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The Soul Secrets Of Your Known Name Number

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Numerology, the ancient mystical study of numbers and its influence on our daily existence, goes far beyond calculating the meaning of your birth date.

While many people are familiar with the concept of the life path number, which is derived from one’s birth date, few realize that their known name number also holds profound insights into their character, destiny, and spiritual journey.

Also known as the expression number, the calculation of this number is a core component of numerology used by practitioners to explore one’s personality, potential, and life path. Calculating this number can be eye-opening and transformative.

Metaphysically, names are not arbitrary; they are energetic vibrations that carry specific meanings and influences.

Your known name is the name you go by in everyday life, whether it is the name your parents gave you at birth or a nickname that has stuck with you over time.

The name you identify with carries an energetic signature that reveals much about your personality, your purpose, and the unique challenges or gifts you may encounter in this lifetime.

In the practice of numerology, the letters in your name are assigned numerical values based on a system known as the Pythagorean Number Table, where each letter corresponds to a number from 1 to 9. By adding up the numbers associated with the letters in your known name, you can uncover several key numbers that offer insight into your personality, strengths, and life purpose.

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Tarot Forecast October 2024: Ten Of Wands

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The card this month is the Ten of Wands, which predicts the potential for life’s challenges to feel overwhelming in the weeks ahead, but this will also offer us the opportunity for personal growth through perseverance.

When we push through difficulties, we not only build strength, but also shape our perception of success. It’s important to remember that how we view our challenges often determines whether we see them as victories or defeats.

The burdens that life places on us make us grow and know that we are resilient when things don’t go our way. Knowing that even when we see situations not working in our favor, if we see value and learning in it, we dare to stand up for ourselves and go for it anyway.

This month it may feel like we’re juggling a lot at once, but in these challenges lies the opportunity to gain wisdom and clarity. It may feel heavy, as if we have too many responsibilities or carry an emotional burden that’s hard to release.

The central image depicted on the Ten of Wands cards is a figure burdened by having to carry ten heavy wands, symbolizing an overwhelming load or heavy burden. The figure is struggling under the weight, illustrating the concept of carrying too much responsibility or facing numerous challenges. It emphasizes the physical and emotional strain that can result from over-commitment or excessive obligations.

The figure is also walking along a narrow path or road, suggesting a journey or direction. The path indicates that the stresses are part of a larger journey or goal, implying that the challenges are necessary to achieve something significant.

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The Spiritual Significance Of 444

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spirit often communicates with us through numbers. It does this in many different ways, but a very common experience is to be “followed” by a particular number or sequence of numbers.

These repeating sequences of numbers tend to appear over and over again, in many different places. You may see these sequences on clocks and timers, license plates, receipts, addresses, calendars, and social media views, likes, or post times, to name a few.

But what does it mean when you see it? Basically, it is a reminder to check in with yourself and make sure you are aligned with the results you want to manifest in your life. Pause and reflect. What are you feeling right now? What are you thinking? Is it in alignment with what you want to create and experience in your life? What adjustments do you need to make to be more in alignment with the results you want to manifest?

In addition, the specific numbers you see also have a specific message. Each number carries a unique influence and gives you clues as to what aspects are important for you to pay attention to. In this blog post, I want to offer some insight into the number 4, or repeated, 44, 444, 4444, and so on.

The number four represents an important milestone in our spiritual, personal and practical development. It indicates that we have reached a point where our foundation is solid, where we have created a sense of stability in certain situations or circumstances in our lives. From this position of stability we foster a comforting sense of security from which we can grow and develop in new ways.

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What To Do When He Is Not Calling You

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When someone you like a lot doesn’t call or even ghosts you, it can really sting. The excitement of a new romance can quickly turn into self-doubt and frustration.

This is when patience, trust in the bigger picture, and reclaiming your own power become really important.

Patience isn’t just about waiting; it’s about trusting that everything happens in its own time. When someone doesn’t call, it’s easy to panic and think they’re not interested or that you’ve messed up. But patience helps us trust life’s timing. What’s meant for you won’t slip away.

