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Do You Know Your Life Purpose?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe have all experienced times in our lives when we are unsure about our life path. Do you know what your life purpose is? To be blessed, to recognize your purpose, and to live it actively and consciously is one of life’s truly highest gifts.

My personal definition of my life’s purpose is the exploration of the spiritual and unseen realms in order to perpetuate my own immortal infinite journey.

My goal is to use that knowledge to enlighten others in order to reduce universal chaos and assist in restoration of balance. In short, to be a Source of Light and Illumination for everything in the Universe, to have the honor and pleasure to pass this knowledge on to others that want to receive it.

Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to give to others.  And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals ~ Deepak Chopra

Being clear about your life purpose is especially important at this time in human history. What was ancient is also modern. We are now being challenged to develop a new world view that does not simply favor altered states of consciousness over ‘Newtonianism’, but sees both perceptions as aspects of one and the same world.

Non-dualism is matter and psyche, externalized and internalized – able to navigate the seen, unseen and move easily between the two.  Everything is energy, thus all is alive, sentient and we can move in the mystery. We are standing on the border of a mechanical view and something new – the Marriage of the Physical and the Spiritual.

About The Author: Mountain Sage

For thirty-six years, Mountain Sage has been providing her much sought after insight, coaching and spiritual counseling to clients locally, as well as internationally. Many other psychics, spiritual counselors and healers, professionals, celebrities, and individuals of all backgrounds, have relied on her gifts to find their way through muddled times. Mountain Sage is the student of an exalted Gurugi in Bombay, and Shaman of the Fireheart Sweat Lodge in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her extensive training includes Oracle, Healing, Universal Laws & Principles, the Sacred Circle and Psychic Shielding. She specializes in Ascended Masters, Altars, and Minerals. She holds the great honor of Oracle Carrier by her tribe due to her outstanding psychic ability, passion for the psychic realm, integrity and sacred work. She blends mystical understanding with practical application, and her art is connecting with the Divine. Get a psychic reading with Mountain Sage at

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