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Reading The Human Aura

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comThe human aura is a fine ethereal emanation which surrounds each and every living human being. This aura extends outward from the body in an egg-shape and is plainly visible to many clairvoyants.

The aura is brighter and wider around the head and shoulders and I believe that the classical artists must have seen the emanations when they painted halos around the head of great spiritual prophets and ascended masters.

Seen by the clairvoyant, the aura seems to extend some two to three feet from the body and it is most dense closest to the body, fading and becoming indistinct as it spreads out. Within this aura are all the colors of the spectrum. These colors denote certain spiritual and physical conditions.

However, the aura is constantly changing colors as the emotions of the human soul react upon the auric vibrations.

RED is a physical color and denotes physical desire, anger and passion.

BLUE is a religious color and denotes high spiritual aspirations and thoughts.

VIOLET and PURPLE shades are also of a high vibration and are present in the auras of healers and those with a well developed spiritual consciousness.

YELLOW is the inspirational color and when present in an aura denotes mental activity.

WHITE is the Pure Spirit, the emanation from the I Am and denotes great spirituality.

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Clairvoyance Is Spirit Speaking In Symbols

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI divide psychic ability into three categories of experiences, namely clairvoyance or ‘soul-seeing’, clairaudience or ‘soul-hearing’ and clairsentience or ‘soul-sensing’. All three come under the heading of mental mediumship.

There are few psychics that possess all three these abilities and they are indeed fortunate when they are equally able to see, hear and sense the spirit people.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see the faces and forms of the spirit people, and to see names, dates and other information ‘written out’ in the ether, and also to see mental visions and symbols which may be woven into a spirit message. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines it as the ability to see things beyond the normal range of sight, such as distant or hidden objects or events in the past or future.

As one develops clairvoyantly, you usually find that your guides use symbols to mean certain things, sort of like a ‘spiritual shorthand.’ As a rule, these pictures or symbols are just meant for the medium and not to be given out.

The psychic having learned the meaning from the guide is ready to symbolize the picture and give its meaning in her message.  For instance, a psychic medium sees a beautiful field of green grass with the sun shining through it. To her it usually symbolizes ‘success’. Instead of giving a long, drawn out description of the scene, she would then simply say, “I see success in regard to your present problem.”

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I Am Proud To Call Myself Psychic

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been naturally psychic all my life, and have been working as a professional psychic for over 20 years. After all these years I am still curious about people’s responses when they ask me what I do for a living.

People’s responses to me being a psychic can sometimes be so predictable that you don’t even need to be psychic to know what they are going to say. No, I am going to tell you what your name, star sign or favorite color is, just because you thought it funny to ask. My typical response to these kinds of questions is inevitably, “Why, did you forget what it was?”

Now, I could tell them I am a Licensed Reverend or a Certified Life Coach. I could also tell them that I am a Certified Massage Therapist for over 8 years. I could even say that I am a Certified Reiki Master, or better yet, that I was a casino dealer for twelve years, before I ‘jumped off the cliff’ into the rest of my life. But my favorite thing to say is simply that, “I am a psychic.”

People have different ideas about what this really means. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term ‘psychic’ as being of, or relating to, the psyche. It is also described as lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge. The word is further also defined as someone who is sensitive to non-physical or supernatural forces and influences; or as a person who is marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception, or understanding.

As all psychics are well aware, we can be looked upon askance in the best of times, and with horror during the worst of times. It’s rarely an easy gig! But, oh, so rewarding.

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The Spiritual Power Of Sweet Solitude

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a meditation circle the other day, there were many of us who got the same message from spirit: that solitude is of vital importance for soul growth and for tapping into our spiritual well-being and psychic potential.

It reminded me of my childhood. I was expanding my psychic awareness and started tapping into my psychic abilities at a very young age. I remember vividly spending time in a tree house, meditating and feeling so free and relaxed.

As I grew older, I began recording my psychic perceptions and spiritual insights in a journal, which at the time I simply thought of as ‘my diary.’ Reading back in later years, I discovered that I had unknowingly recorded many predictions that came to pass.

I would spend a lot of time in solitude and quiet contemplation. I would focus on a certain things or persons that were important to me at the time, and I would then receive intuitive flashes about what needed to be done, as well as what would come to pass, or not.

Discovering the power of solitude and quiet contemplation at such a young age made all the difference in my psychic development and personal spiritual growth. I can hardly imagine where I would be without it today, had I not cottoned on to this in my youth.

If you can spend just a few minutes in sweet solitude every day, or even a few times a day, you will boost your mental and physical health and reduce your stress levels. You will find you will hear your body better for what it needs for healing and well-being.