It’s not about sitting around hoping. It’s about realizing that the universe has a way of making things work, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

Trusting that everything happens for a reason helps you let go of the need to control the outcome of your romantic life. You find peace in knowing that what’s meant for you will come to you at the right time.

Trust that everything happens for your highest good. The universe has your back. If someone doesn’t call, maybe they’re right for you. Maybe the timing isn’t right, or there’s someone better just around the corner.

Trusting the universal flow for your highest good helps you let go of the need to control everything and focus on what you can control in life. Controlling how other people behave is not one of them.

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The Empowering Eight Energy Of September 2024

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As this month unfolds, we find ourselves in a powerful and transformative period in terms of numerology.

September 2024 carries the dynamic energy of the number 8, which resonates strongly with the overall vibration of the year, as this is a year of the number 8.

In numerology, each month is assigned a number based on its position in the calendar year. September is the 9th month of the year, so the number for September is 9.

To find the numerological number for a year, you add up each digit of the year until you reduce it to a single digit. So the number for 2024 is 8.

2024 → 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8

To find the combined energy for a particular month within a particular year, add the number of the month to the number of the year and reduce the sum to a single digit (if necessary).

9 (September) + 8 (year 2024) = 17

Reduce 17 to a single digit: 1 + 7 = 8

Thus, September 2024 carries the dynamic combined energy of the number 8. This creates a powerful alignment that amplifies the qualities of the number 8 this month with significant opportunities to achieve personal growth, balance and abundance.

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How Venus Debilitation Impacts Your Love Life

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As we find ourselves in the midst of the annual Venus debilitation transit until September 18, it’s important to understand how this cosmic event tends to affect our love lives and relationships.

In astrology, debilitation refers to a planet being in a weaker or less favorable position in the zodiac, which affects its ability to express its natural qualities. When a planet is debilitated, it is limited in the expression of its positive qualities and may instead exhibit more challenging qualities. This concept is a key element in Vedic astrology (Jyotish), which emphasizes the dignity of the planets based on their positions in the zodiac.

Venus is considered weak in the sign of Virgo. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, is associated with practicality, analysis and critical thinking. These qualities conflict with Venus’ natural inclinations toward love, harmony, pleasure, and artistic expression. This period can bring emotional instability, communication breakdowns and a need for introspection in your relationships.

But while a Venusian weakening is usually seen as a challenging or negative time for love and relationships, it can actually be a blessing in disguise. This cosmic event forces us to look deeper into the dynamics of our relationships and helps us identify areas that need attention or improvement.

When Venus is weakened, it strips away illusions and forces us to confront the realities of our romantic lives. By facing these truths, we have the opportunity to address unresolved issues, break unhealthy patterns, and communicate more honestly with our partners. This introspection can lead to a greater understanding of what we truly need and value in our relationships, paving the way for more authentic and meaningful connections.

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Letting Go Of Guilt

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!We all like to be seen as good people, and it can be deeply unsettling when others perceive us otherwise. When we find ourselves in a disagreement with a dear friend or colleague and take the blame for something we’re not responsible for, it’s natural to feel unhappy.

Spirit teaches that while it’s important to own our actions and the roles we play in conflict, guilt only serves to amplify feelings of remorse. If we allow guilt to fester, we may begin to believe that we are “bad” people who do not deserve happiness and success.

This is far from the truth. We are human, and human beings have the ability to change. Our actions may not always be right, but that doesn’t mean we are inherently bad or deserving of punishment.

Making mistakes is part of being human, and sometimes we need to adjust our responses, especially in challenging situations, in order to grow and improve. Spirit suggests that this is a much healthier perspective.

However, taking this “healthy approach” is often easier said than done. We’ve grown up in a world where elders, peers, and society define what is good and bad – even when they’re not always right. This can lead us to judge ourselves harshly and feel unnecessary guilt.

Many traditional spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of forgiveness, both of oneself and of others. In Christianity, for example, the concept of repentance is central; believers are encouraged to confess their sins, seek divine forgiveness, and then release their guilt, trusting that God’s grace has absolved them.

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