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How To Deal With Negativity And Toxic Drama

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people today feel overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, fearful. This is especially evident online in the social media landscape. Unfortunately, too often this leads to attacks on others, including innocent people and companies.

It can be challenging to know how best to deal with all this toxic negativity. I believe it’s best to approach this issue spiritually, from a metaphysical or energetic standpoint.

Energy, whether positive or negative, grows when we feed it. Consider a plant: in order to thrive, it needs water, sunlight, and nutrients from the earth. If neglected, it will wither. The same principle applies to our interactions with the world around us: by paying attention to something, we feed it with our energy.

This is crucial to remember when dealing with any kind of negativity, both online and in person. To thrive energetically, we must be selective about who and what we pay attention to.

Huna, an ancient Hawaiian spiritual tradition, teaches that energy flows where attention goes. Every time we choose where to direct our energy, we’re making an active choice about what we want to grow in our lives. When we respond to negativity – whether with anger, defensiveness, or frustration – we end up reinforcing the very things we want to avoid.  To maintain peace and harmony, huna advises focusing on positive intentions and constructive energy.

By giving toxic energy thieves our attention, we allow their negaivity to take root in our hearts and minds. Feeding negativity or drama only strengthens it, which ultimately affects our own well-being. When we consciously choose to withdraw our energy from negative influences and redirect it to uplifting and positive areas, we create an environment where peace and growth can flourish.

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Toxic Friendships: End It, Or Mend It?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Like all relationships, friendships have their ups and downs, testing the bonds that bind us together.

A true friend is someone who genuinely wants the best for you, celebrates your victories, and supports you through challenges. They offer encouragement, share your joys, and lend a sympathetic ear during difficult times.

The presence of true friends adds value to your life and fosters growth and positivity. You have a healthy friendship that thrives on mutual respect and care, where both parties feel uplifted and inspired to be their best selves.

In stark contrast, a toxic friend is often self-absorbed, putting their own needs and desires above all else. They manipulate situations to get what they want, with little regard for how their actions affect your happiness.

This type of friendship can feel draining, leaving you emotionally drained and questioning your self-worth. Instead of celebrating your achievements, a toxic friend may resort to jealousy or criticism, undermining your confidence.

Toxic friendships can deeply affect our emotional and mental well-being, often leaving us feeling drained and undervalued. These relationships are characterized by manipulation, constant criticism, and lack of support, creating an environment where one party consistently takes more than they give.

The dynamic can include jealousy, competition, or even emotional abuse, making it difficult to feel safe and authentic. Over time, toxic friendships can lead to diminished self-esteem and increased stress, underscoring the importance of recognizing and addressing these unhealthy connections.

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Are You On The Karmic Path Of Grace?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Every step we take in life shapes not only how we feel, but also where we end up in life and how others respond to us.

Sayings such as “you reap what you sow,” “what goes around comes around,” and “your vibe attracts your tribe” represent the complex interplay between our choices and actions and the reality we experience each day.

This is known as the universal law of cause and effect, also known as the spiritual principle of karma. Every choice we make has consequences, whether seen or unseen. Every action we take – whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual – has a corresponding result or consequence.

Nothing in life happens by accident. Our values, beliefs, mindset and attitude all help to shape our life path and destiny. Our choices, behaviors, and even our thoughts have a ripple effect. Our free will choices ultimately determine our life journey and the legacy we will someday leave behind.

In essence, the energy or intent behind our actions affects the results we experience in life. Positive actions attract positive results, while negative actions can lead to challenges or difficulties. Over time, the cumulative effect of these causes and their consequences determines the course of our lives, affecting relationships, opportunities, and personal growth.

For this reason, it is essential that we be mindful of everything we say and do. We must cultivate self-awareness and take personal responsibility because every step we take affects our future and our destiny.

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Become A Magnet For Joy And Happiness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever experienced such an intense level of joy after receiving wonderful news or a successful outcome that not even the most negative person could dampen your mood or ruin your day?

Well, that’s the kind of energy you need to send out into the universe if you want to become a magnet for love, happiness and fulfillment.

Many people are constantly stuck in a cycle of negativity. They see the worst in every situation and project their pessimism onto everyone and everything around them.

As a psychic counselor, I’ve worked with many clients over the years who have fallen victim to the negativity of such naysayers and energy thieves – people who try to drag others down to their level to alleviate their own discomfort.

