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Coping With The Loss Of A Loved One

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The loss of a loved one is one of the most profound and challenging experiences we can have. Even if we have a deep spiritual belief that our loved one has crossed over into the spirit realm free of pain and suffering, the grief of their physical absence remains.

It is natural to mourn their departure, to feel the sting of their absence in our daily lives, and to struggle with the reality of a world that feels less complete without them.

For those who have lost a parent, this grief can bring an added layer of vulnerability. Regardless of our age, the loss of a mother or father can leave us feeling untethered, with a foundation in life that once provided security and guidance now shaken. Even if we have spent years caring for them through illness or decline, their passing can still leave us feeling profoundly alone.

This transition marks a significant shift, not only in our outer reality, but also in our inner identity. And yet, in the depths of grief, there is an opportunity for deep reflection, gratitude, and connection.

One of the most powerful ways to navigate grief is to focus on gratitude for the connection you shared with your loved one. Their love, wisdom, and presence shaped you in countless ways, and that influence does not disappear with their passing. Celebrate their life with vigor. Share their stories, embrace cherished memories, and allow their laughter to echo through your heart.

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What Happens To Our Pets When They Cross Over

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I am an animal lover. Since childhood, I have been blessed to share my heart and home with numerous cats and dogs. These beloved companions have filled my life with joy, unconditional love, and countless cherished memories.

However, as many pet owners know all too well, this deep bond also brings the inevitable heartache of loss. Saying goodbye to a furry friend is one of the most painful experiences one can face.

Through my work in energy healing and mediumship, I have gained deep insight into what happens to animals after they die. I hope to offer some comfort and understanding to those who are grieving the loss of a pet.

In my experience communicating with animals in spirit, I have found that most pets remain close to their human companions after death. This transition can last for days, weeks, or even months.

Many animal souls remain close to their former physical home, still connected to the familiar energy of their human family. For them, the concept of death is not as immediate or final as it is for us. They do not always immediately realize that they are no longer in their physical bodies.

I often encourage clients who are grieving a pet to create quiet moments in their home to become more spiritually aware. By slowing down and sitting in mindful silence, many people notice subtle signs of their deceased pet’s presence.

Clients have told me remarkable stories over the years of hearing the familiar bark or meow of their departed companion, feeling the gentle pressure of their pet curled up next to them, or hearing the sound of paws tapping on the floor. Some have even heard the jangling of their pet’s collar or the scratching at the door that they used to hear every day.

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Lessons Learned From Evidential Mediumship

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I recently completed a year-long course in evidential mediumship, and I have been reflecting on the most impactful lessons and insights from this transformative journey.

The experience deepened my understanding of the medium’s role in bringing comfort and healing to those experiencing intense grief. It was a powerful reminder of how a well-done channeled reading can uplift, comfort, and inspire clients by affirming that life and love continue beyond the veil.

Evidential mediumship is a spiritual practice in which a spiritual medium channels specific, verifiable information to prove the continued existence of a loved one after physical death.

The practice of evidential mediumship as we know it today has its roots in the spiritualist movement of the 19th century, which sought to bridge the gap between the living and the spirit world through structured communication.

But its origins go back to ancient times, as cultures around the world have always sought to connect with the spirit realm through spiritual intermediaries.

From shamans and soothayer to the seers and oracle of ancient civilizations, humanity has always reached beyond the physical realm for guidance, wisdom, and comfort. Evidential mediumship continues this timeless tradition, refined through modern practices to meet contemporary needs.

Evidential mediumship is also known as psychic mediumship or mental mediumship, which emphasizes the fact that the process involves the medium perceiving information as mental impressions in order to convey messages from spirit.

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Move Forward With Faith, Not Fear!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!“Should I be wary or worried about anything in my future?” is a question I often get when I do psychic readings.

This question reflects a pervasive sense of anxiety that seems to be spreading in recent years, driven not only by personal concerns in a fast-paced world, but also by our constant exposure to negativity in the media and on social platforms. We are inundated these days with information that promotes a fearful outlook on life.

Another source of anxiety I have found with some of my first-time clients over the years is the disturbing “readings” they have had with unethical charlatans. These clients then call me and my colleagues at carrying the weight of dire warnings or ominous predictions they have received elsewhere.

