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How To Deal With Negativity And Toxic Drama

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany people today feel overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, fearful. This is especially evident online in the social media landscape. Unfortunately, too often this leads to attacks on others, including innocent people and companies.

It can be challenging to know how best to deal with all this toxic negativity. I believe it’s best to approach this issue spiritually, from a metaphysical or energetic standpoint.

Energy, whether positive or negative, grows when we feed it. Consider a plant: in order to thrive, it needs water, sunlight, and nutrients from the earth. If neglected, it will wither. The same principle applies to our interactions with the world around us: by paying attention to something, we feed it with our energy.

This is crucial to remember when dealing with any kind of negativity, both online and in person. To thrive energetically, we must be selective about who and what we pay attention to.

Huna, an ancient Hawaiian spiritual tradition, teaches that energy flows where attention goes. Every time we choose where to direct our energy, we’re making an active choice about what we want to grow in our lives. When we respond to negativity – whether with anger, defensiveness, or frustration – we end up reinforcing the very things we want to avoid.  To maintain peace and harmony, huna advises focusing on positive intentions and constructive energy.

By giving toxic energy thieves our attention, we allow their negaivity to take root in our hearts and minds. Feeding negativity or drama only strengthens it, which ultimately affects our own well-being. When we consciously choose to withdraw our energy from negative influences and redirect it to uplifting and positive areas, we create an environment where peace and growth can flourish.

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Move Forward With Faith, Not Fear!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!“Should I be wary or worried about anything in my future?” is a question I often get when I do psychic readings.

This question reflects a pervasive sense of anxiety that seems to be spreading in recent years, driven not only by personal concerns in a fast-paced world, but also by our constant exposure to negativity in the media and on social platforms. We are inundated these days with information that promotes a fearful outlook on life.

Another source of anxiety I have found with some of my first-time clients over the years is the disturbing “readings” they have had with unethical charlatans. These clients then call me and my colleagues at carrying the weight of dire warnings or ominous predictions they have received elsewhere.

Some of these people really struggle to find hope or peace. They often need reassurance that their lives are not destined for suffering or disaster, and many of them also don’t realize that they have the personal power to choose their path with their intentions, beliefs and actions.

I recall a particularly extreme case of a young woman and her mother who contacted me for a reading shortly after suffering a tragic loss. Their loved one, the young woman’s father, had ended his own life just two weeks earlier. Their healing journey was complicated by a disturbing message they had received from a “spirit medium” who claimed to have communicated with the deceased.

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Forgiveness Is Choosing To Take Back Your Power

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Ah, forgiveness! Such a misunderstood concept. For many people, forgiveness, as noble as it may sound, is very difficult, even impossible.

Sometimes certain wrongs are so grave to us that the offender doesn’t deserve forgiveness in our eyes. There is also a misconception that forgiving someone is tantamount to excusing or justifying their terrible actions. But forgiveness is not about absolving someone of responsibility. Instead, it is a powerful, personal act of release and healing.

When we forgive someone, whether they’ve hurt us emotionally, betrayed our trust, or even caused us physical harm, we’re not letting them off the hook.

We are not condoning their actions or giving them permission to repeat those offenses. Rather, we are choosing to free ourselves from the weight of resentment, pain, and bitterness that binds us to them and their past actions.

Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. It allows us to move forward without the burden of past grievances and with an open heart, free of resentment.

By forgiving, we determine for ourselves that the transgressor’s actions and the memory of their misdeeds will no longer hold us hostage or march with us into the future.

While we may not be responsible for what happened to us in the past, we are responsible for how we choose to carry the memory of it into the future. This is the power of forgiveness: it gives us the strength to embrace our present reality with clarity, compassion, and freedom. It also transforms our future, for it is ultimately a karmic choice that will shape our destiny in ways we will only understand much later in this life and beyond.

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How to Recognize The Presence Of Angels

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Angels are always around us, offering protection, guidance and support. Some of us can sense their presence and, in rare cases, even see them.

Although I’ve never seen an angel myself, I have had several profound experiences of their presence.

One day, while doing my usual phone reading, I felt the unmistakable presence of an angel. I knew intuitively that she was there on behalf of the person I was reading for.

The experience filled me with awe and emotion. I was moved to tears because it felt like such a sacred gift, both to the person receiving the message and to me. I shared the experience with my client and passed on the message the angel had brought.

