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Moonstone Connects You With Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Do you often wake up in the morning with the feeling that something significant happened in your dreams, but have no recollection of what you actually dreamed? Or maybe you’re one of those people who believe you don’t dream at all?

If this is true for you, you may want to consider the mystical properties of a humble yet powerful ally: the moonstone.

Yes, try putting a moonstone under your pillow before you go to sleep! Many of my clients have thanked me for this suggestion. These magical stones enhance your dreams and help you remember them.

Why would you want to dream more vividly and remember more of your dreams? Because paying attention to our dreams is one of the most healing and empowering spiritual practices available to us. In my opinion, anyone who is serious about their spirituality should keep a dream journal.

When we are in the dream state, a lot of spiritual inspiration, energy healing, divine guidance and soul growth takes place. Each night when we enter the dream state to immerse our soul in the astral realm, it is like a “little death” or temporary departure from the material world. It is a mini prequel to what our soul will experience one day when we we depart from this physical life and return to our spirit form.

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The Wisdom Of Being Open To Psychic Guidance

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of being open to the truth and the willingness to receive guidance in a psychic reading. I have also seen the opposite, and its sometimes devastating consequences.

Every reading offers the potential for profound insight and growth, but sometimes people struggle to face the truth in the answers and guidance they receive.

One particular reading stands out in my memory as a poignant example.

Several years ago, a client came to me for a reading about a very challenging romantic relationship. With a troubled look and a sense of urgency, she asked her question:

“Will my relationship with my partner get better?”

As I tapped into the energies surrounding her situation, the answers that emerged were quite disturbing and definitely not what she had expected. The runes spoke of lies, deception, and deep-seated issues that did not bode well for her or the relationship. However, when I shared this message with her, she was not at all pleased. Instead she reacted with resentment and stubborn resistance.

“That’s not what I asked,” she insisted, her voice tinged with anxious frustration.

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Why Some Souls Depart This Life Early

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In over 15 years of doing spiritual readings, I’ve had to deal with some very difficult questions from clients who have suffered extreme loss or trauma.

One of the most heartbreaking, however, is making sense of the death of an infant, child, or young adult, sometimes after a cruel and very unpredictable death.

Grieving the death of a young person can bring up some of the most profound and challenging emotions. While it is never easy to address this kind of loss with grieving parents and relatives, Spirit has been consistent in its guidance over the years.

Although I have been spared the loss of someone so young in my own life, I am no stranger to it. I have supported many families in this regard over the years, both professionally and in my personal life.

The first time I realized how fragile life really is, was when I was only 12 years old. I was looking forward to the summer vacation from school. One of my classmates who lived down the street and her family had relatives visiting for the summer. Two of the visiting cousins were more or less our age, so I had a nice group of girl playmates for the season!

There was also the younger brother of the visiting cousins, who was only six years old. He was an adorable child with blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a freckled face full of mischief. He followed his two sisters, my girlfriend, and me wherever we went during those carefree days. I did not mind having him around and even encouraged the others to let him play hide-and-seek and many other childhood games with us.

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Magical Moments Of Synchronicity

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Sometimes it seems as if the stars are simply aligned for us when incredible “coincidences” or “lucky breaks” occur in our lives. In these moments, we experience profound serendipity, or a magical confluence of events that are clearly not random and are much more meaningful or significant than mere chance. This phenomenon is known as synchronicity.

Synchronicities are meaningful or significant coincidences that occur in our lives with no apparent causal relationship or logical explanation. Such events transcend the ordinary laws of cause and effect and point to a deeper, underlying framework or interconnectedness within the Universe.

Synchronicity is a mystical phenomenon that encourages us to pay attention to the events and symbols that occur in our lives and to consider them as potentially significant signs, messages or revelations. Synchronistic events usually have a deep personal, spiritual, or symbolic meaning for the person experiencing them and they are usually a sign or message from Spirit or the Universe, guiding us toward a particular path, decision, realization or outcome.

By recognizing and interpreting synchronicities, we find deeper insight, clarity and inspiration. Synchronic events can provide guidance, confirm our intuition, or signal our alignment with our life path or purpose. Synchronicity is often an affirmation from the Universe that you are either on the right path or that you need to redirect your focus or direction according to a greater cosmic plan or personal growth journey.

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The Magical Gift Of A Spiritual Relationship

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!One of the greatest privileges and gifts we can experience in this life are the spiritual relationships we have with certain people who come into our lives at just the right time and place.

A spiritual relationship is a deep and profound connection between two people that transcends the physical and emotional and touches the very essence of our being.

It’s characterized by a shared spiritual journey, values and beliefs that foster a sense of unity and purpose. In such relationships, both parties experience a deep sense of understanding, empathy, and support for each other’s spiritual growth and well-being.

Spiritual relationships can take many forms, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and family ties.

These connections are not necessarily defined by the conventional markers of relationships, but rather are built on mutual respect, love, and a shared pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment.

These relationships are deeply meaningful and often challenge individuals to evolve and expand their understanding of themselves, others, and the universe. You and the other person are on the same spiritual plane and see things in the same way. Secret doors and new pathways open for you. Remarkable things happen that often seem truly magical.

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Weaving The Tapestry Of Your Life’s Purpose

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!One of the most profound quests we undertake in this life is the fulfillment of our life’s purpose. It’s a mission that intertwines with the spiritual dimensions of our existence and leads us into the depths of self-discovery, self-actualization, and spiritual growth.

Fulfilling our purpose is not just about a career or business path or setting achievement goals. While these are important aspects of our lives, providing us with means to earn a living and contribute to society, they do not wholly define our purpose and the full scope of our potential fulfillment.

Purpose is about uncovering the essence of our being and aligning it with our greater spiritual existence.

The journey to a more spiritual understanding of our purpose begins with introspection and reflection. These moments of contemplation serve as portals to deeper soul insights, where we question our motives, desires, talents, and the very fabric of our existence.

Personally, I found myself grappling with these questions during a transitional period in my life. I had reached certain career milestones and achieved material success, yet I felt an unshakeable sense of emptiness gnawing at the edges of my being.

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The Difference Between Spirit Guides And Angels

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!From the beginning of my psychic career, the information in my readings has always come from both spirit guides and angels. I find that the energy of these two types of spirit beings are very similar in the way they present themselves, but there are different nuances in the messages they convey.

In the early days, I never gave much thought to the “technical” differences between spirit guides and angelic guides until a client asked me about it. I then decided to investigate by asking my guides and angels directly in my daily meditations. I believe it’s always best to go straight to the source, don’t you?

The information I received from Spirit turned out to be very enlightening and even a little surprising, making it easier for me to explain it to people ever since. Over the years of doing many spirit guided readings, I gradually gained a deeper understanding of how these benevolent spirit beings guide us in our life journey.

Spirit guides and angels are spiritual beings who offer guidance, support and protection to humanity, but they have slightly different roles and characteristics. The two main distinctions that has been shown to me are that spirit guides have lived human lives before, while angels have not, and that spirit guides support us in our daily human lives and earthly affairs, while angelic guides provide us with higher wisdom, spiritual guidance, and divine protection.

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