Some of these people really struggle to find hope or peace. They often need reassurance that their lives are not destined for suffering or disaster, and many of them also don’t realize that they have the personal power to choose their path with their intentions, beliefs and actions.

I recall a particularly extreme case of a young woman and her mother who contacted me for a reading shortly after suffering a tragic loss. Their loved one, the young woman’s father, had ended his own life just two weeks earlier. Their healing journey was complicated by a disturbing message they had received from a “spirit medium” who claimed to have communicated with the deceased.

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A Samhain Invitation From The Faeries

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Fairies love fun and joyful games in the great outdoors, even during the darker seasons of the year. I am reminded of this every year at this time when the veil between the worlds thins during the mystical season of Samhain and Halloween.

If you’re currently experiencing a highly creative period or feeling called to get out into nature, even if it’s just to your garden before the weather gets too cold, there’s a good chance you’re also being invited to have some fun and free-spirited playtime with the fairies.

It is easiest for us to connect with the Faeries or Fae during the times of the year when the seasonal energy portals are open at the cross-quarter holidays of the Summer and Winter Solstices and the Spring and Fall Equinoxes.

These seasonal transitions are also traditionally celebrated in the ancient pagan festivals and religious holy days of Imbolc (St. Brigid’s Day) on February 1st, Ostara (Easter) on around March 21st, Beltane (St. Walburga’s Day) on May 1st, Litha (St. John’s Day) around June 20th or 21st, Lammas (Day of Bread) on August 1st, and Samhain (All Saints’ Day) on October 31st.

Traditionally celebrated as a time to honor our ancestors and reflect on the cycle of life and death, Samhain on October 31st marks the halfway point between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice. It is a special time that invites us to step beyond the ordinary into the realm of magic and mysticism. The lingering echoes of autumn and the approaching winter in the Northern Hemisphere also foster a sense of introspection and connection to nature, making it an optimal time to commune with the ethereal elementals of nature.

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Why You Should Be Dream Journaling

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When my grandfather was alive, we had many deep conversations about spirituality and the afterlife. During a few of those conversations, he also promised me that if there was a way for him to contact me from the other side after he passed away, he would do so.

True to his word, he kept his promise. Our connection has remained strong ever since, and he continues to guide me from the other side.

It’s been well over two decades since his death, but I still have visitation dreams and mediumistic experiences in which he communicates with me. I feel incredibly blessed for these encounters, and they have confirmed much of what I’ve always believed about the afterlife and the spirit realm.

Grandpa was one of the few people with whom I could openly discuss my psychic abilities, mediumship, and paranormal experiences growing up. He was incredibly open-minded and spiritually aware for a man of his generation and background.

Not only was he a firm believer in the existence of the soul beyond this life, but he was curious about all things mystical and supernatural. I vividly remember him telling me about an out-of-body experience he had, describing how he had seen his own body from above as he “floated”.

One of the most valuable lessons my grandfather taught me was the spiritual significance of our dreams. He grew up at a time when dreams were losing their mystical significance in society as scientists began to increasingly view the dream state purely through a psychological, biological, and neurological lens.

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Extraordinary Evidence Of Reincarnation And Past Lives

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever felt an irresistible desire to visit a certain foreign country? Are you obsessed with a certain culture or have you always been fascinated by a certain period of history? Do you collect certain objects or paraphernalia that represent some kind of ancient spiritual tradition or esoteric practice?

Our inexplicable interests and unusual hobbies often reveal much about our past lives.

Reincarnation is a topic that has captured the imagination of people since ancient times as a thought-provoking perspective on life, death, and the soul’s journey through many incarnations. Physical life is not a singular experience, but a cycle of rebirth, learning, and evolution.

The concept of reincarnation is the belief that our soul, or non-physical essence, is reborn into a new life after we die.

Central to Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, this spiritual concept is also found in certain streams of Judaism, among indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australian Aborigines, and in neo-pagan religions such as Wicca.

Various esoteric and mystical religious traditions, such as the Druze, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, and Anthroposophy, also incorporate ideas of reincarnation and the evolution of the soul.

In Kabbalah, the mystical branch of Judaism, reincarnation is also an important belief, referred to as gilgul neshamot, or the “cycle of souls.” Kabbalists teach that souls reincarnate to achieve spiritual redemption or tikkun, allowing individuals to correct mistakes from previous lives and fulfill their unique spiritual missions.

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