lifetime that involves much clearing and healing.

This could extend to family and ancestral legacies, geographic locations, as well as various life challenges like depression, abuse, financial hardship or problematic relationships.

In this capacity Michael acts as the ‘project manager’ organizing events, circumstances, and synchronicities necessary to extensively heal and clear these karmic energies.

Calling on the guidance and support of Archangel Michael will put you in touch with all aspects of a problem and empower you to most efficiently and effectively move through the challenge, and on to the next level.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel appears most often in readings with clients who are working on communication issues. I typically see her in romantic relationships, when one partner struggles expressing their emotions.

Call on Gabriel before you go to bed each night, asking her to work with you and your partner in the dream space. You will experience a shift in clarity, mutual understanding, and ease of communication, as well as increased expression of feelings.

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Working With Your Angels

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWorking with the Angelic Realm will bring many blessings into your life. I know this to be true from first-hand experience. In the few short years I have consciously been working with the Angels, my life has completely changed and taken on new purpose and meaning.

I used to suffer from depression, anxiety, and a lack of direction, but these days my life is rich, fulfilling and abundant with magic and miracles.

The Angels have had a considerable influence on my life for the better. This is why I am now passionate about teaching others how to work with these loving beings. I want others to feel the joy and fulfillment I now feel every day.

Before we begin to work with the Angels, it is important to note a few tenets. The first is that, when I refer to ‘working with the Angels,’ I mean this in a non-denominational way. It is not attached to any religious dogma.

The second is that everyone has at least two Angels always working with them. There are no exceptions to this rule. Furthermore, nothing you can do in your life will ever make your Angels stop loving and supporting you unconditionally. In fact, it is their unconditional love and guidance that makes working with them so healing and transformative.

Finally, everyone can learn to hear, see, feel, and know their Angels’ loving messages to them.

So, how do we do that? The first step is to ask. Ask your Angels to help remove any fears or other energy blockages that may be preventing you from clearly receiving their guidance and wisdom. I find it is best to do this before going to bed at night. When we are asleep, so is our conscious ego or thinking mind. This makes it easier for us to process our emotional and energetic baggage.

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Spirit Messages Of The Red Cardinal

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you live in North America, you’re probably familiar with the northern cardinal bird, also known as the redbird or red cardinal, commonly found across the continent. These bright red songbirds traditionally feature in the folklore, legends, and spiritual beliefs of various cultures.

The blood red coloring of this little bird’s plumage fascinated our ancestors and it is considered to be symbolic of life and vitality. Interestingly, in the Christian tradition the blood of Christ is a central religious symbol and the red-robed senior clergy of the Catholic Church are also knows as Cardinals.

In indigenous cultures, the cardinal traditionally also represents ongoing life, as well as a strong, lasting relationship because cardinals are a monogamous bird species. The appearance of a red cardinal in your life may indicate a need to start something new or examine existing loyalties and obligations.

Their red feathers certainly stand out amid the more common brown and green found in most of nature. The female cardinal is a lighter shade of pink than the bright red male, which is less easy to see. When you do notice her on your path, she is reminding you to look closer – chances are positive developments are on the horizon.

In native lore they are also associated with the direction of true North, symbolizing the guiding, unchanging Spirit. Folk tradition tells us that to see a cardinal means a departed loved one’s spirit is near, or an angelic guide is trying to send an important message.

Cardinals are also associated with the number 12, representing the annual cycle of months, as red cardinals are a year-round species. In addition, red is the color of the root (first) chakra in Eastern wisdom tradition, and also the Astrological sign of Aries, first in the Zodiac.

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The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 11:11

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe synchronicity of seeing 11:11 is a common sign of spiritual awakening many people begin to see once they become more metaphysically aware. But what does it mean? Why are you seeing this number all the time? And how does it relate to your spiritual path?

As we awaken into higher consciousness, we begin to see all things more clearly for what they truly are. Many people embark on a spiritual journey because they are seeking greater balance and harmony in their mental health and emotional well-being. But while spirituality can help us heal and find greater peace, there are two sides to this coin.

