The Babysitter’s Near-Death Experience
While I was working out at the gym one day, I saw a little old lady who used to babysit me and my brothers when we were little children. I will never the wonderful times we had with her. She was always making it so much fun. She wasn’t on the phone all the time or watching television. She wasn’t ignoring us kids like so many of the other babysitters my mother sometimes hired for us.
When I spotted her and her daughter in the gym, I walked over to greet her, and told her that I remember her very well. I also thanked her for giving me some wonderful memories and teaching me so many valuable life lessons. The one thing I specifically remember her telling me was to always be careful about what we “put into our minds.”At a young age she had already made me realize that what we think about can either help us or harm us. I have always held on to that wisdom in my life. Because it is truly worth more than gold.
One time, I asked her how she knew so much about things. She looked at me and said,“Moon, you know what, I died once.”
“What? No way!” I responded. I went to catholic school growing up, and near-death experiences were certainly not the kind of thing we were learning about in class.
“Yes, I was in the hospital,” she continued. “I had a major operation and I could not wake up afterwards.” Apparently, she had flatlined during surgery and they had struggled to revive her.
“I am very lucky to be here,” she said and then shared some very interesting things with me about her near-death experience (NDE). I still remember that when she first left her body her parents were both there to meet her and she could hear loved ones on the other side of the tunnel having fun. I also remember she said she felt like a ball of light at the time and that it felt so good. The next moment she was being pulled back into her body. Continue reading
Believing In Miracles
The most amazing miracle I have ever witnessed was the birth of my daughter and my three granddaughters. Life itself is a miracle, and a mystery. But while some of us feel even the smallest thing is a miracle, others take everything for granted and do not give much thought at all to the unexplained.
Some people refuse to believe anything is a miracle. They only trust in the natural laws of physics. For them only seeing is believing, and nothing else is possible. Natural law has no tolerance for mysteries, much less miracles.
It is natural for people to be suspicious of what they do not understand. But people used to think the world is flat, because that is what they saw when they looked at the horizon.
So, my granddaughters finally talked me into getting a smart phone. Believe me, for a person my age, this gadget is indeed a miracle, and a mystery!
When I was a teenager, my boyfriend lived a few towns away. The only communication device we had in those days was a rotary dial wall phone. I had to sit on the kitchen floor to talk to him for only ten minutes at a time, because our household shared the line with two othertechamilies!
I remember I used to think: if only I could see him while we talk. Imagine that! In 1970 that certainly would have been a miracle. Well, what seemed an impossible fantasy back then is now the modern miracle of video chat and messenger apps.
The fact that my young granddaughters are so proficient with all the new digital technology is also a miracle to me. For them, this is just the way it is – it’s nothing miraculous in their minds. Continue reading
The Heavenly Love Of Our Fur Angels
Connecting with my spirit guide this morning , I asked what I can share in my blog today that needs to be shared with the world and spirit says the following:
One of the closest things to God’s love in this world, is the sincere love we receive from our ‘furry friends.’ And when we lose one of our fur friends or family members, it can be devastating.
When our pets pass away it is important to remember a few things, says spirit. They are very much at peace and not suffering. They remember, just like you remember them, the kindness you afforded them and how you treated them.
They are still a part of you. Love is the strongest bond. They can hear your voice even in the afterlife. So, when you speak their name with the intention to call them to you, they hear it. They are your angel, guide, protector.
If you were not able to be there for your fur friend, be it a cat, dog or any other animal member of the family you loved, know that it is okay. Do not over think it.
You do have to get to a place where you can let go of the guilt. You know that you had the best of intentions to be there and sometimes we just cannot. Sometimes we are just in a place in our lives that makes it literally impossible to be there.
I can tell you from experience that when they pass, they are comforted by those who are there for them on the other side. So, they had a smooth transition. There was no pain. Our animals do not suffer in the end. God takes care of them.