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spiritual awareness

Just What Is Your Higher Self?

Click the photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe ‘Higher Self’ is a term associated with multiple belief systems, but the basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and an intelligent being, who is one’s real self. We are after all spiritual beings having a human experience.

Helena Blavatsky, the famous spirit medium and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, formally defined the higher self as ‘Atma – the inseparable ray of the Universe and one self.’

It is important to discern the higher self from ego. The higher self is concerned with your spiritual development and the choices you make that align with your true spiritual self. I personally like to think of my higher self as my soul’s GPS – always giving me the right direction in life on the earth plane. Continue reading

A Deeper Sense Of Spiritual Connection

Click the pic for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirituality is unique to every individual. Some people experience an overwhelming feeling of the Divine within, while some do not get any feeling whatsoever. Many clients ask me how they can get closer to God, or connect with spirit, or even get that feeling of serene tranquility while meditating.

To experience a deeper sense of spiritual connection try one or more of the following strategies in your spiritual practice:

First of all, never get discouraged! Do not stop meditating just because to don’t feel a certain way. Don’t have a preconceived idea of what meditating should be like. Just being committed to the process and staying the moment is enough. Be present. Continue reading

The Fear Of Here

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA channeled message from the angels:

“One of the things that can block you dear one is the ‘fear of here’ – your inability to be in the present moment. Instead of being in the here and now, part of your consciousness runs off.  This is because you have thoughts that are stuck in past events. When this occurs part of your consciousness runs off to be somewhere else. That part of your mind relives the negative experience repeatedly.

It is like a hamster on a wheel, cycling through the same details but never really going anywhere. Often these repetitions are not even the whole truth of what happened in your life.  Instead, they first come through your perception and then become manipulated and twisted through your fear and your sense of victimhood. Continue reading

2017 Is A New Beginning

Click Here for a Free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo many things happened in 2016 on a global scale that influenced the global conversation. This makes a lot of sense when you consider the Numerological implications of the year 2016.

Last year was governed by the number 9.


There are other year formats in many countries, but for the Western world, the numerological influence of 9 was certainly present. The number nine is ultimately a good number. It is associated with the beginning phases of manifestation, where thoughts become form, as seen in the tradition of the Tarot. It is the consciousness we need to become creators on a personal level, as well as on a global scale.

In 2016 the global conversation and consciousness has changed slightly because of this 9 influence. There were changes politically and socially that have caused many people to take a second look at their own lives and their contributions to our society. Continue reading

Unleash The Power Of Your Inner Wise Woman

Click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhy not let 2017 be the year in which you finally unleash the priestess that lies within, and so become a more confident and happy individual.

According to folk-lore, there is a trio of female archetypes, those being the Mother, the Maiden and the Crone – the latter often being referred to as a Witch or Wise Woman. Indeed, it is in the last and final stage, i.e. post menopause, that us ladies reach our spiritual peak.

In fact, the Crone side of ourselves is, incidentally, our priestess, healer and internal warrior, should we fully embrace it. The need for direction and guidance from others is no longer required. In short, we start to live life on our terms – without the need to apologize for doing so. Continue reading

Lessons In Love – Part 3

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen asked what the best message is that I have ever received from my spirit guides, I had to stop and think, because I am always receiving amazing spiritual messages that make me see things from a completely different perspective.

However, I do feel the most powerful guidance I ever received was on the subject of the fruit of the spirit. Spirit guides want their loved ones to know that in order to live happy, healthy lives we must definitely live with these fruit of the spirit.

The “Fruit of the Holy Spirit” is a biblical concept for the nine attributes of a Christian life, as described by Paul the Apostle in his letter to the Galatians. The fruit of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Continue reading

Repetitive Numbers – What Do They Mean?

Get a free reading at PsychicAccess.comRepetitive numbers, appearing frequently in your daily life, are often signs from your angels and spirit guides. When they appear to you, it is time to pay attention.

These number sequences can come in many ways, for example on the face of a clock, a television station number, a license plate, a flight or seat number, and so forth. So, pay attention.

Don’t look for the numbers, they will appear to you when needed. When your angels feel it is important for you to receive a particular message, you shall receive it. Take heed of the message and your thoughts, words, or actions at the time the number sequence appears.

The most common number combinations I am asked about in psychic readings include: Continue reading

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