Spiritual practice in solitude will also empower you to become more creatively inspired and you’ll receive more insightful messages and guidance from spirit. If you want to connect with your intuition and psychic abilities, it is vital that you spend more time in alone in meditation.

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The Psychic Power Of Psychometry

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comRecently, a young woman phoned me wanting to know how she could best psychically connect with her mom who had recently passed away. We had received some lovely evidence of her mom’s presence during our readings together, but she was hoping to be able to deepen the connection on her own in her daily life.

I already knew that this young woman had psychic abilities that are ‘untapped.’ I advised her to start practicing psychometry as part of her spiritual practice. Holding an item of her late mom in her hands, while she was meditating, will promote psychic communication with her beloved mother.

During this conversation, I had a strong vision of her mom repeatedly pointing to her wrist, and what looked like an armband. I asked her if she had a bracelet that her mom used to wear, in order that she could more easily sense her mom’s energy. She then confirmed that she had kept her mom’s hospital bracelet with her in her handbag.

Perfect for psychometry, I thought. That would literally be the most recent item her mom had been wearing on her person and would most strongly carry her energy imprint.

Psychometry is a wonderful psychic skill to develop. It is a powerful form of psychic reading facilitated by clairtangency, the psychic sense of touch.

A personal experience with psychometry that I will never forget occurred during a psychic development course some years ago at the Arthur Findlay College for spiritualism and psychic science. We were a group of ten students, and I was partnered with a gentleman I had not spoken to before.

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Nurturing Your Psychic Child

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever noticed how young children, especially before they enter school, are full of wonder, curiosity, and awe? And did you know some children are born psychic? Sadly, only a few children continue to use and refine their psychic gifts as they get older, as their sense of wonder diminishes. As a parent, guardian, or mentor of children, it’s our responsibility to engage with our young psychics to nurture and protect their gifts.

It may be our first urge to dismiss their imaginary friends, conversations with departed loved ones, or remembrances of past lives as ‘fantasies’ or the result of an ‘overactive imagination.’ Instead of this, gently encourage your child and ask questions. What they are experiencing is very real and may not entirely make sense to them.

For example, show them family pictures of ancestors. They may be able to show you whose spirit is guiding them. If they are curious about a particular time in history (a past lifetime), a family trip to the library for some good books or documentaries about that time can be a great learning experience. Imaginary friends, which most children seem to have at a young age, may actually be angels or other spiritual guides.

Some children also have deep intuition or psychic sight, which may unnerve the adults in their lives. Perhaps your child has specific dreams or instinctively knows things which they should not. It is important that instead of reacting with fear or anger, you respond with empathy and encourage and to talk about whatever is on their mind.

Instead of simple ‘yes or no,’ or closed questions, ask your child how they are feeling and what you can do to help them. These dreams, visions, or prophecies can be cryptic and not easily understood. The fledgling psychic may feel overwhelmed or scared by what they see. If a child feels they can confide in you, and trust you, they will be more willing to use their gifts.

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Old And Worn, Or Shiny And New?

Click Here NOW For A FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy dad was an avid coin collector. This is probably why I have the habit of collecting spare change to look at the dates or any flaws on each coin. I guess it’s in my DNA.

One of my favorite memories of my dad is sitting at his antique roll-top desk looking at his coins with a magnifying glass. Some coins were old, dirty, beat-up, others new and shiny. It is easy to be attracted to the new and shiny coins.

I remember my father telling me some of the ones that look so old and ugly are sometimes worth much more than they may appear to be. When we go on looks and youth alone, the old, tarnished silver dollars in our lives might look like they are not worth much, but sometimes they are priceless.

My dad always said, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” After he had passed, my mother took some of his silver dollars in for appraisal and much to her surprise some of the silver dollars were worth thousands.

When I am doing readings, my dad, who is now in spirit, will sometimes come through to show me a certain old coin. It is my personal psychic symbol meaning the person I am reading for has something, or someone, in their life that may seem ‘old and worn-out,’ but worth much more than face value.

It is human nature to choose things that are bright, new, young and shiny. Sometimes we make bad life choices regarding people, places and things on appearance alone. I once bought a sports car for the way it looked. It was red and looked feisty, but it was not a great choice for the snow and ice we have here during the winter. Totally impractical. What was I thinking!

I have been reminiscing about my dad a lot lately. I asked him once if he could only live in one of his former houses, which one would he choose? Without hesitation his answer was the old family house in Maine. He was the third generation to own that house. “Why the old house,” I asked. His reply, “There is nothing in the Florida house I cannot replace. The old house has memories that are irreplaceable and priceless, right down to the wood and square nails that hold it together.”

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