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What Are Your Snapshots For The Year Ahead?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat does the future have in store for me?  It’s a valid question after all the upheaval of life during the past two years. In fact this question is on so many minds at present, including my own.

The last two years have been difficult for most, if not all of us. We have all suffered loss, grief, stress, frustration, and anxiety. Regardless of what your personal views and beliefs may be regarding this difficult time in the world, what does matter is where you are mentally and spiritually at this moment.

This weekend may be a good time to recenter, align and ground your energy.  Take some time out from all the mayhem today and do some meditation, prayer, visualization, or breath-work. Allow God, Source, Spirit, the Universe to fill you with positive energy, light and blessings, and release the negative thoughts and anxieties you may be holding on to.

Also, take some time to calmly contemplate and make a list of your goals, wishes, desires and dreams for the year ahead. Or better yet, create a vision board, manifesting box, or journal. Cut out pictures from old magazines, copy positive affirmations, and collect some trinkets to place on a board, in a box, or in a scrapbook.

Once it is complete, place your board, box or book somewhere in your home or office where you can look at it often. Take a little time every day to focus on it and ask yourself what each goal, wish or intention you have added to it truly means to you.

I have a brochure of new camera with a special lens on my vision board for this year. When I ask myself what it represents to me, I remind myself that my new dream camera sees the beauty in our world through a magical lens.  It will bring out the brightest of colors. and the most beautiful scenery. It will also capture the vitality and magnificence of all my spirit totems (mostly eagles, red tail hawk, owls, sand hill cranes).

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De-Cluttering For Body, Mind & Spirit

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFor me the average household chore is only temporarily rewarding, because before you know it, the serenity which comes from the cleanliness and order you’ve just created is short lived. Dust and chaos return in a flash!

On the other hand, I find ‘de-cluttering’ much more rewarding, and more so knowing that a lot of ‘stuff’ not used in a while is either going to someone who can use it, or to help in raising funds for one of the animal charities I support.

More frequently these days, people are adopting a minimalist feng shui approach to furnishing their homes – and also in other areas of their lives – because somewhere deep down we all long for the space and lack of gadgets and stuff that our forefathers managed quite happily without.

Much has been brought to our TV screens these days in the way of reality shows about compulsive hoarding, bringing awareness about how the obsession of accumulating a vast amount of things is actually an emotional issue, rather than one of material usefulness.

Advances of modern civilization are generally limited to the material. So, our spiritual and mental progress hasn’t kept up with the material, hence people’s anguished stories, which I feel is accentuated because their spiritual development hasn’t kept up with their worldly achievements.

The benefit of clearing out that which no longer serves us helps in two major ways:

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Astrology Forecast July 26 – August 1, 2021

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are single, you can probably take things easy today, as the Pisces Moon calls us to reflect, remember and relax. However, the Moon’s opposition to Venus in Virgo may give rise to intense emotion and frustrated passion that may leave the rest of us feeling restless or discontented in our long-term relationships and marriages. Problems may be forthcoming with partners that can upset our domestic bliss.

Mercury will enter Leo tomorrow, urging our hearts and minds forge ahead into new enterprises over the next few weeks as it energizes and inspires us! The Pisces Moon sextile with Uranus in Taurus will further increase our ability to focus our attention and be more persuasive and determined in our dealings with others.

Things heat up even more Wednesday through Thursday as the Moon marches through Aries and Jupiter, that has gone retrograde since June 20, now backtracks into Aquarius. This can generate a sense of rebellion or frustration, and we’ll need to be careful when anger or aggressiveness rises up. Maintaining composure is of utmost importance until this energy passes.

Luckily, Mars will move into Virgo late Thursday and restore a sense of grounding and decorum to our words and actions. Once Mars, the planet of action, gets settled in Virgo, we’ll have two months of organized and detailed focus, which will give us the power to manifest on a high level.

The ideal aspect of an Aries Moon sextile Jupiter in Aquarius will end the work week on a perfect, optimistic note with financial and social success, and high spirits. With the Moon moving through Taurus over the weekend, we are likely to fill the weekend with productive movement and fun-filled activities. Just try to maintain a good balance: getting your chores done before running out to play is always a good idea.

Stepping Into Love With Faith And Trust

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI meditate on moving by faith every day, creating a course of embodying inner trust. I step out into the fresh air and sunshine, surrounded by the artistic heart of God in nature, and I pray for the divine guidance of the day.

Day by day, step by step, the path forward is revealed. It is often shown and channeled to me in the simplest of ways: a whisper in the wind; a sparkle in the water; a bird dancing to her own song in the sky.

Each message received highlights an inner sensing and an external physical movement to integrate it into being. The course starts within, stepping into the sacred space of the self.

The power of movement to internalize a concept is profound. I invite you to take a moment now to literally step into yourself, the sanctuary of your soul.

Simply close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to clear and cleanse your mind, and then begin to mindfully move forward, consciously feeling the contact of the soles of your feet with the ground or floor beneath you.

