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Astrology Forecast August 19 – 25, 2024

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Today’s Aquarius Full Moon is known as a Supermoon. Supermoons occur when the full moon coincides with the moon being at the point in its orbit closest to Earth.

This full moon may inspire us to embrace new ideas and approaches, encouraging us to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. It’s a good time to focus on technological advances or unconventional solutions to problems.

We could feel a strong pull to work on community projects or to advocate for social justice. This full moon emphasizes the importance of collective well-being and may inspire you to contribute to causes that benefit the greater good.

Because it’s a supermoon, the emotional impact will be more intense. You may experience heightened feelings or revelations about your personal goals, relationships, or your role in the larger community. This can lead to significant breakthroughs or changes in personal perspective. You may feel a stronger desire to express your true self and make changes that are more in line with your true desires and values.

The Moon’s conjunction with Lilith amplifies this influence, prompting a deeper exploration of your emotional truths and personal freedoms. The semi-sextile aspects between Venus and Lilith, and between the Moon and Venus, also predict opportunities to align your emotional experiences with your values and desires. There may be a focus on reconciling your deeper emotional needs with your social or relational expectations, allowing for a more balanced approach to love and beauty.

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Astrology Forecast July 8 – 14, 2024

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Venus weaves much of her lovely magic this week through several planetary aspects and a major transit. Get ready for a heightened focus on relationships, pleasure, and creative self-expression – but with a twist or two!

Today, Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, infusing the start of the week with unexpected yet positive emotional and relational shifts.

It will be a great day for creatives and innovators, as creative endeavors flourish with innovative ideas and unique expressions that add a spark to routine tasks or projects. This aspect encourages embracing change and finding beauty in the unconventional, making it a great day to try something new, whether in personal relationships or aesthetic pursuits.

Thursday Venus reigns supreme as she casts several sensual spells on us, so buckle up! Thursday morning Venus trine Neptune, together with Moon sextile Venus, brings a wave of dreamy idealism, romantic vibes and a harmonious blend of emotions and desires. We’ll feel naturally affectionate and receptive to love, making it easier to connect with others and openly express our feelings.

We’ll see the world (and potential partners) through rose-colored glasses, fostering compassion, creativity and a desire for beauty. It will be a good time to connect with our artistic talents, embrace forgiveness, and let intuition guide us toward love that feels divinely inspired.

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Going Beyond Your Sun Sign

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I began studying Astrology, I only focused on the Sun signs, or birth signs, without acknowledging all the other planetary influences that are equally important in person’s chart. An astrological natal chart reflects the planetary alignment at the exact time we are born into the world, which makes us all incredibly unique.

If you want to understand a relationship dynamic or yourself in-depth, a professional astrologer can break down the strengths and challenges of the situation using astrological data. There are also free resources online that can generate a basic astrology report which summarizes each planetary aspect for you.

The planets that fall within each astrological chart and their meaning are as follows:

1. The sun is who you show to the world.

2. The moon is your heart and emotions.

3. Your rising or ascendant sign is how you look.

4. Mercury is your communication and how you think.

5. Venus is how you love and show affection.

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