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Surround Yourself With Positive People

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome people have a smile, warmth and depth to them that is out of this world. These are the people you want to stay connected with.

Some people never evolve, but that is okay. Visualize them being away from you and being “great” somewhere else.

Some people think they are in kindergarten and, although they are adults now, they still play the game of “grapevine.” These people you can also wish away, to be “great” somewhere else.

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to find someone on the same frequency as yourself. Cherish and keep in touch with these lovely kindred folks.

Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you ~ Walt Whitman

Some people are clever and get out of a situation that could have been much worse, but instead of learning from it, they continue to do that which they got away with, missing the opportunity for soul growth and personal evolution. These people will be judged by God in their own time.

You only get one chance to make your moments count, spent the time you’ve been given wisely, in the way you feel most meaningful. For me it’s with my daughter, as there are no second chances.

Time goes by fast. Wait until you have a child and see how fast they grow! That often puts your priorities in perspective, although for some maybe not so much. I find such people to be spiritually sad. In their defense, how can they give what they never had? If they did, maybe they forgot those few happy childhood moments and as they got older they chose to smoke or drink. They do things to make their mental faculties so messed up they don’t know how to be present and enjoy the goodness of life. We must pray for these folks.

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend ~ Albert Camus

There are also people who are so cold, angry and filled with dis-ease that disease finds them on every corner. These people we must pray for and hope they find wisdom, before it’s too late.

Kindness matters, so be the light and let your light shine brightly, even when you feel you’re walking in the shadow of death. It only takes a spark.

So many people want to experience God, but seldom take the time to really know him. It shows in their character and in how they treat their loved ones and themselves.

Instead of settling for classical thinking, move towards quantum exploration. For the New Year set your intention to have the best life you can and surround yourself with positive
people, and be void of negative people who live with jealousy, gossip and anger.

May your 2014 be full of kindness, love, light and laughter and be blessed spiritually, emotionally and spiritually.

About The Author: Moon Goddess

Moon Goddess is a third generation empathic healer and seer. She started to give healing readings to people more than 20 years ago. She has always been interested and studied all things metaphysical from a young age. Being hypersensitive she can feel and see things before they happen. Utilizing the Tarot, and with the help of her Guides, she is a source of support for many people all over the world. After he passed over, her grandfather kept his promise and came back to say goodbye and gave her the most amazing experience. Moon knows there truly is a Heaven, and it is wonderful! Sharing her experience has helped many people after they have lost someone, or anyone experiencing some form of grief. Get a reading with Moon Goddess now at

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