The Power Of Prayer
I recently took part in a mediation and prayer group for the benefit of a country facing extreme turmoil. People from all over the world joined the event online via Zoom. It was a truly memorable experience that reminded me once again of the true power of prayer.
I have participated in prayer groups and intention-setting events for individual people and animals before, but never anything on such a global scale. The energy I felt being generated from so many participants from all over the world was truly phenomenal!
Later that evening, I was watching a YouTube clip about a lady who had been in a coma for some weeks and her family had been informed that it was unlikely to survive. She had suffered severe trauma to her internal organs in a terrible accident. A prayer link had been circulated on her behalf all over the world on social media, requesting prayers for her healing and recovery.
In the video clip, she tells the story of her out-of-body experience whilst she was in a coma. She describes the beauty of the Other Side and meeting her deceased loved ones and spirit helpers. She also mentions how she was fully aware of the energy vibration of so many prayers reaching and enveloping her from all corners of the earth. So powerful were these prayers that it brought her back to this world and set the scene for her ultimate recovery and healing.
A prayer is a plea requesting intervention and help from a higher source or greater power. Prayer is a significant aspect in most, if not all religions and spiritual traditions. Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” In Buddhism it is believed that prayer is the way to destroy fear and banish sorrow and replace it with hope and healing. Sadly, I find many spiritually aware people do not always make use of this wonderful spiritual resource on a regular basis.
Working With Sandalphon, Haniel And Jeremiel
Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Sandalphon is one of only two archangels who has experienced a physical life on planet Earth. The other is Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon has a soft energy and can easily be overlooked, so one must pay close attention and really become quiet when he is in your space.
Sandalphon is associated with healing energy. He also assists the New Children to be born into the best possible families to accommodate their special gifts and sensitivities. He also supports us in finding inner peace.
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel has the presence of a moon goddess. Her energy is subtle and deeply mysterious. She works to support us in embracing the ebbs and flows of life and helps us to connect to the Divine Feminine.
I also see her with a flowing stream of golden coins. She has taken on the task of increasing the financial abundance and prosperity of spiritually aware and conscious women. Through their hands and good works abundance and prosperity will flow that will change the lives of families and heal our planet.
Ask Spirit To Guide Your Every Step
As babies we learned to walk on our own. We may have had some guidance and support from our parents or caregivers, to protect us from falling, but in the end we mastered it on our own. And once we learned to walk, we could in time advance to running, skipping, jumping, and so on.
Similarly, we must learn to make major life decisions for ourselves. We may receive guidance and support along the way from others, including Spirit, but in the end, we must master our life choices on our own.
One of the major challenges we all face in life is how we choose to manage stress and hardship in our life. Stress is a given. Setbacks happen. Overcoming adversity is part and parcel of our journey in this lifetime. No one can live an entirely peaceful and easy life of serene bliss, without dealing with some drama and chaos from time to time.
But we choose different ways to cope with the daily challenges of life. Some people choose to lead a healthy, uplifting lifestyle, as well as practice spirituality, while others sadly opt for destructive ways to ‘cope,’ such as substance abuse, various forms of addiction, and self-sabotaging behaviors, which only serves to make their troubles worse.
When it comes to spirituality, everyone must choose their own path. It is usually what works best for you personally that is ultimately the best way to go. But some choose to not have any belief system. One thing I have learned in this life is that spirituality is essential.
You don’t have to go it alone. There is a great force, a powerful presence known as God, Source, Universe, Spirit, the Divine that guides and protects us. All we must do is ask.
Another important life lesson I have learned is that no one can truly know what you are personally going through, except yourself. Others will have their ideas and opinions of who you are, and what you may be going through, but none of that really matters.
Your Beliefs Shape Your Reality
In metaphysics and alternative spirituality the idea that our belief or faith shapes our reality is a well-known concept. This notion is found again and again in sacred texts, ancient religions, and wisdom traditions.
In The Bible, for example, Jesus says, “With a mustard seed of faith you can move a mountain,” and the Buddha says, “The mind is everything, what we think we become.” These are just two examples among many others.
What is a belief? It is simply a thought that we choose to think again and again. Faith is when a belief becomes established as a pattern.
The mind, our consciousness, is where belief occurs. Whatever we choose to believe about ourselves, and about life, becomes true for us. The thoughts we hold in our mind shapes our reality.
‘Old school’ belief and faith is however a little different and maybe less trendy than the modern idea of the Law of Attraction and our ability to ‘manifest,’ that has become so popular in recent years in spiritual circles and the metaphysical community. Yet, it it is still an important spiritual principle.
Our beliefs and biases work as a filter within the brain to organize our experiences to confirm a belief or bias. For example, if someone has a belief that their partner is aloof, or not present in the relationship, their brain will filter out those experiences where their partner is actually active and present in the relationship.
In this way the brain confirms its own biases. Even if their partner is present, caring, kind and open to communication, their chosen belief will overshadow their reality. Continue reading
Shield Your Soul From Negative Energy
There is an evil darkness in our world that seeks to destroy people’s lives and souls. As a highly sensitive person I have been a witness to it my entire life, and I don’t like it. I see people changing for the worse because of it and it’s simply unacceptable.
But I am not referring to a mysterious evil force or demonic entity. No, I’m speaking of the angry, hateful, negative energies that reside within ordinary people like you and me. These forces of evil roam the world seeking the ruin of souls, striving for the opposite of what is good, and positive, loving, and full of light.
We are all spiritual beings in the flesh, but not all of us choose to live our lives as agents of light and love. Instead, some succumb to going through life as energy thieves and psychic vampires. It’s easy to spot the difference. Ever been around someone that leaves you feeling drained and not good about yourself, or your life? Well, I have to tell you these negative souls will destroy your joy and happiness if you allow them.
Misery certainly loves company. To keep these negative souls from zapping your energy and constantly bringing you down, you must learn to surround yourself with the white light and unconditional love of Spirit, God, Source, the Universe. Ask the Divine to protect you from all forms of negativity: negative talk, negative behavior, and negative energy.
Negativity can come unexpectedly from a person that you may never have guessed would be capable of harming your spiritually. They may not even realize they affecting your energy and well-being, but there is a spiritual battle going on every day. So, please be more aware of the people you spend time with and ask your inner guidance system if it is good for you to be around certain individuals and groups. Is that friend or relative uplifting and inspiring you to be the best person you can be, through their words, action and deeds? If not, why are you even hanging out with them?