On the one hand we may be waking up to some brutal truths and particularly challenging realities. The world seems broken right now. Humanity is collectively so painfully out of alignment with our highest good that we are destroying the very Earth that gives us life and supports our very existence!

Once you wake up to everything that is happening in the material world, and the thinly veiled realities of conspiracy, hatred, violence and greed, it can be so disheartening.

On the other hand, once we awaken we are able to fully experience and actually see the magic an wonder in the world around us! We also begin to realize that we are the architects of our own life path and destiny. The gift of free will gives us so much potential to create the life we desire. And we begin to experience the signs and synchronicities which confirm this new sense of empowerment and higher consciousness.

It is exciting and liberating to discover that we were not meant to be ‘slaves’ to some pre-determined destiny. We now get to consciously and deliberately create our own reality, as a powerful co-creator of the world we live in.

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Surrendering Your Free Will To Divine Intervention

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo have free will means to have choices, to act at your own discretion. Choices in what? Well, in everything. From eating ice cream for breakfast, to establishing a humanitarian mission to support the homeless.

The ice cream is a simple choice, while the non-profit requires significant planning, a vision, a passion and purpose, as well as personal sacrifices, effort and action.

But both will have consequences. Eating deserts for breakfast may lead to weight gain and even long-term health problems. Helping the homeless will make the world a better, safer and happier place.

Between these two extreme examples, there are a myriad of life paths, choices, decisions, options, and potential experiences. It is what we call life and relationships. In all these possibilities the power of free will always exists.

You also have the free will choice in life of taking things too personally, being too controlling or demanding, being lazy or discontented, playing the victim…or living your life with courage, joy and gratitude.

One of the most prevalent challenges many people is their unwillingness to accept the principles of co-creation. To live a happier, more peaceful life we have to accept that just because we have free will in our own life choices, the world we live in is a co-creation. We do not only choose for ourselves, but we also choose everyday along with others. Every day is an act of co-creation. And not everyone always chooses the same things. We must learn to accept this.

Go with the flow? Never, you might say, I need to be always in control. I call the shots! The paradigm shift of realizing that I am spirit in a physical body is what changed it for me. Consider what your life might look like today had you more often simply trusted the Divine, Universe, God, Creator, Spirit, Source to let things unfold for the greater good, at the right time and in the right way? Well, it’s never too late to try. The results just might surprise you.

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A Miracle Horse Named Jake

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy passion for animals is far-reaching and horses are a definite favorite. They are amazing creatures that have been roaming the planet since the beginning of time. They started out humbly, but worked their way up the evolutionary ladder.

There is one particular horse that I will never forget. He entered my world about 6 months after my beloved American Quarter Horse, Luke, had passed away at the age of 22. I yearned for a new four-legged friend and found Jake for sale on a nearby farm.

I wanted a horse that would be good on trails, like Luke used to be. As I looked at the herd, one horse stood out instantly, staring at me with eyes that touched my soul. Jake wasn’t the prettiest horse there; he had lots of nicks and bite scars on his body. He was a white horse with a black mane and tail, with black varnish markings on his legs and face.

The owner told me that Jake was unfortunately not the most willing horse on trails, but I still had my sights set on him. He also mentioned that a thorn from a tree had broken off in the horse’s eye, several months back, but it seemed to be fine now.

As the man brought him out, I noticed he was heavy-handed with him and used force when not needed. The horse looked at me intently. I could clearly sense his sadness. He was not happy there.

The owner then saddled him up for me to ride, and he cut a branch from a nearby tree to use as a switch. “You’ll need this on the trails,” he said. I politely took the makeshift riding crop (with no intention of using it) and headed off to the wooded trails nearby.

Jake was quiet and we were feeling each other out. It was soon evident that he was a caring horse that aimed to please. I enjoyed the ride, and tossed that stick on the first turn. That was the day I started the love affair with my new Colorado Ranger horse. Only 5,000 of Colorado Ranger breed were registered at the time. The man could not recall how old Jake was, but when I got his papers I found he was 22 years old.

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