Spirit Visits From The Other Side
We all have the ability to ‘tune in’ to spirit messages from our loved ones on the other side, without being a psychic or medium. Often spirit tries to get in touch, but we miss the moment. Or we get scared, because we don’t understand what is happening and then tend to dismiss it. Also, after losing a loved one we can be so overwhelmed with grief, that we do not notice the signs and messages that are meant to comfort us.
There are many creative ways in which spirit reaches out to us. One of the most common are dreams. Loved ones who have passed very often choose to either talk to us, or appear in our dreams. This is the easiest way for them to get through to us, and also the least scary way for us.
In dreams your loved one may appear more dazzling than when they were alive. For example, they may look younger, healthier, refreshed. This is because the veil that existed between their human self and what they are now, no longer exists.
If you have such a visitation dream, try to write down everything you can remember as soon as you wake up. This is real communication from the other side containing valuable information, which can be very helpful in your daily life.
The beauty of these types of dreams is they offer messages and comfort in the time of most need, either for the dreamer or the person who has passed on from their physical form ~ Meredith Smith
Another, less common way for spirit to reach out is through actual visitations, in a vision or apparition. For example, you may see someone out of the corner of your eye, but as you turn around, no one is there. If you catch a brief glimpse of your loved one, believe me you’ve had a visit. Sometimes, in that twilight moment just before falling sleeping, or upon waking, you could catch a glimpse of the whole person. I have also heard of people waking up at the same time every night, for no apparent reason, at the exact time their loved one passed away, for example.
Spirit also makes contact through electricity. Always be mindful of this when lights begin to flicker in your home, or when an appliance mysteriously switches on and off, your computer goes haywire, or the television channels start to jump automatically. You may just have a spirit visitor.
In some rare cases spirit also moves objects around in your home. You may be certain that you left something on the table, and no one has been in the room, and then you find it in another room and wonder how it got there! Don’t be afraid if things like this happens. People who loved you in this life don’t change once they have left their bodies. It’s just their way of letting you know that they are still around. They know what is happening in our lives.
For many of your loved ones in Spirit, they would love nothing more than to connect with you, and make you aware of their continued presence, even after death. Many, go to great lengths to get your attention ~ Amanda Linette Meder
Remember as hard as it is to lose the people that you love, we are all eternal sparks of energy and these messages from them are always sent with the intention of letting us know that their energy will never be lost. They just want us to know that they are with us, but in a much higher vibrational form. Love is the highest energy in the universe, we just need to be tuned in so that we can receive their messages.
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