Awakening Soul To Soul
Awaken Soul to Soul, a 2012 spiritual documentary explores how the current global shift and our personal crises are an impetus to awaken to oneness. The film asks us to examine our deepest levels of connection as a solution to the problems we all face. We can’t possibly begin to solve the common ills of the world unless we realize our shared humanity and spirituality. But how to begin this journey, to awaken our own souls?
One step we can all take is to discover our own spiritual gifts and use them in constructive ways. Intuition, or ‘knowing without knowing,’ for example, is a quality we all have to some degree. Learning to listen to our intuition, or inner guidance, through practice and meditation, will connect us to our own soul, as well as that of others.
This process may involve distancing ourselves from toxicity, including people, places or things with negative energies, as well as the hectic pace and sensory onslaught of the modern world (social media, television news). The psychic part of us, like any other part of our body and soul, does not function at full effect if it is unhealthy.
Becoming aware of our own healing ability, as well as our metaphysical creativity, is also part of the awakening soul. Learning Reiki, or aura reading, for example, will develop extra-sensory gifts, while sharing them with others. Something as simple as creative journaling or free form poetry can be a spiritual release and an awakening of the subconscious.
The Return Of The Divine Feminine
Sometimes when I do psychic readings, I sense a powerful female presence from Spirit, with wings spread wide, who appears to be lending strength and support to my clients. I recognize her as the Egyptian Goddess Isis, or by her Greek name, Auset.
When Goddess Isis comes into a reading, I know that serious business is at hand and that my client needs to be brave, strong, and to believe in themselves. This brings in the grander subject of the Divine Feminine and how that is showing up during my client’s reading.
The awakening of the feminine is alive and happening all around us, and more widely recognized now than ever before. The rise of the Divine Feminine is showing up in all sorts of arenas, including the corporate workplace. Women, as a whole, are speaking up and no longer have much tolerance for sexual discrimination, lower pay rates, or other outmoded ways of female disempowerment.
However, the interesting thing about the Divine Feminine is that it has a quality of power that is not based on forcefulness. It works more in alignment with the psychic realm and intuition. The Divine Feminine works in harmony with what is, and ways to empower everyone.
Opening Your Third Eye
The Third Eye has been known since ancient times to be a gateway to psychic ability. It is known in the psychic field for its role in deep intuition and spiritual clarity.
Many experts further associate the pineal gland, a tiny organ in the brain, next to the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, with the Third Eye. Biologically, this gland serves a number of essential functions, from circadian rhythms to the regulation of hormones.
We can maximize this tiny, but critical part of our spiritual being, by ‘opening’ and activating the Third Eye completely. Some experts believe that detoxification, specifically from calcium phosphate, is necessary to awaken its higher functions. Calcium phosphate is a chemical found in many of the foods we eat, as well as associated with fluoride found in drinking water.
Over time, as the pineal gland becomes calcified, we lose the ability to see the world as it truly is – unified with the spirit realm. It is the spiritual equivalent of a pair of glasses with scratched or clouded lenses. Eating a nourishing, beneficial assortment of foods, as well as drinking purified water, will help to rid the body of the toxins that has accumulated in the pineal gland and therefore clouds the Third Eye. A variety of organic supplements and essential oils, when added to an improved diet, can also speed the process.
Sagittarius Shakes Things Up
A few days ago, on December 7th, we had a New Moon in Sagittarius, which has been both invigorating and challenging. It has brought forth a collective desire to break free from the past, which is now stirring up some conflicts or controversies with people, politics and business relationships.
Sagittarius can shake things up to open our eyes and put us on the right track. It’s never pleasant, but the intention is actually to purify and transform our lives.
Emotions have been running high this entire year, so anything that has been suppressed may now rise to the surface and force us to face some harsh truths personally, and with others. Mercury was also retrograde until a few days ago, which offer a perfect opportunity revisiting any problem and carefully finding the best solution.
Energy levels are also low, so take your time and try not to get stuck inside the storm. Avoid being impulsive at this time, because you might regret it later. Also, think about what isn’t contributing to your growth and how you can eliminate anything or anyone who doesn’t make you feel loved or valued. Continue reading
A Life-Changing Ripple Effect
After a visit to the doctor a friend of mine was told she needed to be more active. Her job requires her to travel, so not a lot time to work out. Her office job also doesn’t offer a lot of opportunity for her to move around and get that much needed muscle activity going in her body.
After a reading with me she said she was motivated to change her lifestyle and do something she hadn’t even thought of before, but loved the idea of it so much she decided to “take action.” Pun intended.
Her plan was to start a group exercise class that incorporated Yoga and some light callisthenic exercises using a chair, for those who couldn’t stand long. Her aim was to make it appropriate for all age brackets and all levels of fitness, so that anyone could participate. The key was to move!
Near-Death Experiences Teach Us About Living
Near-death experiences have been in the public consciousness for some time now. The experience itself is rather universal across different cultures: a feeling of peace and serenity, as well as a glimpse of the world beyond, before returning to this life. Each of these experiences has a lesson to be learned for those still living, no matter who the survivor may be.
Maybe the most widely reported feeling by those who have had a near-death experience (NDE) is a renewed sense of purpose and meaning. A mundane life may lack these qualities (we think) until a brush with death reminds us why we live, and for whom – ourselves, our loved ones. Additionally, even those who previously said they were not spiritual may find themselves more drawn to the Divine and the mysteries of the Universe following a NDE.