In these scenarios, I then guide my clients on how to better protect themselves energetically and maintain balance spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and in the worst cases, even physically.

They do this by creating an invisible shield that deflects the negativity. This shield sends the negative energy right back at the ‘happiness trolls,’ neutralizing their psychic attacks and preventing their pessimistic, toxic energy from affecting you.

Your life will take a major turn for the better when you realize that some people are not even aware of how their negativity affects others. Often these people have had very difficult lives or traumatic childhoods filled with anger and conflict. They are often carriers of serious levels of unresolved karmic debt, which they typically make no effort to address due to their lack of self-awareness and spiritual awareness. You cannot expect someone to break free of these karmic patterns and ancestral legacies if they are not aware that they even exist.

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The True Meaning Of Being Balanced

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spiritual teachers often emphasize the importance of achieving and maintaining balance as a fundamental aspect of well-being, personal growth, and spiritual development.

But what does it really mean? Is it about having a healthy work-life balance? Is it about a balanced diet or exercise routine? No, these are just some of the smaller elements of achieving true balance.

Balance refers to being holistically balanced in all aspects of our existence: body, mind, and spirit. Achieving and maintaining balance means creating a harmonious and integrated life in which all aspects of our being support each other, leading to overall well-being and a deeper connection with our true self.

We are more than our physical health, appearance and fitness levels. We are more than our thoughts, ideas, and knowledge. And we are more than our spiritual beliefs and practices. We are a wondrous compilation of all these things that make up our body, mind, and spirit. When any part of us is unhealthy or dysfunctional, it disrupts our alignment with our higher self. This is the true meaning of being out of balance.

Striving to be true to your higher self should always be your priority. Your higher self is the real you, the you that exists in harmony with the universe and is an expression of the divine. It is only when we are in alignment with our higher self that the world truly opens up for so much more to flow into our lives…instead of out of them.

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The Choice To Stay In Your Peace And Joy

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The other day I was sitting in a park surrounded by people. Some were sitting in chairs, looking up at the trees, seemingly in a state of pure relaxation, with no thoughts in their minds, just taking in the nature and sounds around them.

I felt a deep sense of peace and tranquillity, having just meditated before coming to the park. I had spread a blanket under my favourite oak tree with a book in my hand.

I looked around and saw a young family. The children were playing, throwing a ball back and forth, while the father was absorbed in his mobile phone. The mother was busy preparing a picnic, setting the table with a beautiful tablecloth. Eventually they settled down.

On the other side of the park was a lovely play area where families watched their children playing, climbing and jumping.

In the middle of the park, a group of young people were playing volleyball, being quite loud and using foul language. Their behaviour attracted everyone’s attention. The family preparing for the picnic decided to leave, put everything in their cars and drove off. Others sitting in deckchairs and some children in the play area also left.

The noisy volleyball group eventually attracted the attention of a police patrol. I overheard one of the officers reminding them of the ban on alcohol in public parks and urging them to be respectful of others, especially with small children around. Despite the warnings, they remained loud and disrespectful until they finally left.

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Unleash The Power Of Your Intention

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!

When I first started working professionally in the spiritual field, I used to get pretty uptight about whether or not I was spending enough time preparing myself properly before consulting with clients, both for psychic readings and energy healing sessions. That was until I visited a well-known elderly spiritualist who lived in the countryside outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, for a reading.

“You work with spirit, just like I do,” I remember him saying. “But I sense that you worry that your preparation is weak and not good enough.”

He was right, I was often stressed about having enough time to prepare with my guides before the sessions began. I always want to give my best to my clients and feared that I would disappoint them if I was not properly prepared and perfectly “tuned in.” Was I doing it right? Did I spend enough time on it? Was I leaving out an important step? Should I just do it once a day before I start or before every single session?

Ironically, while my sincere intention with all this worrying was to give my clients the best readings and healings possible, I was actually not always giving my best, because I was so stressed and worried about being well-prepared!

“All you have to do is set your intention clearly every day before you start,” the wise old gentleman said. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Of course! Keeping it simple is often the best approach to most things in life, so why should it not work in spiritual endeavors also?

This was how I learned that the most important ingredient for successful preparation in any spiritual practice or metaphysical activity is intention.  Today, I like to think of intention as the vital spark that lights the flame. It is a powerful tool in all metaphysical practices. Oddly enough, intention is often the key aspect of our spiritual practices that is most often overlooked.

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