The Deeper Meaning Of Color Stereotypes
Have you ever heard the expression someone “talks a blue streak?” It refers to a person who talks rapidly and non-stop. But why use the adjective blue? I suspect it may originate from the metaphysical tradition of the color blue being associated with speaking one’s truth (throat chakra) and creative expression. People who gravitate towards this color are often creatives or performers, such as designers, fine artists, singers, dancers, and so on.
Communicating succinctly is the most powerful way we can make a connection with others beyond our subliminal energy connections with everyone around us. An over-abundance of words, however, translates into a lack of trust on the speaker’s part that she is not accepted by others, be it family members, coworkers, friends, or stranger she encounters along her life path. Speaking clearly and concisely is an art.
The color red also holds a fascination for me, as I perceive it to be a color that is so amazingly misunderstood. Red is generally interpreted as the color of anger, such as “I was so mad, I was seeing red.” Red is also used to denote danger in road signs and red cars are said to be associated with speed and aggressive driving.
But the color red also has many positive symbolic meanings in different cultures, including about passion, excitement, love, vigor, health, life and even spiritual zeal.
Another brilliant color that is often misrepresented is black. Once again, it is generally seen as a color related to depression, sadness, gloom, negativity and evil. In my view black stands out as a harmonious hue. If we see it in a positive light, black can be considered as a sharply defined, elegant color. It is symbolic of power, mystery, and sophistication. No one can deny the glamour of showing up to a dinner party in a smart little black dress or a tailored black tuxedo.
And They Call It Puppy Love
Many supernatural events occur at my home. When you actively work with the Divine on a daily basis, you can’t help but be plugged into energy that is wondrous at times. Also, my intentions are always set for positive, high vibrational energy to come in, so I don’t worry about the other kind.
When my daughter visits, the wattage is amped up to even higher levels, as she is quite a spiritually gifted creature herself! Recently, before she came home she experienced a vivid dream involving our new puppy – an adorable black, white, and brown King Charles Cavalier. He was due to arrive in a few days.
In the dream, the new puppy was happy to meet her, affectionately licking her face. She then named him ‘Admiral Halsey,’ after the delightful song Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey by Paul and Linda McCartney. What a perfect name for a pet, I thought.
But I had not mentioned any of this to my husband, as he was away at the time, visiting his mom. We lost our beloved family dog, Oliver, nearly a year ago from cancer, and my husband made it clear he didn’t want to go through anymore dog tragedies. He was adamant about not getting another dog, and there was no changing his mind on the matter.
The grief I felt for Oliver was immense; the tears I cried could have easily flooded the Nile! I will never stop missing him and I longed for a dog in our home. The desire kept on growing, until the burning need became so great, it compelled me to cast a horary astrology question to find out if I would ever be getting another dog, or not. Horary astrology is an ancient divination technique in which one casts a horoscope to answer a current question or address a burning issue in the here and now.
I was not expecting a positive outcome for the horary chart, and so you can only imagine my great surprise and utter euphoria when it very definitively showed that not only would I be getting another dog, but he was going to be arriving very soon!
It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn
Concepts of the Divine, with an ever-changing definition, have been part of the human experience since the beginning of time. Most of the world’s people throughout history continue to recognize a place for divinity in life.
Our spiritual journey, throughout the ages, has been steeped in mystery and often, superstition and dogma. Organized religions have historically attempted to answer deep questions, and have sometimes provided comfort and solace to people during times of upheaval.
However, the most important questions have been left unanswered. For example, we know precious little about ancient, prehistoric cultures that worshiped the Sacred Feminine. Earliest recorded myths and legends have been lost or destroyed, and most stories that remain portray not only a divine battle of the sexes, but a difficult, contentious relationship between the divine and human beings.
The Greek gods, for example, were capricious and mean-spirited. They plotted all sorts of obstacles that humans either did, or did not overcome in order to survive. Guile and trickery also set the stage for many myths from various indigenous cultures, in early human-god myth making.
With the rise of monotheistic religions, mankind was taught to blindly accept whatever lot the almighty doled out, fairly or unfairly. Emphasis was placed on omnipotent power, absolute authority and greatness, beyond any human capacity to comprehend, much less participate in.
These attitudes toward humans’ relationship with God have been echoed in authoritarian family and community practices, and even the military forces of nations. God became the ‘Almighty Father in the Sky’ issuing strict orders. There was no room for questioning in an authoritarian family or society. “Because I said so,” was reason enough to blindly obey. Punishment for infractions or disobedience was swift and sure.
Believing In Miracles
The most amazing miracle I have ever witnessed was the birth of my daughter and my three granddaughters. Life itself is a miracle, and a mystery. But while some of us feel even the smallest thing is a miracle, others take everything for granted and do not give much thought at all to the unexplained.
Some people refuse to believe anything is a miracle. They only trust in the natural laws of physics. For them only seeing is believing, and nothing else is possible. Natural law has no tolerance for mysteries, much less miracles.
It is natural for people to be suspicious of what they do not understand. But people used to think the world is flat, because that is what they saw when they looked at the horizon.
So, my granddaughters finally talked me into getting a smart phone. Believe me, for a person my age, this gadget is indeed a miracle, and a mystery!
When I was a teenager, my boyfriend lived a few towns away. The only communication device we had in those days was a rotary dial wall phone. I had to sit on the kitchen floor to talk to him for only ten minutes at a time, because our household shared the line with two othertechamilies!
I remember I used to think: if only I could see him while we talk. Imagine that! In 1970 that certainly would have been a miracle. Well, what seemed an impossible fantasy back then is now the modern miracle of video chat and messenger apps.
The fact that my young granddaughters are so proficient with all the new digital technology is also a miracle to me. For them, this is just the way it is – it’s nothing miraculous in their minds. Continue reading
Strange Happenings In Other Dimensions
I can vividly recall various unusual experiences during my childhood, including leaving my body several times and then being pulled back with a dramatic jolt. The return to my body would be so jarring that it would always wake me up.
There appears to be a variety of explanations for this odd occurrence, with the main one being that it is a purely psychological sleep phenomenon related to unusual stress and trauma. But while I do not necessarily dispute this possibility, I am not readily convinced this may be the explanation in my case.
The reason I question this theory is this experience has been happening to me again lately, with a steady regularity, but with some subtle differences.
My favorite version is when I am conscious of it happening, to the extent that I am even seeing myself re-entering my body. I am also no longer ‘slamming back’ as I used to before, but rather gently easing back into my physical form…like a baseball sliding into home base. I even recall smiling because it seemed so deliciously absurd.
The next aspect that has caused me to really think again about this recurring experience, is that I can clearly see myself in two separate dimensions all at the same time. At first it took me a minute to realize what was happening, as I did not look exactly the same as my earthly self. I stared at my ‘other self’ for a few minutes, recognizing our similarities and feeling like I have met my other self before.
Well, let me tell you, I was flabbergasted and very pleased, once I realized this was indeed me, a doppelganger, one of my other selves, operating completely independently in an alternate universe. The most joyous part is that I do not have to explain myself to the myself!