Moments like these touch my heart deeply. The intensity of the emotions and the powerful energy I feel in my work as a psychic can be overwhelming. To be honest, it’s not uncommon for me to cry during a reading.

Being so attuned to the spiritual realm brings with it strong feelings of love and connection, and sometimes it’s hard to contain these emotions. People don’t always fully understand how emotional this work can be, but for those of us who do it, it’s just part of the job.

After the reading I noticed a change. Angels began to appear more often, their presence was stronger, and their messages were clearer. While I had always known they were helping me, to feel their presence so directly was a profound gift. I wanted my clients to understand how special these moments were, that these divine beings were sending them something truly extraordinary.

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The Spiritual Wisdom Of Letting Go

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I sometimes do readings for clients who feel they have to control absolutely everything in their lives. They are rarely calm, rarely happy, always frazzled. There’s a constant tension around them, a palpable anxiety, as if they’re always one step away from a meltdown, or even a complete breakdown.

Many of us have experienced this feeling or seen it in others – the compulsion to control every outcome, every detail, believing that by sheer force of will we can make life bend to our wishes.

But here’s the thing: life has a way of moving on its own, whether we like it or not. And often, the more we try to grasp and hold on, the more things slip out of our control.

A song that often comes to mind when I think about this is the song Let It Be by the Beatles. Let it be, let it be. There will be an answer, let it be. This timeless classic is a simple yet powerful reminder of the peace that can come from stopping to resist and simply allowing things to unfold as they are meant to.

Letting go is not about giving up; it’s about trusting that life has a rhythm, a universal flow, and when we align ourselves with it, life becomes infinitely more peaceful and enjoyable.

In my work as a psychic consultant, I’ve found that those who feel the need to control every aspect of their lives often carry a heavy burden of stress. They struggle to find joy because they are too preoccupied with micromanaging every little detail. Life becomes a series of hurdles and challenges, and instead of going with the flow, they are constantly swimming against the current. It’s exhausting and soul-destroying.

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Some Will Only Know Joy In The Afterlife

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Shortly after my father’s death in 2005, I began sitting in a monthly mediumship circle with three friends. At our third gathering, my father began the first of many communications from the other side.

This experience was made even more special by the fact that one of the sitters was my father’s hospice nurse.

How fortunate I was during those last six months of my father’s life to not only have the wonderful support of this earth angel, but also to feel so connected to her through our interest in things of a psychic and spiritualist nature.

What a bonus then to have her as an additional link to him in our psychic circle.

At one point, however, my father stopped communicating during our sessions for a period of about three months. When his presence finally returned, I asked him where he had been, and he replied, “Learning about joy!”

This was very surprising to me because my father never really knew or showed much joy when he was in this world. Or maybe he never allowed himself to experience joy. The only times he seemed really happy or joyful was when he had what he called “several sherbets under his belt,” meaning he’d be pretty intoxicated!

I felt both sad and happy. Sad because he had never known joy as I knew it – just rolling around on the floor playing with my pets, sharing a joke with a friend, or being elated when a client came back to say that their life had taken a turn for the better. But I was happy that he was finally allowing himself to learn about and experience some joy.

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Are You On The Karmic Path Of Grace?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Every step we take in life shapes not only how we feel, but also where we end up in life and how others respond to us.

Sayings such as “you reap what you sow,” “what goes around comes around,” and “your vibe attracts your tribe” represent the complex interplay between our choices and actions and the reality we experience each day.

This is known as the universal law of cause and effect, also known as the spiritual principle of karma. Every choice we make has consequences, whether seen or unseen. Every action we take – whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual – has a corresponding result or consequence.

Nothing in life happens by accident. Our values, beliefs, mindset and attitude all help to shape our life path and destiny. Our choices, behaviors, and even our thoughts have a ripple effect. Our free will choices ultimately determine our life journey and the legacy we will someday leave behind.

In essence, the energy or intent behind our actions affects the results we experience in life. Positive actions attract positive results, while negative actions can lead to challenges or difficulties. Over time, the cumulative effect of these causes and their consequences determines the course of our lives, affecting relationships, opportunities, and personal growth.

For this reason, it is essential that we be mindful of everything we say and do. We must cultivate self-awareness and take personal responsibility because every step we take affects our future and our destiny.

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