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Finding Your Life Calling

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have found that as ‘trends’ shift, so do the type of questions asked by clients during psychic readings. For example, lately many people have been asking about their life calling, and what they need to do to get there?

More people these days seem to feel they have not yet found their real ‘niche’ in life, whatever their age may be. I have been consulting especially with young people, in the final years of their studies, who call because they feel agitated about not having yet identified the direction of their career. I offer them guidance and suggestions, based on what vocations are given to me in their reading.

Sometimes though, it can simply be part of their life path to pursue various things before they are able to identify their calling. This I personally understand, because as much as I always felt the strong calling to work for Spirit, doing healing and readings, I now realize that everything else I ever did in-between, has given me a synergy of experience. This even includes my former ‘career’ as an alcoholic! Such experience has helped me to understand just what others might be going through.

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Are You Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDoing psychic readings, I sometimes talk to someone who thinks they are ‘going crazy,’ but in actuality they are experiencing symptoms of spiritual awakening. But how does one recognize the common symptoms of spiritual awakening?

The term ‘spiritual awakening’ is somewhat overused these days in metaphysical circles. Just about anyone who has a ‘woo-woo’ moment, or gains deeper insight into a situation, or suddenly sees chakra colors, seems to believe they are having a true, full-blown ‘spiritual awakening.’

Spiritual awakening does tend to occur spontaneously, and from what I’ve witnessed, the more open-minded the person is and the less attached to outcomes they are, the more available or ‘ripe’ they are for a spiritual awakening to occur.

Just the other day a client was telling me of her experience while peeling a carrot over the kitchen sink. She said she was looking down at her hands, watching them, and wondering what was animating them? It can be a strange moment when you discover that you are not really who you thought you were. It can be disorienting, to say the least, to see yourself from such an objective position. However, if you know ahead of time that this is perfectly normal, and others have experienced these signs too, it can make your life a lot easier. Continue reading

Let Spirit Put Ego In Its Place

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI recently had a conversation with a lovely, learned lady who was quite beside herself, because her husband of ten years simply got up and walked out on her… with no explanation whatsoever! She was understandably beside herself with shock and grief. I asked her what kind of relationship she felt they had and she assured me it was a very loving one. I find it almost impossible to believe that a loving, caring partner would all of a sudden just turn his back with all they had shared together and walk out the door, in what appeared to be a cold and callous man.

I then asked her why she felt they had such a good situation between them and she said it was because she loved him so much. She did all she could to keep him happy and satisfied. Well, now we were obviously getting somewhere. On further probing I found this man had been emotionally detached, and certainly oblivious to her needs. How can this, by any definition, be a warm and loving relationship?

Her ego most assuredly suffered a blow, but I do wonder where spirit was in all of this. It would make no sense to me if spirit accepted such a one-sided relationship that was  completely devoid of any care or kindness.

My suspicion is that she had convinced herself that this ‘relationship’ had to maintain itself, or she would not be an ‘acceptable’ woman if she did not have a prominent male in her life, even under these trying conditions. There we go, when ego runs the show a myriad of pains can certainly appear on the horizon! Continue reading

How To Listen To Your Higher Self

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWant to be at your very best most of the time, if not all of the time? I thought you might! To achieve this, you need to become connected to your Higher Self. Think of it as your internal navigation system that will guide you, providing you listen to it, in the right direction at all times!

The Higher Self is connected to the Universal Collective Consciousness. In fact, there are some schools of thought who are of the opinion that our very soul contract (our life plan which we decided upon prior to being born) is possessed by our Higher Self. By listening to its guidance, it is said we can achieve our highest aims in life. But how do we do so, and what signs does it send us? Look out for these vital signs of contact with your Higher Self. Continue reading

Awareness – The Path To Enlightenment

Click photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are in a time and community where many speak of enlightenment. This leads to seeking enlightenment or guidance from ‘enlightened masters.’ Yet what does this truly mean?

Enlightened means ‘being in the light.’ It is the space where empaths, lightworkers, intuitives and healers practice and serve, but to become enlightened is something that all can enjoy.

Enlightenment represents attributes of behavior and lifestyle that embodies a high spiritual evolution. Traits of an enlightened person include humility, acceptance, compassion, lack of judgment and selfless service to others. There are so many positive traits in the enlightened individual that we should look up to. Continue reading

Resting In The Nothing-ness

Click photo to get a free reading at PsychicAccess.comA friend and I were chatting the other day of our personal experiences about the realization of the nothing-ness, or the eternal. Just like in the movie The Matrix, the mind can have little moments or blips in time where it pauses long enough for us to clearly see the comings and goings of life are merely that… they’re coming and going from our awareness.

During these pauses something opens up that allows us to notice the obvious – what is blatantly there when we see through the busy mind and how it clouds over the eternal. Our mind gets fixated on whatever is temporarily happening, and it rarely notices the backdrop or container that remains the same or constant amidst the change.

Satsang is a Sanskrit word that breaks down to Sat, which means ‘talking about the truth of my being,’ or the recognition that ‘I am the truth,’ and Sangha, meaning ‘with my community.’ Continue reading

Do It Anyway

click on the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, I posted on social media about my daughter’s graduation, when she was awarded a degree in Psychology with high honors from a well-known university. I was really proud of her, and wanted to share it with the world.

Many friends and family commented on the post, with congratulatory excitement and kind remarks. But later that day, I noticed there was also a hurtful comment on that same post from my mother.

In the post I had misspelled the words summa cum laude and my mother’s comment read, “Ask your daughter how to spell summa cum laude.” That was it. It seemed short and cold. My heart sank. Not only from the public embarrassment of her comment, but more so from the insinuation that I lack intelligence. Continue reading

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