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Favorite Incense And Essential Oils

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIncense and essential oils are a powerful, inexpensive way to fill our senses and surroundings with optimum health, joy and prosperity. With the right fragrance, we can transform our thoughts, release stress and cultivate inner peace. Utilizing the calming vibes of incense and essential oils is a wonderful way to uplift our hearts and reconnect with our souls, as they help to maintain our sense of balance.

The following is a brief guide to my favorite empowering aromas, their properties, and their ability to transform your world.


Use amber to promote beauty, protection, youth, vibrancy and to promote spiritual awakening. Amber is also a powerful conductor when researching past life memories or working through old issues to clear them so one can move forward.

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Spiritual Guidance Through Synchronicity

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the many years that I have been a spiritual advisor, I have gained tremendous confidence in Spirit’s ability to lead us. I believe that the Source from which we came is always supporting us, leading us, and speaking to us.

As a spiritual advisor it is my job to pay attention to the language of Spirit. However, the language of Spirit is not only reserved for spiritual practitioners. In fact, some of the best readings that I have given to others were confirmations of what Spirit had already been saying to them directly. I believe that one of the purposes of spiritual advisors on our planet is to gently guide people into understanding the language of Spirit for themselves and to confirm for them that they are always guided and supported.

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Psychic Prediction – Free Will, Fate Or Divine Destiny?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychic reading is often assumed to be synonymous with fortune-telling, and while they may seem similar on the surface they are in fact two very different practices. Psychic reading is a spiritual practice… a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny. Fortune-telling, on the other hand, is a fallacy and potentially dangerous and destructive.

Yes, fortune-telling is a myth. Nobody can ‘tell your fortune’ for the simple reason that you don’t actually have a ‘fortune.’ Your fortune is something you create every day through your beliefs, thoughts, choices, decisions and actions. You are a spiritual being continuously seeking physical expression in your current incarnation. And therefore you are the creator of your own reality experience, and the designer of your own destiny. Your fate is ultimately in your own hands (albeit with a little help from the Divine). Continue reading

The Powerful Wisdom Of The Major Arcana

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere are 78 cards in a traditional Tarot deck. The first 22 are called the Major Arcana. The word ‘arcana’ comes from a Latin word arcanum, which means ‘ancient secrets’ or ‘mysteries.’

The 22 Major Arcana cards, starting with The Fool and leading all the way to The World, are all archetypes that represent hidden knowledge that many centuries ago were privy to those who worked closely with spirit.

When we consult a Tarot deck, the Major Arcana cards take us on a journey into another world, accessing ancient truths and divine law.  In psychic Tarot readings the Major Arcana cards can describe attributes of people and their character traits, but most often represent the spiritual lessons we go through in life. Continue reading

The Key Elements To Infinite Possibilities

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat is it that your life is full of? What have you attracted, what do you wish to change? A trip into the mind is imperative to review our past experiences and emotions, because mindset is paramount for true success. Success in career. Success in relationships. Success in finances. Success in mind.

There are countless success stories of individuals who had fewer opportunities early in life. Some came from poverty, some from a broken home. They often provide clear evidence that through the mindset of knowing that our accomplishments rest in our choices, all possibilities can exist. For centuries sacred teachings have known these principles. We in the West have not embraced them until recently. Continue reading

This Time I Won!

Click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAbout 15 years ago, I was house hunting for my second home. I found a place in a remote community in the woods. It was my dream home. It was like a fairy house, complete with a creek running through the yard.

It had this amazing rock wall surrounding it that looked like a castle wall. It was very private, with a secluded community of other fairy, woodsy magical house lovers. I just knew it was my house! It felt like destiny. But was it?

Most psychics will tell you that we cannot really read for ourselves and, when we do try, it usually is not very successful. We often get things very wrong for ourselves. Continue reading

Language Of The Tarot

Click picture to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen reading Tarot, it is always important to consider each card in the context of the spread. Each card has differing meanings, based on the context of the whole.

For example, the Three of Swords represents heartache, sadness, loss, grief. However, let’s say it comes up along with the Chariot, which represents moving forward with success. Together, the context of these two cards might shift to something like moving beyond sadness. However, this meaning might shift even further, based on the rest of the cards in the spread.

Reading single cards only, would be like trying to convey a message with just one word. Instead one should think of a Tarot spread as representing a full sentence, while each card represents a word in that sentence. Continue reading

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