Feel its temperature, its texture, and the firmness or softness of its support. Notice the articulation in your foot as the heel lifts, presses through the ball of the foot, rises, reaches, and then lowers again until the toes, ball, and heel touch down and plant into place.

Take three slow steps like this, imbued with the intention of traveling deeper into your true self through each one of them. Let the third step bring your feet to join one another side by side, marking your internal sacred space.

Allow yourself some still silent time to stand there, grounded in your own awareness. Keep your eyes closed, your attention inward, and your breathing gentle, as you feel the sturdiness of your legs, and the length and strength of your spine supporting you. Just be there.

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Staying In The Light

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMore and more of my clients are telling me these days how they must deal with a lot of negative people and toxicity around them. Many of us are struggling to stay in the light in these dark times.

What does it mean to stay in the light? It is the metaphysical ability or spiritual power to be around energy vampires and greedy, cruel, toxic people, and still being able to stay sane, sober, happy and positive, despite all the negative vibes around you.

We are all sensitive to other people’s energy, but most people are not aware of this fact. Many people come home from work or school, drained, depressed, sad, or angry. They often do not realize that they have picked up other people’s negative energies and toxic vibes.

To protect our aura from toxic people and energy vampires, it is vital that we cultivate a regular spiritual practice and daily energy self-care habits that help shield us from negative influences and make us impervious to the unwelcome vibes around us.

Meditate. A daily meditation or visualization to expand your aura and increase the intensity of light in your personal energy field can make a world of difference in your general well-being and mental health. If you are inexperienced, simply start by listening to guided meditations. There are many easy-to-use streaming apps available for this purpose.

Avoid. It is essential to avoid negativity and toxicity by not engaging in gossip, negative conversations, fearmongering, and the spreading of rumors. Engaging in such negativity, that can potentially harm others energetically, often has a boomerang effect that will come back to haunt you. Our words have power and they carry their own energy vibrations. Instead, be kind, compassionate and tolerant, watch what you say, stay positive, and mind your own business.

Sanitize. Staying in the light means not only keeping your tongue clean, but also your mind. Carefully choose what you read, watch and listen to, and be selective about who you hang out with and what you choose to focus your attention on.

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Reconnect And Recharge Your Soul

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat a crazy place the world is right now! First wave, second wave, third wave. New virus, old virus, mutant virus. To be vaccinated, or not? Fear, chaos, anxiety. Misinformation, conflicting information, false information. What do we trust? Who do we turn to for guidance?

And the pandemic is not our only concern. Scientists are warning us that the polar ice caps are melting faster than they had anticipated, as global warming causes climate change. The oceans are drowning in our plastic waste and animal species are going extinct.

Whatever will be next? Will things ever get better, or will they get worse? Are we worse off than our ancestors? Where will it all end? How do we center ourselves in all the chaos and drama, and foster a sense of inner peace and faith amidst all the upheaval?

The one aspect of this world I completely trust is Mother Nature. The Earth Mother, Terra, Tellus. Our beloved Gaia. Like any other maternal energy, she continually finds a way to cope. She readjusts, heals and rejuvenates.

I believe the planet will find a way to heal, restore and recover. Our Earth Mother has the innate power to sustain herself, despite the assault and abuse by her thankless human offspring. Unlike us feeble humans, Mother Nature does not resort to hysterics, fear and panic.

I believe there is a divine understanding that at different times particular events and changes will unfold, as the world evolves its own destiny.

The other aspect of life that I have complete faith in is my soul, my spirit, my higher self, that remains steadfast within me regardless of what goes on in the outside world.

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We Are Never Alone

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comExtreme loneliness and feeling isolated have become more prevalent over the past year. Distancing ourselves from loved ones, friends and co-workers has not been easy, but being the determined spirits we are, we are all finding new ways to communicate and stay in touch. Yet, it will never be the same as a real-life hug.

Living in a house with several other people also does not shield us from feeling lost in all the chaos and noise that reaches us from the outside world, leaving many of us feeling empty, anxious and downcast.

To navigate these challenging times it is vital to have strong internal center and active spiritual life. Being spiritually aware and grounded empowers us with the knowing that we are never alone. Spiritually conscious souls know that the Universe, Spirit, God, Source, is always with us, supporting us, directing us, and protecting us.

Touching base with Spirit on a daily basis offsets the void of loneliness, fear or despair when it rears its ugly head. Some people do not have a social support system, and this can generate even more severe loneliness, depression and mental health challenges.

It’s important to remember that in our daily prayers and meditations, we are able to send protection, healing light and loving energy to others at a distance. We should be mindful to reach out to others more often and share our ‘spiritual glow’ with them.

It is also helpful to remember that there is always a higher purpose with everything that happens in our world. Keeping this knowledge uppermost in our minds can take us out of panic mode and remind us that faith and trust will bring us through to the other side of this pandemic.

When a sense of loneliness arises, one of the best things you can do is to reach out to someone else who is in a more difficult or less privileged circumstance than yourself. It serves to break the hold that a feeling of solitude can have on us.

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