How To Avoid The Sunday Blues
I am sure you can easily picture the following scene. Your weekend has been somewhat action-packed. You have had your night out with friends, been for a meal with the family, and perhaps had a couple of hours at the gym on Saturday morning. The weekend was awesome, until Sunday evening arrives. Then your mind turns to what the week ahead could have in store for you…and your mood suddenly change for the worse.
If you suffer from what is known as the ‘Sunday blues,’ then it is essential you look at what you can do, from a practical point of view, to make the first day of the week far better than you may currently be experiencing it.
It is imperative you begin by looking at the actual reasons you dread your Sunday evening, and having done so, focus on what you can do about it. Get ready to take some action! Continue reading
Depression And Being Idle
I recently did a psychic reading for a dear client here in my local area. Her question to me was, “Why am I so depressed? Lately I have had time off from work, I really haven’t been doing very much, but I am feeling depressed and tired.” She went on to ask me what might be causing this depression and what she could do to prevent it.
I am clairaudient and instantly heard the word, “Idleness.” It came to me loud and clear, and I shared this with her. She paused for a moment and said, “You know, I think you may be right! I am usually more depressed when I get my two weeks vacation and I have nothing planned. I don’t enjoy my usual hobbies and I just end up laying around and over-thinking!”
Apparently, when she has too much free time, she starts to worry about things in her life that does not usually bother her. She even has a sudden fear of dying when she isn’t being productive! Continue reading
Spiritual Laws That Bring Out The Best In You
Want a happier and more enriched life on a regular basis? Then why not consider implementing these universal spiritual rules into your daily routine to live your days to the max!
The Law of Uniqueness
Yes, you really are one of a kind. From your DNA to your personality traits, individual experiences and life skills, they are all unique to yourself. To develop understanding and empathy for other individuals, this law requires us to recognize their special uniqueness.
The above said, you, me and everyone else on the planet is made from the very same ingredients, i.e. sulphur, iron and carbon, and so on, which the stars themselves also consist of. Therefore, we are all star material in our own right! Continue reading
Spiritual Cleansing
With a new year comes the opportunity again to better ourselves, but how many of us consider the spiritual along with the physical or mental? Like our homes or our cars, our spiritual selves accumulate ‘junk’ over time and need cleaning too.
The first clue that a spiritual cleansing or psychic clearing is overdue is that general feeling of heaviness, emotional clutter, or being overwhelmed. Just as we tend to get depressed when our living space is a wreck, if our spiritual essence is no longer working properly, neither will we as a whole unit.
A perfect way to get started, which is inexpensive and environmentally friendly, is to smudge your physical space with a healing herb such as sage, or something stronger like frankincense. As you burn these herbs, focus on ridding negative energies and memories and repeat a mantra such as, “I release that which I no longer need, and focus now on the present.” Continue reading
What Goes Around Comes Around
Karma is a very real thing. I know an older lady who firmly believes that she will never have to struggle coming in the door, whenever she comes home to her condo. She never has to set down any of her items to look for the right key to unlock the door and let herself in. There always seems to be someone there to let her in; people are usually going out as she is coming back in.
Amazingly, this appears to be true. I have never actually seen her having any trouble letting herself in, and it seems to be the case especially when she is bringing in groceries, or carrying a heavy load.
I asked her why she thinks this is, and she told me that when she was younger, and her legs used to worked better, she used to always help elderly people. She would help them to their car, or help them bring things in, or help them cross the street. It was something her parents taught her from a very young age – to always be ready to lend a helping hand to children and the elderly. Continue reading
Does Your Life Own You?
Addressing our desires, needs, goals and actions is imperative as we go through life. Ideally this happens on a regular and consistent basis. Yet, life sometimes has the uncanny ability to delay our well-defined plans, or simply start it without us. It can also unexpectedly speed up our plans.
If you reflect on your current life status, are there aspects of it that make you cringe a little? Is your career, financial health, relationship, or family life in a space where you are just ‘getting by.’ Are you living month to month on your paycheck? Stuck in a stagnant relationship? Do you hate your job? Feeling overwhelmed?
If such feelings are prevalent, then it indicates that your life owns you, instead of you owning your life. Your life owns you when your everyday routine consists mostly of elements of necessity, not of desirous choice.
There is no doubt that modern society has burdened us with the pressures to succeed, to pay the bills, to live where we live. Navigating the meandering river of our material needs occupies much space in our mind. My brain hurts! Continue reading