higher consciousness
Set Your Intentions For The Highest Good
A message I just received from a friend and colleague, prompted me to write this blog. In a previous message to her, I had mentioned how my partner and I hadn’t quite nailed our niche place to settle, even after a major cross continent move over two years ago. She replied that over the past two years she has come to the conclusion that, despite her deep spiritual beliefs, the world has gone crazy. She is battling to find a reason why she is here, after all of her struggles and heartache.
So many spiritual teachings, including those found in A Course In Miracles, speak of how everything is just an illusion. How do we know what is real? How often have we have stopped to consider this? Being exposed to so much of what is going on around us, not just locally, but globally through social and other media, makes us question all the more. It makes it challenging to still feel like we are able to make a difference in the life of another human being or animal in this day and age. Continue reading
The Lightbringers And Earth Angels
Some people are highly attuned to their emotions, feel out of place in the modern world, and feel called to make a difference during their lifetime. Appropriately, some of these special souls are called Earth Angels or, alternately, Lightbringers.
We are surrounded these days by greed, selfishness, discrimination, and the many other symptoms of a world out of balance. It is said that it is the purpose of the Lightbringers to restore the harmonies that originally existed.
How do we recognize them? They are all sensitive and empathic types. They literally feel much more than the average person, and take everything to heart. It may be necessary for them to have more quiet or alone time for this reason. Continue reading
We Need A Critical Mass Of Love And Kindness!
In the 1950’s, Japanese researchers were studying a group of monkeys located on several Japanese islands. The scientists would regularly drop food onto the beaches for the monkeys.
One day, a female monkey picked up a sweet potato and washed the sand and dirt off in a nearby stream. Soon after, the mother of the juvenile monkey was also washing her sweet potatoes in the stream. In this unusual case it was a youngster had taught an adult and not the other way around, as is more commonly observed.
Over the course of the next five years, one by one, several of the other monkeys of the group also picked up the habit of washing off their sweet potatoes. The exact number is unclear, but something amazing is said to have happened – as if overnight, all of the monkeys were washing their potatoes in streams, and in the sea. Even monkeys on the other islands, crossing natural barriers. Continue reading
The Five Spiritual Truths That Transcend Religion
Spirituality and religion are often clumped together into the same category. They are certainly similar in nature. For example, a spiritual person can be religious and their religion can intensify their spirituality, but that is not to say religion is the source of spiritual growth.
Religion, however is birthed out of spiritual experiences. Religious practices are often promoted by a specific teacher who has had a profound spiritual experience, or a prophet who communicates information about the spiritual realm, and how it influences the physical world. Continue reading
Visiting The Other Side
Each and every night, as we go into a sleep state, and every single time we are in a meditative state, lucid or otherwise, we are actually on the Other Side. The power of the mind does not exist only on this earthly plane. We are in realty multidimensional and once we get a grasp on how all this works it can be exciting. We can also learn how to maneuver this phenomenon to greatly enhance any aspect of our existence.
Did you ever take the wrong set of stairs, or got off on the wrong floor? Becoming aware of the Other Side is like going into a gigantic building for the first time. How daunting is that! Although you might know which office you are heading for, you may not know exactly which direction to take. There may be a list of office number on the board, showing exactly who or what is on each floor. But you may not be fully aware of what each service was, or if you do know what each person was qualified to do, you may still not understand the meaning behind each set of professional qualifications. Continue reading