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The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing 222

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are currently experiencing a spiritual awakening or have been on a path of spiritual awareness you may noticed certain repeating numbers showing up for you more frequently. But why are you seeing a specific number or number sequence over and over again, and what is its spiritual meaning.

When spirit is seeking to get our attention or communicate with us, we experience certain signs and synchronicities, including seeing certain numbers or repeating number sequences, also known as ‘angel numbers,’ that show up in your life in a noticeable way. We begin to constantly see these numbers everywhere, on watches and clocks, road signs, license plates, billboards, addresses, electronic exercise equipment, phone numbers, social media posts, and so on. Each number and number sequence carries its own, unique message and energy signature.

The number 2 is one I have found particularly meaningful.  It is a highly esoteric number tied to the informational nature of light and how we perceive the world.

In Tarot, the number 2 is associated with the High Priestess card. She is the keeper of secret knowledge. She understands the esoteric mysteries of the Universe. She also knows knowledge is found in the light code and the high priestess can access this information. She knows how to flow with the universal laws, and how to use these laws to enact what others may view as ‘magic.’

She therefore represents masterful manifestation, and yet also an element of personal sacrifice. The high priestess does not manifest for her own selfish desires. She manifests for the highest and best good of all, even if that means she must integrate lessons and challenge herself to grow spiritually.

The High Priestess understands that the wise man knows himself to be a fool, and that there is always more to learn. She is humble, yet wise. She moves effortlessly within duality, understanding when to speak and when not to speak, when to share her knowledge and when to remain silent. When to spend her energy and when to withdraw.

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Be True To Yourself To Find Your Soulmate

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow do I find my soulmate? This is indeed the magic question. Many people are constantly searching for that special person, but just seem unable to find them.

Actually, achieving this life goal is often simpler than most people believe it to be. The direct path to your soulmate is paved with clarity of intention. Many people do not find what they wish for in life simply because they don’t know what they are looking for.

Sometimes, people end up finding the person they used to be looking for a decade or two ago, because they never ‘updated’ their intention. As we grow and evolve in our life, our priorities, goals, wants and needs change. But we do not always make the effort to match our intention and energy vibration to it.

To find your soulmate, the first thing to recognize, or reconsider, is what do you truly want? Make a list of traits you wish for in a partner: caring, sense of humor, fun-loving, adventurous, happy, joyful, good listener, honest, dependable, loyal, respectful, kind, confident, nurturing, strong, ambitious, trustworthy?

Keep the list short and concise, as the more complicated your wish list becomes, the longer and more complicated the manifesting process will become. Nobody is perfect, do expect too much. Instead identify your shortlist of ‘must have’ qualities that are non-negotiable. Identify your absolute deal-breakers.

You must look at what is really important to you; what is a priority. Once you have decided, stick to those items of priority. Every time you meet someone new, make sure the person has these qualities. If they don’t, move on. This is key to finding your happiness and fulfillment – not to settle for less than you deserve.

You need to believe you deserve this and to be happy. It sounds basic and simple, but you will be surprised to know how many people tend to put their own needs last and end up with someone who who treats them poorly…just to be with someone. It is important to remember you are important. Ask yourself honestly what you want, need and deserve.

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The Spiritual Significance Of Seeing Zero

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThroughout time the circle has been a powerful archetype steeped in esoteric symbolism. A zero is also circle. It is an unbroken line. The circle, or zero, represents the eternal nature of the soul and consciousness. It represents the interconnectedness of everything and the universal law of oneness.

It symbolizes the doorway to Source that resides within our own being, or better yet, that we are Source, or expressions of Source. We are as intimately connected with Source, as is all of creation. The entire Universe consists of Source energy. Zero is both everything, and nothing.

While the number 1 reminds us that we are conscious creators of our reality, and calls on us to use this power intentionally and wisely, zero reminds us that anything, absolutely anything is possible. Even that which is currently beyond our awareness or understanding.

While the signs associated with 1111 remind us of our power as conscious creators, seeing signs associated with 0000 reminds us that this creation power is limitless, and that we can literally manifest anything we can imagine.

The number 0 also reminds us that we can move beyond what we may currently be able to ‘see’ or conceptualize, as our consciousness expands. Zero is everything: the circle, the soul and Source; and it is also nothing: the void, the absence and the nothingness within. It is literally all of everything and nothing at the same time.

Zero is also the beginning, the starting point from which all else will spring, as well as the conclusion. This duality may appear confusing or contradictory, but when the number 0 shows up in your life as signs and synchronicities, it usually indicates the beginning of a period of intense spiritual growth. Through this growth you will soon find it is possible to hold various contradictory concepts at the same time, and that they can work together rather than in competition.

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Crystal Energy Work And Prosperity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comCrystals used in spiritual practice can help us manifest many good things in our life.  If you’re specifically looking to increase your financial security, wealth and prosperity, or maybe find that perfect job or start that successful business (or even win that lottery ticket), try adding some new prosperity crystals into your daily spiritual practice.

