Monthly Archives: May 2018
The Fundamentals Of Psychic Development
I just finished teaching an intensive psychic development course called Discovering Your Intuitive and Mediumistic Abilities. All the material that was discussed, and the questions from my students, are still fresh in my mind. So, I felt it is a good time to write about it today.
Firstly, it has been my experience that there isn’t just one kind of person interested in psychic subject matter. My students over the years have included professionals, trades people, retired seniors, students, and stay-at-home moms. I have had a heart surgeon, a nurse, restaurant servers, hairstylists and even a workman who does dry walling, as students in my classes.
It is my belief that everyone is psychic and can learn to read energy and communicate with spirit in some way. Some of my students will go on to become professional psychics, mediums, intuitives, or energy workers. Others take the class merely for their own spiritual growth or personal development. About 90% of my students are empaths, or care-givers who work with the public in some way.
How To Avoid The Sunday Blues
I am sure you can easily picture the following scene. Your weekend has been somewhat action-packed. You have had your night out with friends, been for a meal with the family, and perhaps had a couple of hours at the gym on Saturday morning. The weekend was awesome, until Sunday evening arrives. Then your mind turns to what the week ahead could have in store for you…and your mood suddenly change for the worse.
If you suffer from what is known as the ‘Sunday blues,’ then it is essential you look at what you can do, from a practical point of view, to make the first day of the week far better than you may currently be experiencing it.
It is imperative you begin by looking at the actual reasons you dread your Sunday evening, and having done so, focus on what you can do about it. Get ready to take some action! Continue reading
Angels Are Everywhere
A few weeks ago I was out running some errands. At a red light I saw a homeless man with his sign. It looked professionally made and I thought to myself that someone must have made that sign for him? The words Homeless, God Bless, Donate If You Can were printed in perfect block letters.
I then intuited who made the signs for him. I saw that his daughter-in-law was making it for him. That led me to wonder why doesn’t he just live with his son and daughter-in-law? I have seen him on that corner before and always assumed he lived at a homeless mission, or under a bridge somewhere. But this time I remote viewed and saw him living by himself in what was a fairly nice apartment. I wondered then why he was saying he was homeless, if he had a nice apartment? Continue reading
Your Self-Imposed Prison Of Thought
You reap what you sow. As a man thinketh, so he is. You are what you eat. Create a vision board, hold that thought and see your goal come to fruition. What we think is what we manifest.
These are probably some of the most common and regularly used phrases to redesign and renovate the thoughts and movements of our lives. They work for some people, when placed in the scope of their reality. But why work only for some and not for others?
The answer I received from spirit was odd, to say the least: “One thousand times in his head he is in a big, famous prison.” This is what was related to me in my sleep state and Spirit must have felt it was of some importance, because they chose to wake me from a sound sleep in order to hear the message clearly… and resoundingly.
My first thought was: what on earth is this? What could it possibly mean? Then, as I delved into it further, I could discovered the true meaning.
The only famous prison I am personally aware of is Alcatraz. Just saying that name sends shudders to many people who have actually visited the place.
Next I thought of a human being found guilty of a crime and then have the most severe punishment handed out, of being sent to that dreadful place. I can only imagine what that must be like: locked up for an indeterminate amount of time, no freedom, and only periodically getting out for a breather. Imagine the rest of the inmates, the fearing for your safety and the struggle to survive. Continue reading
Use Color Therapy To Heal Your Chakras
Using color therapy to heal or unblock the chakras is a very effective way to restore balance to your entire being.
The chakras can influence your physical health, the functioning of your reproductive system, energy levels, and emotional balance. It can also affect speaking your truth, clear thinking, spiritual well-being and intuitive awareness. It is therefore important to keep your chakras in good balance and operating at their full potential.
Because each chakra rules a different area of the mind, heart and body, it is easy to spot when one of them is out of balance. For example, if you constantly have health or immune system issues, you may have an imbalance in your root chakra. Or, if you find yourself having trouble speaking up or saying how you really feel, your throat chakra might need some color therapy.
The seven chakra energy centers each resonate with one of the seven colors found in a rainbow or prism. Each chakra is located in a specific area of the body, and influence our energy flow as follows:
Root Chakra
Located at the bottom of your spine it resonates with the color red. Its physical health aspects include the lower body (legs, feet), the groin, male and female genital areas, and the root or base of the spine.
Creation Chakra
Located in your pelvic region it resonates with the color orange. It affects creative aspects and the physical health of the pelvic area, the reproductive glands, hips and lower back. Continue reading