Discovering The Power Of Intuitive Guidance
I always smile when I think back to the time I discovered the true power of intuition and the inner guidance of Spirit.
I recall that Thursday afternoon as if it were yesterday. There I was, sitting on the couch in the living room. I was totally fed up and impatiently debating whether I should go and get the evening newspaper, so that I could scour the vacancies page for any job offerings.
It was September 1978 and I was only 18 years old. Unemployment was high in the United Kingdom at the time. Sadly, I was one of those jobless young people, desperate to find work.
“Relax,” said my mind, “it’s too early to go for the evening paper now. You can get a newspaper anytime until 6pm.” ”
“You must go now,” said my heart and gut, “there may just be a job offer in the paper, and it may be exactly the kind of a job you are looking for!”
I continued with this inner battle for a while, until my heart and gut finally won, and off I went. As I stepped out onto the street, I noticed that the bus was approaching at great speed. Then saw, right in front of me a baker’s van parked outside the nearby grocers and then, to my horror, a little baby boy in a buggy outside the shop. The baby’s buggy was slowly being carried by a strong wind, taking it directly towards that oncoming bus!
My heart pounded, my mouth went dry, everyone around me gasped, and time literally felt like it was standing still. All I could think of was to run. And run I did, like an Olympic athlete. Then I pushed the buggy back onto the pavement and out of the way of the oncoming bus.
Was all this a coincidence? I think not, as I was being urged by my intuition to be in a particular place, at a specific time, to stop something potentially horrible happening. Some people whom I have told this story to have just put it down to luck. All I can say is that I am glad I listened to my heart and gut, and not my head. I do not want to imagine what might have happened, had I gone a minute later for that evening paper.
Listen to your inner voice for it is a deep and powerful source of wisdom, beauty and truth, ever flowing through you. Learn to trust it, trust your intuition, and in good time, answers to all you seek to know will come, and the path will open before you ~ Caroline Joy Adam
Thankfully, later in 1978, I did eventually find a job and remained in it for two generally happy years. In the winter of 1980, however, I moved on to a new and better paying job. Even so, I remained in contact with my friends at the previous workplace.
A week before Christmas, I wanted to send my former colleagues a Christmas card. Realizing I did not have enough postage stamps, I decided to head for the nearest post office. Once again, as I was walking down the street, my intuition kicked in. This time it was telling me: ‘don’t go there, go back, go back.’ But, as we often tend to do, I did not listen to my inner guidance. Thankfully, I ‘coincidentally’ bumped into my brother, who finally persuaded me to go shopping with him, and that I could get my stamps later, on the way back.
While doing some Christmas shopping with my brother at a store nearby the post office, we heard a very loud popping noise that sounded like a car backfiring. At first we did not make much of it, until we started hearing police or ambulance sirens. We later found out that the very post office I was heading towards had been held up at gunpoint by an armed robber who, to this day, was never found.
Thankfully, no one was harmed in the robbery, but nevertheless, I am still grateful I listened to my brother, after I had carelessly ignored my gut, and gone with him. Interestingly, even my brother, hardcore sceptic that he is, had to admit that he had a ‘bad feeling’ about me going to the post office that day. For him, that was some admission!
Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust your self to integrate intuition and experience ~ Brian L. Weiss
While these two stories may seem like very mundane examples of psychic ability and inner spiritual guidance, it is essential to note that Spirit often communicates with us in very subtle, even ordinary ways. And our intuition always guides in the right direction.
For example, Spirit has directed me to some of the best work and business opportunities to match my particular talents and gifts. Spirit has also taught who to trust and who would not act in my best interest. It has often directed me towards people who would enhance my life as much as I would enhance theirs.
Spirit has also guided me on which house to purchase (where I would be the happiest), the best holidays to go on, the right pet to buy, and, yes, even the right partner, whom I have thankfully been married to for almost 33 years.
Trust me, Spirit and intuitive guidance can do all of this, and more for you too.
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