There are many ways you can bring these crystals into your life for financial success. Keeping a few of your favorites in a purse or wallet, or on your desk at work, is the best way to have them close at hand. Traditionally, the southwest corner of a space is associated with prosperity and wealth, so try a bowl filled with your favorite crystals and place it there. Some practitioners prefer to place a collection of these crystals in a prosperity grid. Maybe a piece of jewelry made with some of these crystals?

It’s also important to consider all kinds of wealth and prosperity (good luck, business sense, spirituality, knowledge) and not just material goods when using your crystals. Each of the crystals and stones below has unique abundance properties, so choose the ones most unique and meaningful to your situation.

The main thing to remember in your crystal energy work is your intention. Prosperity is something all of us aspire to, and it’s certainly great to have lots of extra spending money, but we also must remember different kinds of ‘wealth’ exist, especially the wealth of the heart. We must also seek to bless others, so always remember those in need and less fortunate. Wealth and prosperity without love and sharing is meaningless.

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Small Steps To Big Changes

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMaking positive changes in your life can often feel like an insurmountable task. At times it can be so daunting that it might even seem easier to just have things stay the same, no matter how uncomfortable it has become.

This is especially true when we have been working on the same aspect of our life for years and still not seeing the results we were hoping for, whether the issue is weight loss, finances, health and wellness, family, career, or relationship.

For me the challenge was a particularly frustrating relationship situation. I felt that no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried to grow and move forward, I always got sucked back into the drama and negativity.

I continually called on my angels and spirit guides to help me improve the relationship, to heal our issues, release our karma, and so forth. I tried anything and everything I could think of to achieve some of the harmony and peace I so much desired in my life.

This went on for years, and I was ready to throw in the towel and just accept that this one area of my life would always be out of balance. But as soon as I let go, I received the most amazing piece of information from my guides!

They showed me how I was focusing too much on the big picture, or the end result. I also realized that because everything wasn’t miraculously healed over night, I was becoming frustrated and disregarding all the tiny steps and improvements I had been making in repairing the relationship.

My guides further told me to break the steps in the healing and reconciliation process down into smaller parts. Instead of seeking instant and complete resolution, I should be working towards small daily improvements. If I do this consistently, I will soon reach the end goal.

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True Love Requires Action

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy spirit guides have been pointing out as imperative for me to both address and bring to awareness a common theme that I have been noticing in my readings lately. It concerns love, romance and the Law of Attraction, and the importance of taking action when we are on a path towards manifesting a desired relationship.

For example, X wants a relationship with Y. They’ve been talking frequently over several months and have also been on several dates. They really seem to be hitting it off! However, rather than talking directly to Y about how she feels, X calls me for guidance.

But typically the angelic guides will return the responsibility to X in such a reading. Archangel Gabrielle, the Archangel of Communication, will come forward and gently nudge her towards taking personal responsibility by taking action. She will most likely be encouraged to communicate directly with Y herself, and to tell him how she feels about him.

Meanwhile, here I am, caught in the middle. I totally understand the logic of calling a psychic to ‘get a feel’ for what’s energetically going on with the other person, because it is usually scary to be vulnerable, put yourself out there, and have the courage to take that first step in moving a relationship forward.

But I also know that spiritual guidance can only take us so far in life. We also have to take  action ourselves and accept personal responsibility for manifesting our desires.

So, my advice from both a spiritual realm and physical world perspective is to never underestimate the power of the mundane! Having a simple and honest conversation to voice your feelings, opinions or concerns can sometimes be the most powerful way to create and attract what you desire in your life.

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Transform Your Life With Daily Spiritual Power

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are seeking change in your life, you must create the change. You alone create your reality. Your future happiness, joy and fulfillment does not depend on others. It truly depends on you, and you only. But it is not necessary for you to plan or control exactly how everything will change or work out. Leave the ultimate manifestation and transformation to Spirit and the Divine. But you must at least believe your life can change, and will change. And the best way to ensure such transformational changes in your life is to spiritual practice a part of your daily lifestyle.

My daily routine, which rarely changes, includes the following spiritual practices. Upon awakening I immediately do my affirmation prayer for the day.

Thank you, Universe for this amazing, positive, successful, and abundant day ahead of me. I know it will be better than yesterday and I am ready!

Thank you, Archangel Michael for putting your cloak of protection around me, from above my head to below my feet. May it shield me from all negative energy and bounce it back in to the ethers, instead of attaching itself to me during my day.

I also ask this for my partner, children and grandchildren. Amen.

After my prayer, I am grounded and centered to confidently go about my daily business. Even if I have nothing major going on, I will still get dressed as if I have something important to do that day. This further ‘lifts my energy,’ because as I look in the mirror and I feel prepared anything. I know I am going to be successful, happy and in a good place for the day.

One I am turned-out for the day, and before I start working, I sit at my desk and study at least one chapter in a spiritual book, as I need this knowledge every day in my work with my clients all over the world. Some of my favorite inspirational sources to date are Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz; You2 by Price Pritchett; The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard; You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay; and The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. But I have many others in my personal library.

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