Building Your Energy Channels
Our bodies contain endless potential for energy: physical, mental, electrical, psychic. Much like the sun itself, we are constantly providing energy. Yet, many of us feel drained and exhausted? If we learn to tap into our natural channels, this doesn’t have to be so.
Like the power of our brains, we may only be using a small fraction of our personal energies. The best way to get started is a program of meditation or prayer to discover where our strongest energies lie. These are to be found in our psychic centers, or chakras. As you begin your journey, you’ll notice stronger feelings in one or more of your seven spiritual centers: crown, eyes, throat, heart, chest, spleen, and root. It may be a slightly prickly sensation, like static electricity, or a growing warmth, or a feeling, or a pleasant coolness. Continue reading
You Are What You Speak
Even the quietest among us speak many words every day. Each one of those words has meaning. How often do you stop to consider that meaning?
If your friends, neighbors, or co-workers were asked to describe you briefly, what would they say? That you were “nice,” “kind,” “generous?” Maybe “rude,” “messy,” or “thoughtless?” What comes to mind when we hear those words? Each one of them is a snapshot of who we are as people. But we don’t get there without lots of words of our own.
Most of what we say, as well as think, the “little voices” in our mind, is done without much thinking. It’s easy to get into a rut and stay there. That’s how habits are formed. It’s also how we succeed or fail. If we start telling ourselves that we are worthless, unlovable, or stupid, we’ll start believing it. Others will too! Continue reading
Three Famous Prayers Of Power
Prayer is the method we can use to petition our Source or Creator for our own highest good. It is a way for us to communicate what we truly want within our situation, and align ourselves with the highest potential in any given situation.
There are many ways to pray, and one great way to begin a practice of prayer is to use prayers that have already been written down.
The following are three “power prayers” that I use in my own life. I know that anyone who adopts these three prayers as a method for communicating their innate desires to the Divine will find what they seek. It is my prayer that each person reading this article will find the strategies that work best for his or her own journey on this planet. Continue reading
My Favorite Heart Healing Crystals
The heart chakra is the energy center that balances out the rest of our energy body, namely the upper three chakras and the lower three chakras. When we have an imbalance in our heart center one of two things occur: we find ourselves overly emotional and we find it difficult to clearly think things through. The opposite thing that can happen is we become overly logical, and lack a sense of emotional connection and empathy related to our situations.
When an individual is overly emotional and not thinking things through, most of their energy is concentrated in the lower three chakras. This energy is intensified and can often become stuck, because the energy is not able to flow through the heart center. Continue reading
The Seven Signs Of Spiritual Awakening
We live in a world that loves the idea of results. “I lost twenty pounds,” we might say, or “I was chosen as employee of the month at work.”
On the spiritual side of things, though, there is no such thing. The universe does not operate on human terms. Which is why, when it is time for us to experience spiritual awakening (also called Epiphany), it cannot be measured or quantified.
Also, when we do finally awaken, it is only the first step in a much longer journey. Think of it as that little ball of snow that starts rolling down a hill, only to become much larger as it goes.
This process does not have to be a painful or difficult one. In fact, when we do begin to awaken, we will start to see the falsehoods, illusions, and painful truths of our lives within the “real” or physical state, as opposed to those in the spiritual realm. It is like having our eyes opened much wider to a greater truth. Continue reading
My Favorite Prosperity Crystals
Is your life prosperous? And no, it does not refer solely to how much money your have. Prosperity is certainly related to money, however I do not believe that money alone represents prosperity.
I have been doing intuitive readings for many years, and some of my regular clients are some of the wealthiest people in the country. Yet, many of them suffer broken relationships, heartache, and face other life struggles. Even though their money is in order, they are lacking in many other areas of their lives. So, it is my conviction that the true definition for prosperity is not just money, but rather a feeling of fulfillment in all areas of life. Continue reading
Chasing Rainbows In A House Of Mirrors
The state of Divine Disconnect, when you are feeling out of touch, imperfect, inadequate or wanting in your life, is not a reflection of who you really are, neither is it some shameful personal defect that requires salvation. It is in fact a reflection of who you are not, because you have become what you are not.
This sense of being disconnected or separated from your Divine Self is not real, it is a distorted phantasm. It is your physical form trying to make sense of the distorted, grotesque image you have of your own Divinity. You are seeing yourself reflected in a house of mirrors lined with rows and rows of limiting fears, self-destructive beliefs and false idols. In this state you become cut off from your true Soul Purpose and Life Calling. You are no longer aligned with your Divine Self and you lose your direction and purpose. The anxiety, fear and pain that you then feel is your inner guidance system attempting to nudge you back into the right direction. Continue reading